Love Bed!!

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Wish You A Happy New Year..Friends..🥳🥳🎉🎉🎂🎂❤️❤️❤️❤️💞💞💞

Back to Story..

At Chandra Lekha Group of Companies

Inside Amar's Cabin

Amar getting angry on Remembering about Villagers Request to come to Gadwal..

"Villagers : You have to come to Our Gadwal!!"

Amar feeling Restless on Remembering his Past Incidents in Gadwal..

On that time, Amar got message from Devi..

"Sir!! You forgot to have Your BP Tablet, It is in Your Draw..Please Have it!!"

Amar smiles on seeing this and Remembered that he shouted on Devi in angry at Home..

Amar (Inner Voice) : Unnecessarily I shouted on Devi!! Cha!!

Inside Devi's Cabin

Devi thinking about Amar angry at Home..

Devi (Inner Voice) : Why Amar Sir became angry like that?

Devi remembered How much Amar became angry when Villagers requested to come to Gadwal..

Devi (Inner Voice) : May be Some Strong Reason must be there!! I only unnecessarily came in between..That's why Amar Sir got angry on me!!

Amar came to Devi Cabin on that time..

Amar : Devi!!

Devi stood up on seeing Amar..

Devi : Sir!!?

Amar makes Devi sit and asked her..

Amar : Why You sent Message to me? You can come and give me Tablet right?

Devi became silent for this..

Amar : Are You angry on me?

Devi : No!! Sir!! I only make You angry right? So...

Amar : I'm Sorry!! Devi!! I didn't have to shout like that!!

Devi : No!! Sir!! I'm only have to say Sorry to You!! When You said No to them means must be some strong reason is there for You!! I didn't have to refer like that!!

Amar felt gulity for this..

Devi : It is my mistake only!! I'm Sorry!! Sir!!

Amar cupped Devi face and said to her

Amar : Devi!! Why are You this much Good?

Devi : Not me!! My Husband is Too Good!!

Devi pulled Amar Cheeks on saying this..

Amar : Ok!! Ok!! Fine!! First Let's Go and Have Breakfast!!

Devi : Sir!! Your Tablet?

Amar : My Wife ordered me, Right? So, Your Husband had it!!

Devi : That's Like My Good Husband!!

Amar and Devi smiles for this..

Amar holds Devi hand and asked her..

Amar : You want to ask me Why I became angry right?

Devi : Yes, Sir!! But..If You want to, You will right?

Amar : Everyone said If we share our pain, It will reduce..But In my case, It will increase my Pain!!

Devi felt sad on heard this..

Amar : I don't want You also to bear that Pain!! Let that Pain stays within me only!! I Hope You understand!!

Devi put her hand on Amar hand and said to him..

Devi : It's ok!! Sir!! I can understand!! If You don't want to Tell me, Just Leave it!!

Amar : Thank You So Much!! Devi!!

Devi smiles for this..

Amar : Now Will My Beautiful Wife come with her Husband for Breakfast?

Devi : With Pleasure!!

Amar : So?

Amar showed her arm to Devi..

Devi holds Amar arm and they both went out..

At Temple

Panthulugaru asked Mayukha

Panthulugaru : Amma!! Everyday You are doing Puja on Chandra Lekha Name!! Who is She?

Mayukha became Emotional for this..

Mayukha : My Best Friend!!

Panthulugaru : On Your Friend Name You are doing Puja..Looking like You loves her so much!!

Mayukha : Yes, Panthulugaru..She isn't Just Friend to me!! She is my Goddess!! She look after me like a Mother!! I miss her a lot!!

Panthulugaru : What Happened? Where is She?

Mayukha cried for this..

Mayukha : She is No more..She is dead 20 Years Before!!

Panthulugaru became shock for this..

Other Side, Some Group of Men saw Mayukha..

Panthulugaru said to Mayukha

Panthulugaru : Ayo!! How She dead?

Mayukha : Murder!!

Panthulugaru became shock on heard this..

Panthulugaru : Murder?

Mayukha : In name of Love, She got killed!!

Panthulugaru felt sad on heard this..

Mayukha : To give Justice to her death, Everyday I'm doing Puja on her Name!!

Panthulugaru : Don't be sad, Amma!! That God know everything, Definitely that God will punish those Culprits!!

Mayukha : I will take Leave!!

Panthulugaru : Ok!! Amma!!

Mayukha left from there..

After Mayukha left, Those Group of men who is observing her came to Panthulugaru..

Men : Panthulugaru!!

Panthulugaru : Tell me, Babu!!

Men : Just now You talk with one women right? Do You know her?

Panthulugaru : Not much, Babu!! But from so many Years, She is doing Puja on her Friend Name!!

Men : On Whose Name?

Panthulugaru : Chandra Lekha!!

Those Men became shock on heard this..

Panthulugaru : Poor She is!! Everyday she is praying to God to give Justice for her Friend's Death!! Anyways Why are You asking all these details?

Men : Nothing!! She is looking our relative to confirm that we asked You!! But She is someother one!! Sorry for troubling You!!

Panthulugaru : It's ok, Babu!!

They all went out from Temple..

Outside Temple

One of them Men asked some of her Men

Men - 1 : Silently, Follow her and find her address..I will call to Sir!!

Men - 2 : Ok!!

At Bhushan Villa

Inside Guest Room

Subbu worried on thinking about Old man who came along with Villagers..

Padhu said to Subbu

Padhu : Subbu!! Don't worry!! We will ask our Devi..Why they came here?

On that time, Someone knocked their Door..

Padhu : May be Our Devi came!!

Padhu opened Door, It is Urmila who knocked Door..

Padhu : Urmila Madam!?

Urmila : Pinni Garu..Why You still didn't have Breakfast? Come down and Have it!!

Padhu : Some Guests came there?

Urmila : They all left!!

Padhu and Subbu felt relief for this..

Urmila : You come down and have Breakfast!!

Padhu : Madam? Devi?

Urmila : Devi Akka went to office along with Bro-in-law!!

Padhu thinking about this.

Padhu : Without meeting us? Anything important..?

Urmila : Yeah..Akka wanted to meet You before they leave to Office..Some Important work must be there!! They will come later!!

On that time, Shahini intentionally came and asked Urmila

Shahini : Urmila..Why are You hiding truth? They are Devi Parents know about this..

Urmila became worried and glared at Shahini..

Urmila : Mom!! Shut Up!! Go from here!!

Shahini : Arey..Baby!! What is need to hide this? It's ok..I will tell them..

Urmila : Mom!! You don't need to tell anything!! Come, Let's Go!!

Subbu and Padhu became confuse for this..

Shahini : Baby!! I know You all support Amarendra Bhushan Garu leaving about Devi.. I will go after telling this to them!! Don't stop me!!

Urmila became worried for this..

Shahini said to Padhu, Subbu

Shahini : Your Dearest Son-in-law The Great Amarendra Bhushan shouted on Your Daughter Devi infront of those Guests!!

Padhu, Subbu became shock on heard this..

Shahini : Poor Devi..There is no mistake of her..Still Your Son-in-law shouted in her and took away forcibly!!

Urmila shouted on Shahini

Urmila : Mom!! Enough!! Just Get Out of here!! Go!!

Shahini : Fine!! I will go!!

Shahini left from there with smile..

Urmila said to Padhu, Subbu

Urmila : Bhabai Garu..I'm Sorry, My Mom unnecessarily making this as Big Issue..It is not like You think!!

Padhu : Not Happened, Madam?

Urmila : Actually..Those Guests invited Bro-in-law to do some Puja in their Village's Temple, Bro-in-law suddenly became angry..In that angry, He shouted on Akka!!

Subbu thinking about this..

Urmila : Bro-in-law didn't shout on Akka intentionally!! In angry, It happened like that!! Don't take it wrong!!

Subbu : Ayo..Madam!! You don't need to give explanation..We know about Amar Sir!! You don't worry!! We won't take Your Mother word serious!!

Urmila felt relief for this..

Urmila : Thank You!! Bhabai Garu!! Come and Have Breakfast!!

Subbu : Madam!! Just a Minute!!

Urmila : Tell me, Bhabai Garu?

Subbu : Who are those Guests? Can We know about them?

Urmila : Sure, Uncle!.They came from Bro-in-law Hometown, Gadwal!

Subbu and Padhu became shock on heard Gadwal..

Padhu : What? Gadwal?

Urmila : Yes..Pinni Garu!! What Happened? Do You know that Village?

When Padhu became worried..Subbu tried to cover that..

Subbu : Nothing!! Amma!! We just heard about that Village like everyone!!

Urmila : Ok!! You both Come down for Breakfast!! Mom-in-law also waiting for You!!

Urmila left from there..

Subbu and Padhu became worried on heard that Amar Hometown is Gadwal..

At Vijay's House

Vijay got call..

Vijay : Hello!!

It is call from the Men who is following Mayukha

Men : SI Sir!! It is me!!

Vijay : Rey..How many times I told You not to call me SI on call? It will become problem!!

Men : Sorry!! Sir!! I called You to give information which You want!

Vijay became shock on heard this..

Vijay : What do you mean? You People found her!!

Men : Yes, Sir!!

Vijay : Are You Sure? Did You confirm that Woman is She only!!?

Men : Yes!! Sir!! Like You said, That Woman feeling so sad aboyt Chandra Lekha!! Confirm She is that Woman!!

Vijay became Happy on heard this and came to Jitendra

Vijay : Jitendra Sir!! Good News for You?

Jitendra : What is that?

Vijay : We found her!!

Jitendra became shock on heard this..

Jitendra : What!!?

Vijay : Yes!! Your Hidden Helper!! We found her!!

Jitendra became Happy on heard this..

Jitendra : Mayukha!?

Vijay : Yes!! Sir!! She only!! As You said he was sad for Chandra Lekha and wanted to give Justice for her death!!

Jitendra became Happy for this..

Jitendra : Vijay!! Bring Mayukha here!! With her help, We can show that Amarendra Bhushan true face!!

Vijay : Ok!! Sir!!

Jitendra became Happy on saying..

Jitendra : Amarendra Bhushan!! Your Countdown starts!!

At Restaurant

Amar, Devi came to Restaurant to have Breakfast..

Devi asked Amar

Devi : Sir!! We can have Breakfast at our office Canteen right? Why You bring me here?

Amar : So many times, we eat at our Canteen, For a Change, I bring You out!!

Manager said to Amar, Devi

Manager : Good Morning, Sir!! Good Morning, Madam!!

Amar : Good Morning!!

Manager : Your Table is here!! Please Come this Side!!

Amar : Yeah!!

Amar, Devi came to their Table..

Manager asked Amar

Manager : Anything Else, Sir?

Amar : Please Excuse us!!

Manager : Ok!! Sir!!

Manager left from there..

Amar pulled Chair to Devi..

Amar : Sit!!

Devi : Thank You!!

Devi asked Amar

Devi : Sir!! You book Table also!!

Amar : Yes!!

Devi : When?

Amar : Before I came to Your Cabin!!

Devi : You are Well Prepared!! Good!!

Amar smiles for this...

Devi : This Restaurant looks so Nice, Sir!!

Amar : Yes!! Devi!! I used to come with Delegates!! And I always book this Table only.

Devi : Why only this Table?

Amar : This Table looks so neat!! You know right? I always prefer Neatness!! And Maintain Neatness!!You know!!

Devi : What? You? Neatness?

Amar : Yeah!!

Devi laughed for this..Amar became confuse for this..

Amar : What Happened? I look neat only right?

Devi : Ofcourse Sir!! Before Our Marriage, On seeing Your Neat look, I too think that You maintain Neatness!! But After Our Marriage, I found In Real, You are Very Messy Person!!

Amar : Devi!! This is so Unfair!! Did You see my Cabin? It always looks clean and neat!!

Devi : Sir!! FM and other Maids in our office maintain Your Cabin like that!!

Amar : Fine..I agree, How can You call me Messy?

Devi : Sir!! Did You ever kept Your Clothes in order!! Everyday You just throw them Inside !! And Everyday I only arrange them in order!!

Amar Remembered this How he throw his clothes in Cupboard..

Amar: In Hurry, I did like that!!

Devi : Fine.. You throw Your wet towel wherever You want!! Sometimes on bed, Sometimes on Floor, Sometimes on Dressing Table!! I only pick them and dry them outside!!

Amar Remembered that and covered that..

Amar : I want to!! Before that You only take it out!!

Devi : Fine..Did You ever see How You leave our bed after You wake up? Your Pillow will be one side, Your Blanket will be another Side!! And That Bedsheet will come down everyday!!

Amar Remembered that and felt embrassed that.

Amar : Devi.. That was!!

Devi : Sir!! Tell me Honestly..Did You ever arrange Bed, Atleast ever fold Your Blanket at least once?

Amar became embrassed for this..

Devi : Now Tell me, Sir..Are You Messy or not?

Amar smiles to cover that..

Devi : Infact, You are Neat Looking Messy Person? Am I right? Sir..

Amar tried to divert that..

Amar : Devi!! May be You are feeling hungry, Can We order something?

Devi smiles on understanding this..

On that time, Amar got call from Jhende..

Amar : Hello!!

Jhende : Amar!! We found her!!

Amar became shock on heard this..

Amar : What?!

Devi asked Amar

Devi : Sir? What Happened?

Amar : Nothing!! I will be back!! You order something!!

Devi : Ok!!

Amar came out and asked Jhende on call.

Amar : Jhende!! Now Tell me clearly!!

Jhende : Amar!! Our Hidden Enemy?

Amar Remembered who she is..

Amar : Mayukha?!

Jhende : Yes..Mayukha only!! Our men saw her!! She is still alive!!

Amar became shock on heard this..

Jhende : Here also She is doing that same Drama!! I won't leave her!!

Amar : Jhende..Listen to me!!

Jhende : When I see her, Immediately I will kill her!!

Amar : No!! Don't do that!! Listen to me!!

Jhende : Don't try to convince me!! I called You just to inform this!!

Jhende cut the call without listening to her..

Amar : Jhende!! Listen!!

Amar became worried when Jhende cut the call..

On that time, Devi kept her hand on Amar shoulder..

Devi : Sir!!

Amar became shock on thinking that Devi heard their Conversation

Amar : Devi!? Actually!!

Devi : We have to eat our Breakfast, Sir? What are You still doing here?

Amar felt relief on understanding Devi didn't heard anything...

Devi : Eveything Ok, Sir?

Amar : Yeah!! Good!! Come!!

Amar, Devi went inside..

Other Side, At One Street

When Mayukha walking on street..

Some Group of Men stopped her..

Mayukha became shock and scared on seeing that..

Those Men called Jhende

Men : Sir!! She is here!! Come Fast!!

Jhende : Coming!! Don't let her Go!!

Men : Ok!!

Mayukha pushed those men and ran from there to escape from them..

Men : Catch her!!

Those Men tried to catch her..She is running fast to escape from them..

Men : We don't have to leave her!!

Mayukha saw One Truck Lorry and went inside to hide from them..

Those Men searching for Mayukha..But they can't able to find her..

Mayukha saw them from Inside Truck ..

Men : Cha!! She is not here!! Let's search another Side!!

On that time, The Truck which Mayukha hide inside got started..

Mayukha saw they left, She felt relief and about to come out..

But on that time, Vijay's Men came there..

Mayukha stopped on seeing them..

Mayukha (Inner Voice) : Still some more Goons are here!! It is better to stay here till they leave!!!

On that time, That Truck started, Mayukha wanted to come out, But on seeing those men..without any choice, She stays in that Truck without any choice..

At Vijay's House

Vijay became shock that Mayukha is missing..

Vijay : What!!How can You People miss her?

Vijay's Men : We followed her, Suddenly some Group of men chasing her..We tried to catch her..But Suddenly, She is missing!!

Vijay : Idiots!! I said to You to be Careful!! Find her and bring her here!!

Jitendra became angry on heard this..

Vijay became scared for this..

Vijay : I'm Sorry!! Sir!!

Jitendra : I heard Everything!! I Just want Mayukha to come here!! Understand!!

Vijay : Yes!! Sir!!

Vijay thinking How to bring her..

Vijay : But Who are those other men followed her?

Jitendra : I Know Who are they!!

Vijay : Who? Sir!!

Jitendra : Amarendra Bhushan!!

Other Side

Jhende became angry on his Men for missing Mayukha..

Jhende : Stupids!! How can You leave Her?

Jhende's Men : Sorry!! Just in span of second, She escaped from us!! We searched everywhere, She is not here!!

Jhende : Cha!!

Jhende called to Amar

On that time, Amar having Breakfast with Devi..

Devi : Breakfast is Very Tasty here!!

Amar : I told You right?

On that time, Amar got call from Jhende..

Amar : Hello!!

Jhende : We miss her!! Amar!! She got escaped from us!!

Amar felt relief for this..

Amar : Come to Home!!

Jhende : Amar!!?

Amar : Just Come back to Home!!

Jhende : Fine!!

Jhende without any choice going back to Home..

Devi asked Amar

Devi : Sir!! Who You are asking to come to home?

Amar : Jhende!! It been so many times he went out right?..So, I asked him to come back to home!!

Devi : Ok!!

At City Outskirts

Some Men Kidnapped Sarada..

Sarada shouted on them

Sarada : Hey..Who are You, Rascals? Why You kidnapped me? I have to go!!

Men : Hello!! Old Woman!! It is useless to shout on us!! It is our Boss order not let You go to the place where You want to go?

Sarada : Boss? Who is Your Boss?

Men : Amarendra Bhushan!!

Sarada became shock on heard this..

Sarada : What?! Amar said to Kidnap me?

Men : Yes!! Sir don't want You to come to his House!! So, It is better for You to go back wherever You came?

Sarada became shock on heard all these things..

At Bhushan Villa

At Amar, Devi's Bedroom

When Devi about to go inside, Amar stopped her..

Devi : Sir!! What Happened?

Amar : You have One Surprise!!

Devi : Surprise? Really? Where?

Amar : To see that Surprise..You have to do What I say!!

Devi : Ok!!

Amar : Hold my Hand! Just Look into my Eyes!! Don't look anywhere!! Ok!?

Devi : Ok!! Done!!

Devi hold Amar hand and look into his Eyes!!

Inside Amar, Devi's Bedroom

Amar took Devi inside without breaking their Eyelock..

Amar said to Devi

Amar : Now Look there!!

Devi became shock and Suprised on seeing the Sight infront of her..

Devi : OMG!! Sir?! What all this?

Amar : You said Did I ever arrange our Bedroom right? I took that as Challenge and decorated our Bedroom like this!!

Devi : Sir!! I Just said like that to tease You!!

Amar : I know that..But Still I did it..Now Tell me, How is this?

Devi : Sir!! It's So Beautiful!! I Love You!!

Devi became Happy and hugged Amar and Kissed on his Cheeks to his Shock..

Devi : I Love You So Much!! Sir!!

Amar became shock for Devi Kiss..

Amar : Devi? You kissed me!!?

Devi realised What She did in Happiness and covered that..

Devi : No!! Sir!! I didn't!!

Amar : Devi!! Just now kissed me!!

Devi : May be it is Your Illusion?

Amar : Really!?

Amar showed his Cheeks on mirror...

Amar : See..Your Lipstick Marks!! It is also Illusion or You will tell me, I only kissed myself!!

Devi : Sir!! How can I give answers If You ask me like this? I feel shy!!

Amar hugged Devi from behind..

Amar : I'm Your Husband only right? What is need to shy for this?

Devi blushing for this..

Amar : Finally You kissed me!! I'm Very Happy!! If I know this before, I would arrange our bedroom every night!!

Devi : Oh!! This is Your Hidden Intentions!!

Amar : What Hidden Intention? I didn't have anything like this?

Devi : Then What is this Bed?

Amar : Oh!! This is Love Bed!!

Devi : Love Bed!!?

Amar : Yes..I kept that name to this Bed!! How is the Name!!

Devi : I'm not asking about this Bed Name!! I'm asking Your Hidden Intentions?

Amar : Devi!! I already said to You right? I don't have such Intentions!!

Devi : Really? Then..Why You arranged our Bed like this? You can kept it normal right?

Amar : Just to Imprees You, I did like that!! You also got impressed and Kissed me right?

Devi : That's why I got doubt!! Tell me the truth.. Why You decorate our Bedroom like this?

Amar : Devi..Nothing like that!!

Devi : No!! I won't believe!! Tell me the truth!!

Amar : Ok!! Fine!! Today is Our First Night!!

Devi became shock on heard this..

Devi : Sir!! How can You do that? Subhadra Madam already said to wait right?

Amar : We are Husband and Wife!! Not in any Secert Relationship!! Then What's wrong in this?

Devi : Still!! For such important occasions, We have to see correct day, time..We don't do whenever we want!!

Amar : You know that!! Then How can You think it is our First Night?

Devi : Just now You said that to me right?

Amar : Yes!! You just now kissed me right, I felt Your mood got changed..So I said like that to see Your reaction!! But You are not all change!!

Devi : Now You know right? Today You sleep that side, Don't come to my side!!

Amar : What do you mean, Will You put boundary between us?

Devi : Yeah!! Good Idea!! I will do that only!!

Amar : How?

Devi : Wait!!

Devi bring some pillows and put in middle of them..

Devi : Boundary is ready!! Come and sleep on Your Side!!

Amar : This is too much, Devi!!

Devi : This is not my idea, Sir? You asked for Boundary, I did it!! All credit goes to You only!!

Amar : Fine..You only sleep on Your Side Peacefully!! I will go!!

Devi stopped Amar..

Devi : Sir!! Sir!! Don't get angry!! Sorry!! Don't go out!! Sleep here only!!

Amar : Who said I'm going Out?

Devi : Just now You said right?

Amar : I'm going to lock our Room Door!!

Devi : Oh!! To Lock Room?!

Amar : Yes!! I won't leave how much You tease You!! Ok!!

Amar locked room and came back to sleep on his Side..

Devi : Sir!! You really didn't hurt because of these Pillows, right?

Amar : No!! Not at all!! Anyways, I know these Pillows won't be here after sometime!

Devi : That means, You will throw them!!

Amar : No!! You will only throw them!!

Devi laughed for this..

Devi : Why I will do that?

Amar : Devi!! I know You more than You!! You will do that!!

Devi : Let's see!! My Dear Husband!

Amar : You will see!! My Beautiful Wife!!!

Amar and Devi slept on their sides..

Next Day, At Bhushan Villa

Amar said to Devi

Amar : Devi!! You Trust me right?

Devi : Ofcourse Sir!!

Amar blindfold Devi and feeling gulity..

Amar (Inner Voice) : I'm Sorry, Devi..I Don't want to cheat You like this!! But I have to do this!!

Percap : Devi angry on Amar..Twist?

I'm Very Sorry for Late Update..Please Forgive me..

Please Forgive me If I disappoint about Amar, Devi Romance..I'm Very weak to write Romance..

Forgive me If any mistakes are there...I wrote this in Hurry...Please Forgive me..

How was Amar, Devi Love Moments? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Amar angry about his Past Incidents in Gadwal? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Amar gulity for shouting on Devi? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Amar, Devi Conversation? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Devi teasing about Amar Messy behaviour? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Amar reaction for Devi teasing? Please Tell me, Friends..

What are You thinking about Mayukha Part? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Urmila convinced Subbu, Padhu when Shshini said about Amar shouted on Devi? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Amar Love Bed for Devi? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Devi Kiss on Amar Cheeks? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Amar teasing Devi? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Pillows Part? Please Tell me, Friends..

How was Amar confidence that Devi throw Pillows between them? Any Guess..Please Tell me, Friends..

Why Jhende wanted to kill Mayukha? Any Guess..Please Tell me, Friends..

Where will Mayukha go now in that truck? Any Guess..Please Tell me, Friends..

Did Amar really Kidnapped Sarada? Any Guess..Please Tell me, Friends..

Why Subbu, Padhu became shock on heard Gadwal name? Any Guess..Please Tell me, Friends..

Why Amar blindfold Devi? Any Guess..Please Tell me, Friends..

How is this Update? Friends..

Thank You So Much for all Your Votes and Supportive Comments..❤️❤️💕💕

Pics Credit to Google..

Take Care, Stay Safe..

Loves You All...💕💕

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