Chapter Sixteen🕷Jealousy

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I don't own anything except any original character and/or any original plot


Chapter Sixteen: Jealousy


It had been a month since Harry and I went on our first date. Since then we had grown more comfortable with each other and Harry had become an integral part of the group, though he was still in the dark about our powers and alter-egos.

On top of that, I lost my first kiss to Harry. Although I rejected the importance society put on the concept of a first kiss, it was still a special moment for me. It was after our third date, which comprised of going to the movies. Harry asked before he kissed me which made me appreciate him even more.

"Are you sure your dad is going to be okay with all of us coming over?" Peter asked the question all of us were thinking.

"He loves you Pete," Harry sighed, "And he'll be fine with you guys over. He's always in his study so it won't really matter."

The limo pulled up to the home, and Bernard opened the doors to the car, allowing our group to get out. MJ and Ned gaped at the large home as they entered, sharing hushed whispers about how high-tech everything was. Peter and I were more accustomed to Harry's wealthy lifestyle and walked to the living room casually.

As we sat down on the couch, I glanced at Peter. We had barely said two words to each other in the past month. Whenever I tried to talk to him I got a short answer and an excuse as to why he couldn't talk anymore. It saddened me, considering how close we were and my lingering feelings for him.

"So we have any movie imaginable and any TV show so if you guys want to vote on something we can watch that," Harry held up the separate TV remotes.

All of us shared a look. We already knew what our choice was. It was a tradition we followed every time all of us were together.

"Star Wars!" We exclaimed in unison.

"New or old?" Harry questioned, walking over to the bookshelf full of DVDs.

"Force Awakens," I answered for the group.

Harry pulled up the movie, the familiar music ringing through the speakers as we settled in. Bernard brought in several snacks and different drinks for us as the real dialogue began. MJ and Ned sat next to each other, with MJ's long legs hanging over the end of the couch. Peter sat in the middle, slouched down, his eyes sparkling in excitement. Harry and I sat next to each other as well, Harry's arm slung over my shoulders.

"Well, look at that Harry, you really have made some friends at your new school," our group turned around in shock, seeing a happy Norman Osborn observing us, "Peter, it's great to see you again. Still in AP?"

"Yes sir," Peter answered nervously.

"Good, good. Harry, you could learn a thing or two from him."

Harry frowned at his father's words, "Why are you so happy?"

"I finished the project I've been working on," Norman's eyes gleamed dangerously as he spoke, "I'm ready to go out and test it soon. Anyway, I'll let you all enjoy your movie."

Norman scuttled out of the room. Watching him go, my brows furrowed. Something was off about him. He seemed... Unhinged.

The Next Day- 2:59 PM

I entered my apartment with a sigh, dropping my bag on the floor with my shoes. Travelling to the kitchen I grabbed a snack and walked to my room. As soon as I finished my snack, I applied a layer of blue lipstick.

Opening my closet I pulled out my Riptide uniform. I replaced the clothes I was wearing with the familiar suit, sighing happily at the familiar feeling. I hadn't worn my suit since getting caught by May with Peter several weeks ago. The crime rate was low without the Vulture, and Peter had been handling patrols by himself.

"Greetings Miss (Y/n)."

"What the hell?" I jumped searching for the owner of the voice. It took me a few moments to realize it was coming from my suit, "Hello?"

"I am an AI designed by Tony Stark and placed in your suit to assist you in your hero work."

"Okay... Is there any way for only me to hear you? It sounds like you're coming out of a speaker or something. It'd be easy to get caught like that."

"In your back pouch there are two black dots. They will stick to your skin. Place them behind your ears."

"What are they?" I questioned, reaching back to said pouch.

"Primary auditory cortex bluetooth connectors. Headphone-less headphones put simply." I stuck the two dots behind my ears. The AIs voice rang through my head like I was wearing earbuds, rather than a speaker, "Only you can hear me now."

"Awesome," I crawled out my window, "I'm gonna call you Misty, fits the water theme."

"Good choice (Y/n)."

Peter and I had a small conversation today, which was more than what we had said to each other in the last month combined. Granted we discussed going on patrol together before Peter made yet another excuse and left, but it was a small step in the right direction.

I sent a text to our family group chat before securing my phone in its pocket. I took the fire escape two steps at a time to reach the roof.

Using water I propelled myself around New York, searching for Peter. We had agreed to work together today. Where was he? At any rate, Peter in sight or not, I was glad to be Riptide again. It felt like a lifetime since I had last been in uniform.

"Five chapters, actually."

I stumbled onto the nearest roof in shock, somersaulting so I wouldn't break my ankles. Whipping around I glared at the red and black clad anti-hero.

"You scared the crap out of me Wade."

"Author wants me to tell you that Peter is over by the new Delmar's, also that you could have just asked your AI to track him."

"What are you doing here?"

"I go where Author wants me to," Deadpool looked at a building, though the reader knew he was looking at them, "Do you know that the Author has planned this and the next few chapters for a while? I wanted to warn you, when the Author has chapters like that, shit is realer than Stucky being canon."

Wade waved and fell backwards off the building, cursing loudly when he hit the ground.

"I'll never understand him."

Shaking off the weird encounter I followed Wade's directions. Sure enough, Peter was near the reconstructed Delmar's shop, fighting a petty thief. I dropped down near the two, easily freezing the criminal against the nearest wall.

"Thanks for waiting Bug-Boy," I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms in frustration.

"You took too long," Peter grumbled, shooting out a web and swinging away. Not even offering to carry me.

I scoffed, looking to the incapacitated crook, "He can be a jerk sometimes."

The night went on with a simple, yet frustrating pattern. We would find a small-time criminal, maybe once every hour, we would defeat them, and Peter would take off again before I had the chance to talk to him. We hadn't spoken to each other at all, only our AIs.

It was nearing eight o'clock when I finally had enough. I thrust my hand forward and splashed Peter with a small amount of water to gain his attention. He paused mid-swing, landing on the nearest building. I landed on the roof behind him with a dull thud.

"What is going on with you?" I hissed, having reached my breaking point.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Peter waved his hand dismissively, refilling his web shooters.

"You've been avoiding me ever since Harry and I started dating. And it's driving me crazy because I don't understand- You're jealous, aren't you?" Finally screaming out my frustrations brought about the realization. The timeline fit. Liz leaving, the two of us bonding even more, Harry coming, us started to date, Peter avoiding me.

Peter pulled off his mask, scoffing, "What- what? Me, jealous? Why would I be jealous? I'm not jealous."

I sighed, "Come on Pete, something is going on. You can talk to me." When Peter stayed silent I sighed again, "I can't believe I thought you were jealous. I guess the thought of me kissing Harry isn't what's making you up-"

My body jerked towards Peter without warning. His web stuck to a sliver of skin exposed between my sleeve and glove. I pressed my hands against his shoulders to steady myself.

Peter's lips neared mine until I felt his warm breath fan over my face. I closed my eyes, ready, until Peter pulled away and jumped from our current building to the next, pulling me along with him because of the web on my wrist.

The two of us narrowly missed a missile. When it made contact with the building it exploded, taking out a chunk of the roof and floor below. Peter pulled his mask back on, jumping up.

Swinging my hand a sharp burst of water cut the web keeping Peter, and I locked together. I turned to look for the source of the missile, spotting a flash of green fly by us.


"Scanning now."

A tall figure stopped in front of us on an actual hoverboard. They were letting out insane cackles, pulling out a small ball and chucking it at us. Peter webbed the item, throwing it high into the air so it wouldn't harm any civilians.

"Who are you?" I yelled out.

"Green Goblin," the man flew a lap around us, "Let this face be the last one you ever see."

"Guns loading on the board."

Frantically, I swung my hands around and clenched my fist, encasing me and Peter in a thick shield of as as the guns went off.

"Scan the board for any weak spots."

I grunted as the ice cracked. I glanced over at Peter, who was already staring at me.

"There is an opening on the bottom of the board, something sharp could damage the controls."

"Something sharp... Bug-Boy, keep him distracted. I have an idea."

The surrounding shield shattered as a missile struck. Peter and I ran in opposite directions. Peter swung around the buildings surrounding us, pulling Green Goblin's attention away from me. I formed my weapon, an ice spike large enough to assure me it would hit home.

I dropped the spike, stopping it before it could hit the ground with my powers. I saw my opening as Green Goblin reared back. I swung my hand forwards, watching the spike impale the center of the board, nearly shutting it down completely.

"I'll be back," Green Goblin growled, shakily flying away.

Peter landed on the roof next to me, his empty web cartridge popping out so he could replace it.

"Same time tomorrow," Peter said shortly before swinging off.


When I got back home, I showered and collapsed into my bed, wishing I could sleep for a solid week. I was mentally and physically exhausted.

The day's events kept running through my head. While the thought of another big villain like Vulture was frightening, it wasn't where my mind was stuck. Another moment was playing on repeat.

Peter and me nearly kissing.

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