🕷Christmas Special🕷

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Merry Christmas! Well, to those of you that celebrate Christmas that is. If you don't Happy Holidays! It's Christmas afternoon where I live as I'm writing this and I have some free time so I thought I'd give you guys a little present for being so amazing!

Also, before we start, I just to say that this will not go along with the main storyline of the story, it's more of a one-shot. Unless I decide to add it in at some point... Anyways, les go!


"Merry Christmas Peter!"

Peter jumped up from his place on the couch, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. (Y/n) was kneeling in front of him, a wide grin on her face.

"(Y/n)? How did you get in here?"

"May let me in of course, you two are supposed to come across the street for Christmas with my family. Now get up you bum and let's go!"

Peter rolled his eyes, stretching as he got up off the couch. He caught a glimpse of Aunt May packing up some food to bring to the (L/n)'s on his way to his room.

"He might not show it but he's really excited for Christmas at your apartment," Aunt May commented when she heard Peter's door shut.

"I'm excited to have him- you guys over," (Y/n) corrected her mistake. May gave her a small smirk, handing her a container of what smelled like pasta.

"Here, if you can handle some food Peter can take the rest and I'll bring presents."

"Oh, you didn't have to get us anything," (Y/n) assured.

"You've helped Peter through a lot (Y/n), and your parents are the best friends I've had in a while, of course I was going to get you guys something," Aunt May leaned in closer to (Y/n), "Peter got something for you too."

(Y/n) blushed, adjusting the food in her hands. May smiled, leaving the kitchen to grab the presents from under the Christmas tree.

"Alright, let's hope crime can take a break for a night," Peter walked towards (Y/n), a present under his arm.

"Alright you kids, let's go. Peter, you need a coat."

"May it's only across the street," Peter whined.

"It's freezing outside, you are not going to get sick on Christmas!"

Peter grumbled, grabbing a coat from off the coat rack and putting it on. May smiled, ruffling Peter's hair as she passed him to open the door. (Y/n) and Peter walked out the door together, trailing a bit behind May until they met at the elevator.

Outside was colder than any of them had expected. The wind had picked up while they were inside, lowering the temperature even further. While they were waiting for cars to pass, and the sign to turn to walk, Peter saw (Y/n) clenching and unclenching her fist.

It wasn't the normal pain that came with not bending that was making (Y/n) do this; it was the cold, and that face that she wasn't wearing gloves. Once (Y/n) unclenched her fist for the third times she felt a hand slip into hers. (Y/n) looked over, seeing Peter looking straight ahead, his cheeks red, though (Y/n) dismissed it, as she was sure her cheeks and nose were red as well.

The three crossed the street, walking down a few buildings until they reached (Y/n)'s apartment building. As soon as they entered, they sighed in relief at the immediate heat. (Y/n)'s and Peter's hands stayed connected however, May noticing but not commenting as they entered the elevator.

"Some people from my old school might be coming in an out, a bit of a warning."

"Oh, lovely," Aunt May said, but you could hear the nervousness in her voice, "They're mutants too?"

"Yeah but don't worry, they all know how to control it."

May seemed to relax after (Y/n)'s reassurance. The young girl pulled out her apartment key, easily opening up the door.

"Merry Christmas!"

"Hey guys," (Y/n) grinned, taking off her coat, "Glad all of you could make it, oh, Peter, May, this is Logan, Professor, Jean, Jubilee, Kurt, Scott, Storm, Rogue, Hank, and Peter."

"And Wade!"

"Oh God no," (Y/n) whispered. All the X-Men sighed as a man in a red suit walked out of the kitchen.

"Yeah sister, man I haven't seen you in like, a year. But when I visited the manor and found out you were having a Christmas party, I just had to come and visit my favorite mutant!"

"Professor, why would you let him in?"

"We tried to stop him (Y/n), but he was determined to at least-"

"I wanted to meet Spider-Man," Wade ran over to Peter, pulling him into a tight hug, "Because everyone wants to see Spidey-Pool happen."

"No one wants to see that Wade," Logan grumbled.

"Excuse me, hi, I think you're killing my nephew," Aunt May pointed at Peter, who was struggling to breathe.

"Oh, the author would never let that happen," Wade said dismissively, "Well... Unless it's a bad day."

"Wade, I bought some new Hello Kitty movies," (Y/n) pointed down the hall, "They're in the spare room."

Wade squealed, "Awesome! Any version of Hello Kitty is better than Green lantern!"

(Y/n) turned to May and Peter, "Sorry about him, he's um... Well he's a mutant you want to avoid."

"That man is blue," May mumbled in shock, watching Kurt drink hot chocolate with his tail, "And he has a tail."

"May!" (Y/n)'s Mom gave the shocked woman a hug, "Sorry about Wade, he always turns up at weird times. But, you're welcome to do what you please, we're planning on doing the present exchange in an hour or so. There's food, Christmas movies are on in the living room, we've got hot chocolate on the counter, have fun!"

May went with (Y/n)'s Mom towards the kitchen, exchanging the present for the food (Y/n) was holding. (Y/n) and Peter stood in silence, just in front of the door for a few moments.

"Come on," (Y/n) grabbed Peter's hand, greeting a few X-Men with smiles and half hugs, "Grab some hot chocolate, I'm assuming you like pasta."

(Y/n) led Peter to her room with two plates of pasta in her hands, Peter holding two cups of hot chocolate. (Y/n) set the plates on her nightstand, pulling out her laptop and sitting on her bed.

She looked up and laughed when she saw Peter, still holding the hot chocolates, standing uncomfortably.

"You can sit Peter, set the hot chocolate on the nightstand."

Peter did as (Y/n) told him, sitting next to (Y/n) on the bed as she played Christmas With the Kranks.

"I love everyone out there, but they can be a bit much," (Y/n) sighed as she took a bite of her pasta, handing Peter his plate.

The two ate in silence as they watched the movie. The plates ended up on the floor when they were finished, the computer sitting on (Y/n)'s left leg and Peter's right.

(Y/n) glanced over at Peter, leaning her head on his shoulder. She could feel him tense up for a few seconds, before relaxing once again.

"Gift time," her Dad announced.

"Be right back," Peter said, quickly walking from the room.

(Y/n) opened her closet, pulling out the neatly wrapped present she had for Peter. She turned around when she heard the door close again, grinning at Peter and holding out the present, Peter did the same with his.

The two opened theirs at the same times. As (Y/n) was ripping the wrapping paper she couldn't help but notice the subtle messiness. It was obvious different parts of the wrapping paper had been cut in different places to make it look neater. (Y/n) smiled, Peter had put real effort into just the wrapping.

Inside was a little box, when (Y/n) opened it she gasped. Inside the box, was a gold necklace, on the main piece was 'Proud Wildflower' written in neat script. (Y/n) remembered back to the party, when everything with Vulture happened.

"People fear what they don't understand, and we are wildflowers in a world full of daisies."

"Peter it's lovely," (Y/n) looked up, seeing Peter frozen as he stared at her present.

"How did you get this?" Peter asked.

"I talked to Hank and the Professor, they pulled a few, a lot, of strings and well, they found something."

"And these files... They'll tell me what happened to my parents?"

(Y/n) nodded, "You don't have to read them if you don't want to, but it's closure."

Peter dropped the file, pulling (Y/n) in for a tight hug. She could hear him sniffling faintly. (Y/n) hugged the boy back, enjoying the chance to be so close to him.


Something dug into the ceiling above (Y/n) and Peter's heads. They pulled apart, seeing a knife with mistletoe attached to it.

"Wade!" (Y/n) yelled.

"Hey you know what! The author had no idea how she wanted to set up the mistletoe thingy before I came into the picture...Story," Wade defended before closing the door again.

"Merry Christmas Riptide," Peter whispered, pulling (Y/n) in for a kiss.

"Merry Christmas Bug-Boy."

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