Chapter Seven🕷Maryland (Pt. 2)

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I don't own anything except any original character and/or any original plot


Chapter Seven: Maryland (Pt. 2)


"(Y/n), (Y/n) don't tell me you're dead... Thanks suit lady, good to know she isn't dead."

Groaning, I reached up and rubbed my eyes. My head was throbbing. Squinting my eyes to adjust to the bright light, I looked around us. We were in a warehouse, surrounded by rows of crates.

"Where are we?"

"The Damage Control Deep Storage Vault," Peter muttered, annoyed, "The doors won't open until morning."

"Great," I let out a huff of frustration, "What are we going to do now? Twiddle our thumbs?"

"I can't ask her that! Fine. Yeah, yeah... (Y/n) suit lady says I have a concussion. Would you mind?"

I pressed the buttons on my gloves, moving the water around Peter's head as soon as he removed the mask. Soon, I removed the water, returning it to its rightful place. Peter seemed less pale, but I felt the throbbing in my head intensify.

"You want a hammock?" Peter questioned, shooting a web and making a hammock for himself.

"Sure," I shrugged.

Peter made another hammock for me, pulling his mask back on- most likely to talk to suit lady. I reached into my backpack and took out a book. Finding my place I listened to Peter as he talked to his suit lady in the background.

"Hey, suit lady. I feel kind of bad calling you suit lady, you know? I should give you a name. Like Liz."

"Weird!" I yelled, the sound echoing throughout the facility.

Peter jumped off his hammock, "What about Karen? Alright, Karen it is."

Peter dug around in his bag. He pulled out his hoodie and Decathlon jacket. Shrugging, he pulled them on.

"Maybe we should run the refresher course."

I peeked up from my hammock. Watching in amazement as Peter ran through all the options his suit held. Tony didn't hold anything back for a kid he barely knew at the time. Hell, he barely knew Peter now, and he was still acting like a dad.

"Ricochet web!" Peter ducked down as the web he released bounced back at him, "Web grenade!"

For the next twenty minutes Peter went through all the web options his suit offered. I watched at the odd time or two, laughing when Peter was being a child. When he was finished he immediately seemed bored.

"What else can this suit do?" Peter gasped as wings appeared below his arms, "Woah!"

"You look like a flying squirrel. But like a cool flying squirrel," I commented with a chuckle.

"Do you have a concussion too?" Peter's eye slits narrowed in a suspicious look.

"Who knows," I shrugged, rolling off the hammock, "I mean, I feel fine but who can tell?"

"You can put my mask on," Peter took off his mask and gave it to me.

I pulled it over my head, gasping, "This is weird! How can you focus with so many screens going on?"

"Hello Miss. (Y/n)."

I jumped, "Hi Karen."

"The right side of the frontal bone of your cranium is bruised, and you have a gash on your head. It is not deadly but I recommend you clean it as soon as possible to avoid infection."

"Thanks Karen."

"Peter seems to be fond of you Miss. He was anxious when you weren't waking up earlier."

"He's a good friend," I smiled, looking to Peter.

"Your heart rate is rising."

"Alright, we're done." I took off the mask.

Peter tugged his mask back down and laid down on a crate next to us.

"Should I tell Liz that I'm Spider-Man? Who is Liz? She's the best. She's awesome. She's just a girl who goes to my school."

"Peter if you like her so much then you should trust her," I advised, picking my book back up again, "There's no way Liz would expose you if you told her the truth."

"What if she's expecting someone like Tony Stark? I mean, imagine how disappointed she'd be when she sees me."

"You're amazing Bug-Boy, with or without the mask. Anyone can see that."

"Thanks (Y/n). Hey Karen, how long has it been? Only thirty-seven minutes? We gotta get out of here!"

Peter jumped up, walking to the crate we came in, "No. That's awesome. Hey, this is like the glowy thing we found. Woah! You mean we've been carrying around a bomb?"

I got up, watching in concern as Peter knocked on the large metal doors holding us inside.

"Maybe you can figure out the code," I suggested, "Go through all the probable possibilities."

Peter grabbed his calculator from his backpack. He climbed up to the main panel and began his attempts at the code.

Six Hours Later- 8:49 AM

"Attempt two hundred and forty-nine," I yawned, waving water around my head idly.

I had washed away the dried blood on my head at hour four. I could have healed the cut but the aching in my head was already high from healing Peter. On top of that I had finished my book and tried to text MJ. There was no reception, so I hoped MJ would use my cover story.

Jumping up when the doors opened, I laughed as light flooded in. I slung my backpack over my shoulders, wrapping my arms around Peter as he swung out of the compound, catching a ride on a truck.

"Karen I need the fastest route back to the Decathlon!" Peter ordered, he jumped onto another truck.

We stayed on the truck as it drove to D.C. Peter fumbled with his phone to take it out of his bag.

"Ned, call me back! The glowy thing is a bomb!" Peter gripped his phone tightly, "Ned isn't answering. They must be in the competition. Car on our right."

We jumped to the truck driving beside us. Taking out my phone, I found texts from MJ asking where we were and that Liz believed my story. I then had one from Liz telling me I should rest and feel better.

"Oh Ned, you're alive!" Peter yelled in relief, calling Ned again, "Ned, where's the glowy thing, the glowy thing? No, no, Ned, the glowy thing is dangerous. Ned it's a bo- Hey Liz! I'm sorry. Liz you need to put Ned back on the phone. Don't let his bag go through an x-ray!"

Peter hung up, groaning in frustration. He grabbed my and jumped off the car. I took out my phone again to call MJ.

"MJ," I screamed, realizing how insane I must have sounded, "Where are you guys?"

"The Washington Monument Why?"

I ended the call without giving an answer. Telling Peter we sprinted through the city until the monument was in our sights.  We threw off our backpacks and Peter webbed them to a nearby tree. MJ was sitting on one bench, looking at the top of the monument after an explosion went off.

"Me friends are up there," she yelled.

"Don't worry, we'll help them," I assured, not bothering to hide my voice.

Looking over I grinned at the reflection pool in front of me. Perfect. Steeling my nerves I pulled as much water from the pool as I could and shot up the monument just behind Peter.

"Bug-Boy we need to find a way in!"

A drone popped off the spider symbol on Peter's chest. It hovered for a few moments before it flew to the top of the monument.

"There's a window near the top," Peter reported.

Lifting my hands we continued to rise up the structure. Three-fourths of the way up I dared a look down, regretting it immediately.

"Holy shit," I whimpered, hands balled into fists. If there was ever a time to control my powers it was now, "Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God."

"We gotta break the window," Peter shot a web near the top of the monument, swinging down to kick the glass. While Peter was swinging, I hit the glass with hard bursts of water, both of our efforts succeeding in nothing more than cracking the glass.

The deafening noise of a helicopter above us caught my attention.

"Return to the ground or we will open fire," a man in the helicopter warned.

Peter climbed up higher on the monument. I focused on hitting the glass, trusting Peter knew- mostly- what he was doing. When Peter came swinging back towards the window, I moved to the side. His feet slammed against it and shattered it completely.

"That works too," I jumped through the window.

The water gathered outside move into the monument. Shooting out my hands I helped Peter keep up the elevator. The glass doors Peter was holding himself on broke, sending him down and leaving all the weight on my shoulders.

I screamed out, arms shaking as the force of the drop pulled me forwards.

"Spider-Man," I yelled out, eyes scrunched shut in concentration, "A little help, please!"

A single web appeared from the elevator. It latched onto the support on top, lowering the strain on me and my mutation. Together, Peter and I pulled up the elevator to the level that the others were waiting on. Ned and Mr. Harrington jumped off. Before Liz could get to safety Peter lost his hold again, causing my body to slide forward.

"I got you. You're okay. You're okay," Peter grabbed a hold of Liz's wrist. When I was sure the two of them were safe, I dropped the elevator.

Sitting on the floor next to our Decathlon Team, I sighed in relief. Reaching forward I took Liz's other hand and pulled her to safety. The girl latched onto my neck, sobbing twice before quieting down.

"You're alive, it's alright," I assured her, pulling back so she could face Peter.

Peter lowered himself down in front of the entrance. Liz took a step towards him. Before she could say anything his web lost hold, and he fell.

"Are you really friends with Peter Parker?" Flash yelled down the shaft, "Is he really friends with Peter Parker?"

"Yes," I answered shortly, jumping down the shaft after Peter.

Ten Hours Later- 7:58 PM

Rubbing my tired eyes I stepped off of the bus and into the school parking lot. After Peter and I met the team back at the hotel, Liz still fussed over me and my well-being despite the life-threatening situation she was just in. Peter, on the other hand, got yelled at and a smack over the head.

"(Y/n)," Liz called out, pulling away from the tight hug her mom had her in, "I know you weren't feeling well so if you want to cancel going dress shopping on Saturday-"

"Liz I was more worried about if you could go," I smiled kindly, "I'll be fine going tomorrow. I feel better after taking medication and sleeping on the bus anyway."

Liz gave me a small smile, waving before she left with her mom. I turned, immediately getting pulled into a rib-crushing hug. Assuming it was my parents, I was surprised to find Aunt May smiling down at me.


"Oh, sorry," May smiled sheepishly, "I'm just glad you're safe and all."

I met Peter's eyes over May's shoulder, "I was back at the hotel sick all day. I'm totally fine."

"Well, you should go home and rest more then. Are your parents here? I'd love to meet them."

Looking around for a few seconds I spotted my parents waiting by the car away from the crowd.

"They're over here," I led May and Peter over to my parents, each of whom gave me a hug when I approached.

"Mom, Dad, this is Peter's aunt."

"Nice to meet you," my dad shook may's hand, "I'm Lucas, and this is my wife Clara. I'm sorry we couldn't meet under better circumstances."

The guardians of Peter and me delved into a conversation, allowing the two of us to step away to talk on our own.

"What do we do now?" I questioned, shivering at the cold night air.

"Keep trying to take down those guys I guess," Peter muttered, shrugging unsurely, "Being a hero makes everything more complicated."

"Well, it'd be easier if we weren't in high school, too. But we're a team now, that means whatever we do, we do it together."

"A team like the Avengers?"

I shook my head, "The X-Men."

Peter was silent for a few seconds, "But the Avengers are better."

"You wish Bug-Boy!"

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