Chapter Eleven🕷Broken Promises

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I don't own anything except any original character and/or any original plot


Chapter Eleven: Broken Promises


After a rushed explanation from Peter, we hurried out of the building after the Vulture. Peter pointed out his hunched form on top of a billboard, biding his time.

Peter wrapped an arm around my waist and shot out a web to bring us to the top of a building near the billboard. Wrapping my arms around his neck to stay secure, Peter shot out another web at the edge of Vulture's wing. Pulling us off the building, we flew behind our target.

Closing my eyes tightly, my grip became a vice around Peter. He didn't make any indication that he was in pain, however. I was fine with heights, for the most part. I trusted Peter more than I trusted a plane though.

"Don't tell me how high we're going," I told Peter, only looking up at the sky. If I looked down, I would truly notice how high up we were.

"Okay," Peter replied, though his voice was strained. I remembered D.C. He was so nervous on top of the monument. Going above the skyscrapers of New York was new to both of us.

Vulture latched onto the bottom of the Stark plane. His wings came together to form a wind shield around him. Peter shifted onto the plane, nearly dropping me with he switched over. I frantically grabbed onto his shoulder and bicep.

"Don't," I ordered, trying to keep the quiver out of my voice, "I do not stick to things like you do."

Peter hummed in remembrance and slid back a little, his body moving over one of the reflection cameras. Peter forced his hands forward, trudging forward against the harsh winds beating against us. When he reached the Vulture's wings he flipped over so he had the momentum to kick them off. I shifted, so I was lying on Peter's stomach, with my back to his chest. I swung my leg out twice and successfully shifted the wings enough so we could wiggle inside.

Jumping in shock and nearly falling when the wings moved, Vulture dropped from the plane and flew at us. Peter shuffled down the side of the plane, his grip staying strong. Vulture swung back around towards us, narrowly missing us as he scraped the side of the plane.

My grip loosened when Peter swung around, webbing the plane and Vulture. My eyes widened when my fingers slipped past the fabric of Peter's red hoodie. I was falling.

"No!" Peter screamed. He let go of the web holding the Vulture, webbing my wrist to catch me.

"Oh my God," I breathed out, trying to steady my racing heart.

Vulture and Peter got sucked into the turbines. Peter and I sprang into action, freezing and webbing the turbine until it stopped moving when we dropped down on top. The turbine fell out of place. Peter webbed the top of the plane and pulled us up. The Vulture scraped the metal near us, trying to knock us towards the working turbine.

Vulture cut Peter's web, and we fell back, having a near miss with the turbine. Swallowing my fear, I poked my head over the side of the plane as we lost altitude. We were near water. I turned to Peter, who was forcing the wing of the plane to turn so we'd land away from the buildings.

"Peter we need to jump," I yelled, holding out my hand. He let go of his web and took my hand in his.

Together, we jumped off the plane, hurtling towards the water below us. I swung up my free hand. The river shot up and caught us in the air. It was like hitting concrete from a few feet up, but less painful than the original impact would have been.

I moved my hand in front of my body. The water pulsed forward, giving us a ride to the shore. Peter pulled off his makeshift mask, throwing it to the side. I lowered my head, thankful that the adrenaline running through my veins was dulling the pain.

Nerves spiking, I shoved Peter to the side as the Vulture charged at us.

"Hey Pedro, (Y/n)," Vulture growled, attacking again.

Peter shot a web but missed by a fair amount. Vulture pinned Peter with his talons, punching him several times. I swung my hand, knocking off the Vulture's metal fist and bringing his attention to me. His talons latched on to me, swinging me into the air, kicking me to the ground only to pick me up and slam me down again.

Coughing, I tried in vain to get air into my lungs. My vision was clouded by black spots. Rolling to the side, I gulped in as much air as I could manage. At least when I was fighting people with guns they were overly confident in their less than stellar abilities. The Vulture knew how to fight.

I didn't fight when I was picked up and dropped next to a near unconscious Peter. Vulture moved away from us and picked up a box to fly away. I pressed my hand against the sand, pushing my body up.

"Your wingsuit. Your wing suit's gonna explode!" Peter screamed, throwing out a web to pull away the crate. I noted the glowing chitauri cores inside, just like the one from D.C, "The radiation!"

Peter was cut off when the Vulture cut his web, causing him to fall back. I grit my teeth and pushed myself to my feet, nearly falling as soon as I was up.

"Time to go home kids," Vulture announced.

Peter attempted to launch another web but nothing came out. Peter dug into his sweatshirt pockets for a refill, dropping it in the sand, "Shit!"

Fire surrounded us, drying up the air. When I pressed my dispensers nothing came out. The river seemed to be miles away, not to mention it was behind the largest flames. And yet, I still felt something I could control.

Quivering, I held up my bloody hands. They were so tense they nearly locked up. A combination of the pain, situation, and heat burning my eyes forced tears to form and fall. The salt removed soot from my face and landed on my lips. Steeling my nerves, the Vulture stiffened and dropped the box as it exploded. He fell limply to the ground, away from the fire.

Peter rushed towards our villain. I backed up into the smoke, using it as a cover. It irritated my eyes, but it was better than facing my partner. Peter's head snapped up in my direction, but he didn't see me.

Turning away, I ran. I wasn't sure why. Whether it was the fear, exhaustion, or shock. A combination of all three was a contender. Vulture, Liz's dad, was alive. Peter could easily handle him now. I wasn't needed anymore.


I came home to two crying parents, and I cried with them. We sat there, on my bedroom floor, sobbing our unintelligible words until none of us could cry anymore. And when we couldn't cry anymore we just hugged each other.

Soot had traveled from me to my parents' clothes, loose grains of sand still falling off of my uniform. The smell of smoke lingered in the air, continuing to burn my nose. My parents seemed terrified and had half a mind to ban me from ever leaving the apartment again. On top of that, I had broken the most serious oath I made with myself. But, we were together, and alive.

And to me and my family, that was all that mattered.

Two Days Later (3rd P.O.V)

Peter and Ned walked down the hallway of the school side by side. Neither of them had seen (Y/n) since everything had happened, and Peter was concerned that whatever (Y/n) did to the Vulture had hurt her. He had no idea how her mutation worked, after all.

"It looked so insane. That whole- Like, it was just crazy. You were like 'Ahh' and I just hit him with the 'pew'."

"You saved me," Peter agreed, his eyes spotting Liz hugging Betty tightly, "Hey Liz!"

Peter jogged towards Liz, who gave him an unreadable look.

"Liz, I'm so sorry."

"You say that a lot. What are you sorry for this time?" Liz sniffled, chuckling quietly, "The dance? That uh, that was a pretty crappy thing to do."

"Well, yeah, but I-I mean, your dad, I can't imagine what you're going through. If there's anything I can do to help..."

"I guess we're moving to Oregon. Mom says it's nice there, so that's cool. Anyway, Dad doesn't want us here during the trial, so..."

"Liz, I- I-"

"(Y/n) visited me yesterday, brought some movies, chocolate, stuff like that," Liz smiled at the new memory, "She's really, really amazing Peter. I think you'd be great together."

"Oh, no Liz-"

"It's alright," Liz smiled reassuringly, "I won't be here to get in the way anymore. Bye Peter, I hope whatever's going on with you, you figure it out."

Liz walked past Peter, wiping her eyes. Peter watched her go sadly, sighing when she exited the school with her mom.

Later that day he sat in the library with the rest of the Decathlon team, minus Liz and (Y/n).

"Congratulations Decathlon national champions," the team clapped and cheered, "I'm gonna have to put this back in the trophy case soon, but just for motivation right now at this practice. I'm a little ahead of the game, but we will need a new team captain next year. So I'm appointing Michelle."

The team clapped. Michelle gave them a real smile, to Peter's surprise.

"Thanks. My Friends call me MJ."

"I thought you only had one friend," Ned pointed out.

"Yeah, and she calls me MJ," MJ rolled her eyes, though the smile on her face said her annoyance wasn't real.

Peter's phone buzzed, and he picked it up, seeing a text from an unknown number.

Go to the bathroom

"Hey, I gotta go," Peter started.

"Where are you going?" MJ raised a suspicious brow, "What are you hiding Peter?" MJ smirked as Peter stuttered, "I'm just kidding. I don't care. Bye."

Peter let out a sigh of relief and stood up, walking to the nearest boys bathroom. When he walked in Happy was there waiting for him.

"Hey, Happy. What, uh, what are you doing here?" Peter questioned.

"I really owe you one. I don't know what I would do without this job. I mean, before I met Tony-"

Happy was cut off by a toilet flushing. Tiny walked out of a stall, looking at Happy in confusion as he washed his hands and left the bathroom.

"So how long have you been here?"

"Long enough to be awkward. Boss wants to see you."

"Is he here too?"

"In the toilet? No, he's upstate."

"Upstate? Like, upstate-upstate?"

"Yeah, let's go."

One Hour Later

"Take a look. It's pretty impressive, huh?" Happy pointed out the window at the Avengers facility, "They just finished remodeling the whole thing."

The car drove into the facility, parking in the lot. Peter got out of his seat, following Happy inside to meet Tony.

"Oh, there they are," Tony greeted cheerfully, "Give me a minute with the kid."


"Yeah. I gotta talk to the kid."

"I'll be close behind."

"How about a loose follow, yeah? Boundaries are good." Tony put his arm around Peter's shoulders, leading him down the hallway, "Sorry I took your suit. I mean, you had it coming. Actually, it turns out it was the perfect sort of tough-love moment that you needed. To urge you on. Don't you think?"

"I guess," Peter shrugged awkwardly.

"You screwed the pooch hard. Big time. But then you did the right thing. Took the dog to the free clinic, you raised the hybrid puppies... All right, not my best analogy. I was wrong about you. I think, with a little more mentoring, you two could be real assets to the team."

Tony and Peter approached the end of the hallway where a double door sat. Peter finally noticed the outline of a person in front of the doors.

"Wait, Mr. Stark. You two?"

"Right, well, I thought you'd want a friend," Tony pointed at the figure. It was then Peter noticed the bright blue lipstick they were wearing. There was only one person who would do that, "She was a bit harder to convince to come up here. Almost had to kidnap her."

Peter left Tony behind and sped up his pace. Nearly running, he tackled (Y/n) into a bone-crushing hug. The teen groaned in pain, tapping Peter's shoulder in a surrendering motion.

"Didn't heal myself entirely, still dealing with the pain," she chuckled, burying her head in his shoulder when he let up, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?"

"For running, for not answering your texts or calls. For not telling you I could... Well, you saw what I did."

"A touching moment, really," Tony interrupted the pairs moment, "But there's something else you might want to see." Two panels moved from the wall and revealed new suits for (Y/n) and Peter, "Now, there's about fifty reporters behind that door. Real ones, not bloggers."

Peter and (Y/n) walked towards their new suits. Peter had a black spider on his chest still, but its legs spread across his chest and arms and were bordered by gold. (Y/n)'s suit was black with blue detailing. A new design covered the chest and a new mask would cover the lower half of her face instead of her eyes.

"Once we're done in there Happy will show you two to your rooms. You're near Vision. Warning, he doesn't understand doors or walls."

Peter and (Y/n) turned to each other, making different facial expressions and hand motions in a silent conversation. Finally, Peter turned back to Tony.

"Thank you, Mr. Stark, but I'm good. We're good."

"You're good? What do you mean you're good?"

"Well, I mean, I'd rather just stay on the ground for a little while. Friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. (Y/n) and I are a team. Where I go she goes and vice versa," Peter sent (Y/n) a smile, using her phrase to describe himself.

"You gotta think about this. Last chance, yes or no?"

"No." (Y/n) and Peter stated in unison.

"Okay, uh, Happy will take you home."

"Oh, don't worry about it," (Y/n) pulled out her phone, "I have friends upstate, one of which that can teleport."

"Ah, yes. I've been meaning to visit that school of yours. I'm free next Tuesday if you want to show me around-"

"No!" (Y/n) shouted, "Not Tuesdays. Wade visits on Tuesdays."

"Alright. Avoid Wade, noted. You two stay alive then, keep up the good work."

Peter and (Y/n) nodded, walking back down the hallway. (Y/n) sent a text to Kurt, stepping through the front door as Peter opened it for her. The pair shared smiles as they jumped down the steps of the building.

A puff of blue smoke appeared in front of them, Kurt giving (Y/n) a quick hug as a greeting.

"Alright, Peter this will be a bit uncomfortable," Kurt warned as he grabbed (Y/n)'s arm, "I will take you home first."

"You can drop us both off there," (Y/n) assured.

(Y/n) held out her hand for Peter to take. Without hesitation, Peter looped his fingers through hers.

Kurt bamphed the two into the alleyway outside of Peter's apartment building, giving (Y/n) one last hug before he teleported away. Peter and (Y/n) barely took notice of the fact that they were still holding hands. They took the elevator up to Peter's apartment and passed Aunt May on the way to his room. She was busy in the kitchen, barely acknowledging the pair.

The two spotted two brown paper bags on Peter's bed. (Y/n) grabbed and opened the one with her name on it.

"Knew you would go to Peter's before going home. This was Plan B. You're welcome," (Y/n) read off the sticky note inside. Below the note was her uniform, fully repaired from its previous rips and stains. Her parents must have talked to Tony at some point.

"May?" Peter called, pulling out his own uniform. There was no answer.

"Thirty seconds," (Y/n) grinned before running to the bathroom.

She quickly put on the new uniform. It was exactly the same as her last one, seeing as the newer one would have been for Avengers use. The girl sighed happily as she skipped back to Peter's room, pulling off her mask when she entered.

The two turned around and looked into the mirror near Peter's bed. (Y/n)'s eyes widened in fear and shock when she saw Aunt May approach behind them. Peter had the same look on his face when realized who was standing behind them.

"What the fu-"

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