Part 6

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Kyra watched him stumble away with a look of satisfaction on her face, leaning back onto the courtroom wall with a smug smile. Amber trotted back and nudged her hand, startling her out of her trance.
"Eh? Where do you wanna go now?" she whispered. Tail raised, the wolf puppy led her owner out of the courtyard and somewhere else. Turns out it was near the lake.

Ginger lay, still giggling over the prank, in her dorm room. She had said goodbye to the twins and left them to favour planning a far more elaborate prank that involved everyone she didn't like. Including Snape and Malfoy.
John grinned, watching Crabbe and Goyle lead a mumbling Malfoy down the corridor he was reading in. He heard something from Crabbe. "Should we take him to Madam Pomfrey's?" He asked Goyle who nodded and they walked past, with identical looks of confusion on their faces.

 Amber had been brave enough to wade into the lakeshore with his guardian, and was now being stroked gently by a tentacle.

Sherlock groaned at his misfortune, his cat had escaped and was now running around the castle. Sherlock and a few Hufflepuffs who were kind enough to help were searching the castle for his blasted cat.

"Hey Mrs. Squid, could you take it easy with Amber?" Kyra asked the tentacle, which flexed as if it were nodding but prodded the wolf pup playfully before resuming its stroking.

Kyra had eventually found Sherlock's cat, and after a whole load of chasing and small scratches returned the black cat. "Why does he hate me so much?" the mutant asked herself, sighing as she treated her wounds.


John helped levitate his cake to the ground and the other foods followed, a fair amount thanks to some students take a bit here and there from the Great Hall. Thank god none of them got caught, most Hufflepuffs can't lie to save their lives.
Ginger smiled and then gasped at the cake that was brought out, she hadn't been around most of the day and so hadn't seen most of the sweets that had been hidden behind the portrait. "Dig in everyone! We can start the pillow fight and pranks later!" A prefect said, (The Hufflepuff prefects had been the ones to organise this, it was a sort of party to blow off steam.) a few bowls and spoons plus a few knives floated over. The knives went to the older students and they started to slice up a bit of everything using their magic and floating pieces to students in line, it was fairly organised. Until Peeves showed up.

Kyra wagged her tail as she spotted the food, Amber at her heels under cover of another Disillisionment Charm.

Sherlock grinned, once it had stuck midnight the Ravenclaws and orderly put away their studying material and brought out cake, muffins and other treats.

"YES! PARTY!" Kyra called out randomly, grinning as well and wagging her tail. This was the first time she'd seen her house do something other than study and worry, so she was doubly exicted.

A fifth year started passing around water balloons, assuring everyone that it wouldn't touch the books because of a waterproofing spell. The house then split itself into 2 teams, boys vs. girls. Both teams smirked at each other the hurriedly started making a fort and plans.
"The winner of this fight shall get first pick of the food." A prefect said standing in the middle of the room the she quickly ran to her team's side.

"Not that I'm bothered anyways about the books." Kyra thought to herself, listening in to the plans of her team, still wagging her tail.

"What if we levitate some balloons to surround them?" Sherlock suggested, the other boys nodded then started to adapt this idea to their original plan.

"Decoys maybe? There might be something else, so we need two or more people to check. Once their defenses are down, we can give it our all." Kyra suggested, to the dumbfounded stares of a few teammates.
"What? I wasn't put in Ravenclaw randomly, now are we gonna do it or not?"
Eventually, there were murmurs of agreement as the girls continued planning.

The boys smirked, they had their strategy and they started getting the balloons ready for the battle.

The Hufflepuffs had ravaged the kitchen with their water balloons, Ginger and John had managed to not get soaked by sticking together and using the spell protego. The fight that had started in the common room had made it's way into the kitchens and soon to the halls and corridors thanks to a 1st year leaving and everyone following to make sure he was okay and then realising it was a trap, the 1st year had two 3rd years with him who blasted everyone who came out and THEN the fight really got started. It was all out war from then on with groups of friends sticking together and protecting each other from the watery missiles.
Ginger was really good thanks to her being able to control water, she could control when her tail changed though and so didn't become a shark mermaid while the fight was going on.

The boys rushed over and abandoned their plan and started firing balloons left right and center, Sherlock quietly snuck away but a couple 1st and fifth years saw him go and followed and got soaked thanks to a hanging bucket and a few well thrown balloons.
The rest of the house followed and soon the fight had proceeded to the moving staircases and the Hufflepuffs were fighting at the bottom. The Gryffindors came out and realised what was going on, Fred and George cackled gleefully and started their attack.
Some of the Gryffindors were still half asleep but getting pelted by a Hufflepuff with balloons was a good way to wake up, the Slytherins had come out by then and stared. Then shrugged, "Why the hell not" they thought and entered the fray.
The staircase was now covered in water, but no one cared and everyone was fighting for their house. A few teachers (Mostly the head of houses who organised their houses into fighting groups) joined in much to everyone's surprise, even Snape who looked like he enjoyed pelting the Golden Trio with balloons every chance he got a smirk every time he hit Harry, Ron or Hermione. Though he stopped smirking once they started pelting him back, Professor Sprout was enjoying it dearly with her little badgers protecting them and destroying the houses that dared tried to pelt the students who had come over for safety.

Kyra mde straight for Draco with a bucket of balloons, throwing it's contents all over him with a grin. "Try and keep up, Blondie!" she yelled, scooping up a few water balloons and throwing them at Snape, Ron, Fred (or was it George) and a random first year as she ran past them.
"YOLO!!" she yelled as she threw her last water balloon at Sherlock's head and continued sprinting madly, getting hit by water balloons and once or twice soaked by the Aguamenti charm.

Sherlock smirked, levitating his balloons he started at Kyra. Dodging balloons that were aimed at him he took a few shots at Kyra and only hit her twice, she was moving like a madwoman. Sherlock then got pelted as he passed the Hufflepuffs, Professor Sprout had so much glee on her face as she pelted student after student who came near the group behind her. Some sixth and seventh years were next to her protecting the students behind them with such a furiousity Sherlock didn't doubt why they had been put in the house that was sometimes called "A Clan of Badgers"  if you crossed the badgers you'd surely pay.
Ginger and John were taking cover with a few others from their Huffle Clan, they were all scheming and taking watch protecting their own. Ginger spotted Kyra running around crazily (Like Luna) pelting everyone in sight, with Sherlock running after her. Ginger pulled her head down as a water balloon sailed their way and splashed behind them.

"MISSED!" Kyra yelled at the thrower, grinning and taking a giant water balloon. She threw it at an approaching Draco.

Who then tripped and crashed into Kyra, they both rolled for a second before stopped against a wall. Draco opened his eyes which widened as he realised how close Kyra was, he also then realised they were kissing.

Kyra's eyes widened and she pulled away, blushing. "U-Uh..."

Draco did the same, his face on fire. He was speechless, he opened his mouth then closed it again. Like a goldfish.

Kyra pushed him away and sat up against the wall, shaking herself to get rid of the water.

Draco, who was still blushing furiously. "L-let's not speak of this again." Thankful everyone was busy either higher or lower on the staircases.

(When Peeves had shown up he had started the waterballoon fight a few minutes earlier than expected but no matter.)

Kyra nodded in reply and gave a small grin. "Deal, but don't mess with any of my friends or you know what's gonna happen."

Draco's eyes widened as he realised what she meant. "You wouldn't dare..." He said.

Kyra's grin turned into a smirk as she balled her hand into a loose fist. "I would."

Draco growled, his cockiness returning. He had realised the Kyra was being totally serious.

"Woah, what happened to that other Draco?" Kyra thought out loud, unballing her hand and yawning.

Draco rolled his eyes and headed down the stairs, he then paused and looked back at her. He seemed conflicted what seemed to be a geuine small smile appeared on his face. "Maybe we, could uh y'know talk later?" He asked, wincing at his own choice of words.

Kyra nodded. "Yeah, I guess."

Draco nodded then turned and headed back down the stairs.

Ginger smirked, she had seen whole thing. She had been on guard when she saw Malfoy and Kyra tumbled down the stairs and stared once she realised what was going on.
Ginger watched Kyra smirking, she now had blackmail. The tiny prank capturing cameras Fed and George had given her were perfect for a moment like this. She has snapped a few shots of her best friend and her worst enemy kissing.

 Kyra rejoined the battle, throwing water balloons everywhere and throwing them around. She hit Draco again, then a couple of Gryffindors.

Ron, seemingly the only one to get kit by Kyra's balloons that were aimed at them; sighed. "Does ANYONE know who started this?!" Hermione yelled/asked at a passing Gryffindor. "I heard it was the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws that started it." She answered, then she ran off following her target.

Kyra eventually snuck back to Ravenclaw Tower and recalled Amber from the girls dorm room, the poor wolf pup shaking probably from the boys. After the mutant had cleaned herself up a bit, she calmed Amber down and fell asleep on her bed, ears twitching every once in a while.

The fight went on for another hour or so until the Professors started to get everyone back to bed, everyone was soaking but a quick spell from Flitwick dried everyone out before they headed back to their respected houses. By that time it was roughly 2 in the morning by then, most of the younger students had gone to bed.

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