Chapter Twenty-Seven🕷Old Teams

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I don't own anything except any original character and/or any original plot


Chapter Twenty-Seven: Old Teams


January- 5 Months After the Attack on May and Clara

"We have officially been back at school through the New Year, happy 2018 everyone. And to the Freshman, I hope you all have survived- I mean have had a good first year. We are also happy to report that they have switched the lunch food supplier and no one will get food poisoning this year."

Letting out a nervous breath I put my unneeded textbooks and lunchbox into my locker. I had taken my normal route to school robotically, my mind anywhere except where it needed to be.

It had been a few months since my apartment had been blown up, and it was entirely repaired as of last week. We started the move in process all over again with fresh furniture. Not only that, but I had officially started my internship in Wakanda a few nights ago. On top of both of those things the Green Goblin had been escaping every time he attacked by putting civilians in danger to distract Peter and me.

"Hey, new year, which means I can't call you new girl anymore," MJ smirked, approaching me. I hugged out a laugh, shoving my coat into my locker last and zipping up my sweatshirt. The school had heat, but it wasn't used unless it was cold enough to be put on. Unfortunately, it wasn't one of those days.

"Yeah, that's so unfortunate."

"Ready for a new year?"

"My mind is anywhere but school," I sighed, closing my locker, "Thank you, for the Christmas cookies by the way. I know Peter and I had to rush from the party because of the Green Goblin attack."

"No problem. Your apartment was blown up, so it was the least I could do," MJ shrugged, "And as for the attack, I feel like he's been doing it more lately. Causing as much chaos as possible before he books it."

"And every time his tech is better and harder to beat. Peter and I need to handle this for good soon. But I don't know how to do it without hurting Harry."

"What would hurt me?" Harry came up beside us as we walked to class.

"Oh- Um, me already eating the entire stash of candy you gave me for Christmas. Sorry Harry," I put a hand on Harry's arm before I broke off, spotting Peter and Ned at Peter's locker, "Hey guys."

"Hey losers, new girl, surprised you haven't figured out who you should hang out with yet."

I bit the inside of my cheek to hold back my violent response as Flash sauntered past. Choosing instead, to glare at the back of his head until he turned the corner and was out of sight.

"Flash would be six feet under if you were out as a mutant," Ned chuckled, noticing my anger, "No one would mess with us again."

"Yeah, until the mutant haters here got word of it. I'm still surprised you haven't told everyone."

"Peter made me Lego Pact on it. You don't break those."

"You two are dorks," I couldn't hold back my grin.

"How's moving in again going?"

"Slow but steady. We should be able to finish by the end of the week if we're lucky. I'm surprised we haven't made Jess and Via go crazy while living with them."

"You two still haven't told Harry yet, have you?"

"No, and you can't tell him," I pointed an accusatory finger at Ned, "Lego Pact or whatever to make sure you won't. He already lost his mom, he can't figure out that he's going to lose his dad too, much less because his best friends are going to put him in prison."

Ned nodded in understanding, "I won't tell him. I'm assuming MJ won't either?"

"MJ just laughed at the irony of being friends with our enemy's son. Jerk," I grumbled, crossing my arms. The warning bell rang. I kissed Peter's cheek, "I have to go to first hour. See you two later."

I sat down in my normal seat next to MJ in science and pulled out my notebook, looking to the front as the teacher entered.

"Alright class, I hope you had a good break but we're going to get straight into chemical compounds so pull out your books and turn to page..."

Seven Hours Later- 4:32 PM

"I like the countertops Jess chose," I commented as we finished putting the last plate in the cupboard. Along with the repairs came a modernization of the apartment. New appliances- even in areas that weren't damaged- new carpets, countertops, so on. Jess went all out to improve our apartment.

"That girl is too nice," My mom sighed, "Letting us stay in her home with her and Via while the repairs were being done. We could have gone to a hotel."

"Yeah, but she owns the building so she can do whatever she wants," I shrugged, looking at the time on the microwave, "Oh, I was supposed to Skye Shuri to talk. Is it alright if I pause unpacking and finish later?"

"Sure, just be sure to finish at some point tonight."

"Will do," I walked to my room and sat on my bed. Opening my computer, I answered the call Shuri immediately sent. Royal punctuality.

"I'm securing the line," Shuri mumbled, off-screen, "Done. We can say whatever we want now. Remind me the next time you come to Wakanda and I'll firewall your computer."

"That'd be awesome. You've already fixed my phone, and it's working better."

"Yes, well, just because something works don't mean it can't be improved," Shuri looked off screen for a second, "I have some people visiting the lab for some equipment and they wanted to say hello."

Shuri rolled offscreen, and another group stepped on. I grinned at the familiar faces, noting how different they looked compared to the last time I saw them.

"Nice to see you again (Y/n). Shuri has told us all about what you've done for New York. Good job kid," Steve smile proudly, a beard gracing his chin.

"Thanks, it means a lot coming from you. How are you guys doing? Being on the run and everything?"

"Well, we haven't been staying at five-star hotels," Nat chuckled, now a blonde which was the biggest change in the group, "Sorry for fighting against you at the airport. Even though you held your own."

"Same, but you changed sides so we're even. I was happy to hear about that."

"How's Tony?"

"He's okay. Keeping up the facility and watching after Peter and me. The others are fine too, if not a little lonely without you. But you guys should be worrying about yourselves. Are you going to be on the run for the rest of your lives? What's the endgame?"

"Lie low until the world needs us again. There's no way Earth will be left alone for long," Sam shrugged.

"You're confident about that?"

Steve smiled softly, "The world will always need heroes, we're just waiting for them to realize that."

"Does everything that comes out of your mouth sound like a memorable quote? Or is it just when you're in a mood?"

"He's been doing that as long as I've known him," Bucky nudged Steve's shoulder with his arm, "Giving speeches and whatnot."

"Everett Ross has messaged my brother notifying him he's on the way here. You should be gone before then. I will return Bucky to his home."

"Right. It was nice talking to you (Y/n). Shuri has a few ways to contact us if you ever need anything. Backup, moral support, how to kill a man one-hundred and seven different ways. That one Nat can handle."

"You bet your ass I can."

"I'll remember that. Stay safe, and remember, just wearing a hat doesn't count as a disguise. Anyone shorter than you can see your face, and most of you are pretty tall."

"Duly noted. Goodbye (Y/n)."

"Bye guys."

The team moved off the screen and shared a few muffled words with Shuri about the equipment they needed and transportation. Their voices faded, and Shuri popped back on screen.

"I sent Bucky with an escort so he'll be fine."

"Awesome. So, what are the plans for this weekend? Marine biology research? Reef bleaching?"

"I want to start researching how to separate plastic particles from water molecules, or maybe invent something that will allow the water to protect itself! I should write that down," Shuri rolled away, voice raising so I could continue to hear her, "Your mutation would be very helpful with the experiments."

"Well, it sounds like we'll be busy. Besides that, are the-" I was cut off when my phone rang, "Oh, give me a sec Shuri, it's the Professor."

I rolled off of my bed away from the computer. Muting it so Shuri couldn't hear me, I answered the call. I found out from T'Challa that Shuri was a lip reading master so moving out of frame was a smart precaution.

"What's up Professor? Did the school get blown up again?"

"Surprisingly, no. I know you are fully integrated into your role as a hero duo, but the X-Men need you to come back and help on an upcoming mission."

"It's to the point of needing me back?" I questioned in shock, "It must be pretty serious then."

"It is I'm afraid. I don't wish to be a bother, but Stryker has established a base in the middle of the Pacific, and, well, water is your speciality so..."

"How long would I be away?"

"If all goes well only a week or two. We need you to be involved with the planning and strategy process. Kurt will pick you up on Friday, until then we'll keep you updated on new developments."

"Understood. I'll see you Friday."

"I will see you then, (Y/n)."

Jumping onto my bed again, I unmuted, "Shuri, I'm really sorry but I got called in for a mission with the X-Men on Friday. It's supposed to take a week so I won't make it to Wakanda."

"That's fine, I'll discuss my progress with you when you get back," Shuri assured, "Maybe I'll make you a communicator so no matter where you are we can speak to each other."

"Make sure I can call you from space. You never know," I joke, laughing at my own joke. Like I would ever go to space.

"You know I love a challenge," Shuri smirked, "I'll check in with you on Friday before you leave for your mission then."

"Talk to you then. Bye."

I ended my call with Shuri and sent a text to Peter asking him to swing over. A few minutes after I sent it Peter popped up in my fire escape, knocking quietly on my window.

"Hi," I unlocked and slid open my window so Peter could jump in.

"What's up?"

"Professor X just called me, he says they need me for a mission in the Pacific on Friday, it'll take a week or so. Would you be able to grab my homework and stuff while I'm gone?"

"Yeah of course," Peter said as if it were obvious, "You could have just texted me that."

"There's one other thing, that I can't risk anyone seeing," Peter nodded as I took in a deep breath, choosing my words carefully, "Don't fight the Green Goblin while I'm gone. I don't want you to get hurt and I can't heal you if you do. That, and I don't want anything bad to happen to Harry's dad if I can't help him either."

"What if he starts attacking again, like he did with your apartment?"

"Then you defend whatever he's attacking," I sighed, sitting on my bed, "I don't want to be controlling by telling you what to do, but I don't want anything to happen that could have been prevented, you know?"

"I know," Peter sat down next to me, taking my hand, "Until we figure out the best way to handle Harry's dad, and how it will affect Harry, we shouldn't do anything rash. We need to think this through."

I smiled teasingly, "Look at you being all smart. We do need to finish this soon. He's been attacking the city for long enough."

"We will, as soon as you get back we'll make a final plan. What's your mission about?"

"This anti-mutant leader is building a base in the Pacific. Whatever it's for it can't be good. His track record is awful, experiments, torture, killing, all of that."

"Do the X-Men need any help from Spider-Man?"

"You're really useful in New York but this is the middle of the ocean. They don't have skyscrapers out there. This is my element," I kissed Peter quickly, "Besides, New York needs its friendly neighborhood Spider-Man."

"You sound like Mr. Stark."

"I'm way better than that guy," I laughed in mock offense.

"Yeah you are, but don't tell him I said that. He'd take my suit away again," Peter began to panic.

"Don't worry Bug-Boy, your secrets safe with me. For now."

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