Part 11

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"Ginger! Sherly!" Kyra called out to the two, waving.

The two nerds turned to look at their friends, Ginger waved back while Sherlock nodded hello. Both were fairly surprised seeing as they had only seen the two having a picnic several minutes before.

John leaned against the wall, Kyra had grabbed his hand and bolted inside to where the current NerdLab was, Ginger and Sherlock detested the name; Ginger called it the InveLab and Sherlock just called it a 'Lab'. Anyway, back to why John was trying to catch his breath. Kyra has a ton of stamina and ran the whole way dragging poor John behind her. "Sherly?" He managed to get out before he dissolved into giggles.

Kyra laughed as well. "Blame Draco." she replied, before turning to Ginger. "Me and John were wondering why we don't get normal lessons when we were having that picnic."

"The logical explanation is the Ministry is controlling all of the wizarding world, the half-bloods and muggleborns are so far behind their muggle school work that they're stuck in the wizarding world and can't leave. They also have wizards who hunt down the wayward half-blood and muggleborns if they leave." Sherlock said, Ginger nodded. "That's why we're studying both muggle and wizard education, so we can get the best of both worlds. We're also researching Animagus transformations, defensive spells, offensive spells, hexes and other useful spells. We're also teaching each other how to use a sword when we have the time."

"What the hell! Why didn't you tell us?!" Exclaimed John. "We thought you knew." "How the hell would've I known?!"

Kyra looked almost untroubled by the information. "They have wizards who hunt down others if they leave?" she asked, her brows furrowed. Then her expression brightened up. "Do you know how to use a bow and arrow? I'd like to learn.."

"No, we don't know how to use a bow and arrow." Ginger said, shaking her head. "And yes, they do have wizards who hunt other wizards."

"Why? What's wrong with wizards being taught Muggle stuff?" Kyra asked, head tilted to the side in confusion

"The ministry wants everyone under their thumb." Sherlock answered, pulling out a textbook from his desk. "I managed to get my Mother to send me this, so I could study and be the best of both worlds." "Sherlock, that's too advanced for them." "You sure? I thought I managed to get the-"

John grabbed the textbook and flipped through it. "Sherlock, this is a ninth grade textbook; why do you have it?" "He's at a ninth grader level while I'm an eighth." Ginger replied.

Kyra huffed. "My teachers said I'm at a pretty high level for my age so I've started to study seventh grade level books. If I can handle 7th grade I can probably handle an 8th if you have one..."

"Yeah, I got it here; I'm finished with it, so keep it as long as you want."

John sighed. "You got a year six textbook?" He asked, stowing his wand. "Yeah, I'll grab it." Ginger said as she rummaged through a cabinet and pulled out said textbook. She passed it to John who grabbed a chair and a pencil and started going through it.

Kyra took a chair and a pencil as well and sat next to John, working through the textbook she had been given as well. "Of all the damn subjects I get it's Science..." she murmured under her breath, ears flicking irritably.

Ginger grabbed her own textbooks which were eighth and ninth grade. Sherlock had a ninth and it seemed he was itching to get a tenth grade one.

And poor John was carefully going through his six grade one.

"These textbooks start with your worst subjects and make you get up up to scratch, I'm currently doing English; Sherlock is doing Math and English while John is also doing Science with some Math. It's a blend once all your subject strengths are the same." Ginger explained, hearing Kyra's complaint.

"I can also easily list both mine and Sherlock's best subjects, mine are Science, Math and History. His is Science, he still needs to get History down."

"My best subject is easily English... maybe a little bit of Art and P.E as well but hey." Kyra continued to work, now trying to concentrate on her questions.

"These cover the basics in muggle education." Ginger replied, easily multitasking thanks to her time in the InveLab.

Kyra didn't reply, one eye closed as she tried to concentrate.

Sherlock growled as his textbook shifted to a history one, he had currently finished the current Math and English load. History by far was his worst subject.

"What do you mean you're asking me to find the difference between a sedimentary rock and a whatsit-rock?" Kyra growled, opened both her stormy blue eyes and sighing.

"There's a Hufflepuff who's name is Maud, if you need help with rocks ask her." Ginger said, tapping teeth with her pencil writing down an answer.

Kyra just skipped that annoying question and flipped to the next page, her eyes lighting up. "Now there's something I can actually enjoy." Her textbook was now in an Art section. Say goodbye to your purity, page.

"If you skip a question it'll end up on the next page." Muttered Ginger who had now broken a few pencils and was working on another, she wrote down hew answer and growled. "I hate English." She growled out, glaring daggers at the page.

Kyra ignored what Ginger said, now drawing happily on the page.

John discovered he was mastering History with ease, which made it switch to English which he also breezed through. He slowed down considerably when he reach science though.

Kyra worked on the question she had missed, eventually getting it right.

Sherlock growled, he should know who started World War II and why.

Kyra finished the section on art and her heart sank. "Joy. My Maths section is all algebra..."

Sherlock looked like he wanted to help but instead resorted to glaring at his question.

Kyra was doing the same thing with her two pages worth of algebra. "Please. I wasn't meant for this..." she groaned.

Sherlock snuck a glance at Ginger before grabbing what seemed to be a forensic science book from his pocket and started studying that instead.

Kyra did the same and took out her sketchpad, continuing the sketch of Dumbledore's phoenix, Fawkes. She wished she could have a phoenix but she had read about their wariness towards humans.

Ginger now had around ten pencils that were chewed to destruction around her, she had an eleventh in her mouth as she calculated how far one would have to walk to get to a certain place.

Kyra was humming a random song as she drew the flames around Fawkes. Her drawing skill was pretty advanced for an 11 year old to be fair.

"There, onto ninth grade; in all honesty I'll probably have to revisit this textbook." Ginger said, placing the textbook on the desk and grabbed the ninth grade one and started it.

Kyra was wondering how and why Ginger hadn't noticed her or Sherlock doing their own things, eventually shrugging and starting to draw Amber. He hadn't been seen in a few weeks; probably back in the Forbidden Forest.

It seemed only Ginger and John were doing the actual work, both were struggling slightly but soldiered on.

Sherlock and Kyra on the other hand... They were doing their own thing, and were probably going to get hexed when Ginger notices.

Kyra eventually went back to her actual work, nudging Sherlock and mentally telling him to take a hint and go to work.

Sherlock glared at Kyra but returned to the textbook.

~Timeskip; Courtesy Of Silver~

Ginger finally put her textbooks up, John and Sherlock had put their's up awhile ago and were reading their own books.

"So, we'll do this once a week. That okay with everyone?"

Kyra had fallen asleep on her closed textbook, randomly hugging John's arm.

John was debating on whether to wake Kyra up or just wait, Ginger was back in her textbooks while Sherlock was reading his forensics book.

Kyra mumbled something in her sleep before falling silent, snuggling up to John a little bit more. There was a cute little smile on her face.

It was quickly becoming apparent that John was on his own.

Kyra chose that time to wake up, stirring sleepily. She yawned, revealing her unusually large canines before closing her mouth. "Did I miss anything?" she mumbled.

"Not really." John replied, glancing down at her; quickly realising she hadn't moved off his arm.

Kyra followed his gaze and blushed, quickly letting go of his arm and stretching out. "Uh... that happens." she mumbled quickly.

"It does?" Replied John with a raised eyebrow.

"Did it with Sherly once... ehe..."

Sherlock made no indication that he heard Kyra, other than a slight flick of his eyes.

John nodded in amusement. "Do you always end up snuggling the person you nap on?"

"I dunno why! ....It's just this weird habit I got once I mutated. I wasn't able to sleep well in the labs because I was always so scared at night and I had nothing to cuddle..." That last part was said quietly

John nods. "Okay."

Kyra pushed away her thoughts about the lab and wagged her tail a little.

Sherlock finally glanced up. "I find it cute." He says with a smirk, before looking back at his book


Kyra scooted away from John and almost fell off the seat. "Uh uh uh uh I got nothin' I got nothin',"

John just sat there feeling very confused. Very VERY confused.

Kyra's floppy, wolflike ears were folded down to her head in embarrasment and her tail went rigid. "E-Eh... Sherlock..."

"Yes?" The boy glanced up again, eyebrow quirked.

"Me and John aren't cute together!" Kyra practically yelled out of embarrassment, blushing harder.

Ginger glanced up, and grinned. Sherlock gave them a smirk. "Yes you are." Both nerds said.

Kyra shook her head stubbornly. "Nuh-uh."

"We ship it!"

Kyra shook her head stubbornly again. "Nuh-uh, no shipping me and John..."

"We can and shall!" Came the reply.

"Then does that mean that we can ship you and Sherly?" Kyra snickered and stood up. "If anybody needs me I guess I'll be up on the Astronomy Tower." It was almost night-time anyways.

"What? No!" Came Ginger's reply, Sherlock just snickered.

Kyra was already out of the room and was walking towards the Astronomy Tower.

"DAMN YOU TO HELL KYRA!" Ginger yelled after her friend, before glaring at the two boys; daring them to say anything.

Kyra snickered unnoticeably before making her way to the Astronomy Tower like she said, happy that it was a weekend and there were no classes up on her destination. She pulled up a slightly rickety stool from nearby and sat down on it, looking up at the stars.Her eyes somewhat reflected the quickly appearing night sky as she slowly started to name the constellations.

John quietly said.

"I ship it." Loud enough for both Sherlock and Ginger to hear, he then bolted; not wanting to get hexed by the shipees.

"Ursa Minor... Ursa Major... Scorpio and Orion... Li- Woah!"A shooting star streaked across the night sky and she perked up, immediately making a wish with her eyes closed. She stayed like that for a while.

Sherlock quietly came over to sit beside Ginger, a small smile on his face.

"I ship it too." He quietly said, she turned to look at him; a small smile growing on her face.

"So do I." She finally said, giving Sherlock a tiny kiss on his nose.

Kyra eventually opened her eyes and looked up at the stars again, she reached within her robes and pulled out her sketchpad and pencil case; which certainly hadn't been there before.Kyra's unzipped the pencil case and pulled out a pencil and then she opened her sketchbook, she started to sketch out the constellations she had named and a few more.

John quietly walked through the halls, heading towards the kitchens; he thought it best to turn in for the night. And avoid an annoyed Ginger later on if he was still up.

Kyra returned to Ravenclaw Tower, being greeted by a few people as she went upstairs to her dorm.

Sherlock and Ginger went back to their own dorms after Ginger's mini mini kiss.Neither had felt as uplifted as they had been now.

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