Chapter 4: Plan Time

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You Riki and the girls are at Sugarcube Corner to come up a plan to help Twilight win the crown. You, Riki are ordering a cream and Twilight ordering a milkshake.

(Y/N): I'll have a cup of cream.

Riki: I'll have the same as him.

Twilight: And... can I get mine with extra oats?

Mrs. Cake: Oats?

Twilight: Uh, scratch that. However you normally make it is fine.

Mrs. Cake then shot a suspicious look at Twilight and hand her the shake that she wanted. You then pay for the drinks and you and Riki  head to the girls, but Twilight bump into Flash by accident and spilling her drink all over him.

Twilight: Sorry, didn't see you there!

Flash: It's okay, hey you're that girl that (Y/N) introduced me to.

Twilight: Yep, that's me, (Y/N) is over there by the way.

Twilight points to your location as Flash sees you and turn back to Twilight.

Flash: So the rumors are true, you and (Y/N) are competing for the crown.

Twilight: So, would you vote for me?

Flash: Anything for a friend!

Twilight: Thanks.

Flash: No problem, but I got one question for ya: What did you three do in bed last night?

Twilight blushed in embarrassment.

Twilight: Nothing sexual, we just shared a bed that's all!

Flash: Figures, he already has a girlfriend.

Twilight: Okay.

Flash: Yeah, (Y/N) doesn't know other people who really like him, never thought you and him doing it in bed when he already has a girlfriend.

Twilight: *in her head* I wish we did in their bed.

Flash: Welp, see you at the formal.

Flash then walk away as Twilight heads to the table where you and the girls are at.

Rarity: What subject of romance were you and Flash are talking about?

Twilight blushes and avoid eye contact from you to make sure you don't notice it.

Twilight: It's nothing.

Rarity: Anyways (Y/N) Riki, you two need to keep a low profile before Sunset Shimmer catches you or her

Riki: That's gonna be a bit tricky

(Y/N):  Yeah Riki is right, it's kinda hard for since everyone recognizes us very well, even more with the other girls for some reason.

All the girls blushed because they know why.

Applejack: All right, girls. Dance is tomorrow night, and we still don't know how we're gonna get Twilight the votes she needs to be named princess. Right now, folks only know the Twilight from the videos Sunset Shimmer posted online. We need to help'em see her differently.

You and the girls think for moment.

Rarity: I'VE GOT IT!

Then everyone turned to Rarity as she blushed in embarrassment and clears her throat.

Rarity: I mean, um, perhaps I have a solution. Now this may be an absolutely preposterous idea, but what if we all wore these as a sign of unity? Freshman year, they were very, very popular. A way for everybody to show their school spirit! You know? "Go, Canterlot Wondercolts!" Ahem. I haven't sold any in ages. I mean, the five of us are obviously very different, but deep down, we're all Canterlot Wondercolts! Sunset Shimmer is the one who divided us, Twilight Sparkle is the one who united us. And we're gonna let everyone know it! What do you think?

Riki: That could work.

All girls agreed and turn to you for your answer. You then put on a rubber horse mask and then put a thumbs up.

(Y/N): I love it!

This made the girls laugh.

One day later, at the school's cafeteria. Pinkie starts banging her tray in rhythm in the lunch line. Rarity follows with clapping. Fluttershy then starts banging her cups in rhythm then Applejack follows with clapping and Rainbow start banging her tray as you started to do the same. Spike turn on a stereo that Rarity placed. The girls started singing and then you follow along.

50% of the girls in the lunchroom are fangirling over you and Riki's singing talent. While 49% had fainted and fell out of their chairs. The 1% is outside of the lunchroom. Which is Sunset Shimmer staring at you and the singing. Sunset then turn to the dancing duo of Snips and Snail, which they're wearing the ears and tail.

Sunset: Take those off! I have something I need you to do.

She looks over at you with the devil's smile.

Later, everyone in the halls and wearing CHS uniforms that Rarity made for everyone.

Rarity: Doesn't everyone look just fabulous?

Twilight: It was a great idea, Rarity!

Riki: Not bad for a human.

(Y/N): Yeah awesome idea Rares.

Rarity blushes from what you said. Applejack then notices Sunset and her lackeys.

Applejack: Don't know what she's smilin' about. Twilight's the one that's gonna be Princess of the Fall Formal.

They walk passed you as Snips and Snails lightly laugh. Sunset knocks on Vice Principal Luna's door and then go into innocent mode.

Sunset: Vice Principal Luna! Something terrible has happened!

(Y/N): Honey are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Riki: Yeah let's go.

You and Riki then super speed back into the gym and then back to the others.

Rainbow Dash: Where did you two go?

(Y/N): *whispers* Foiling what Sunset and her cronies did.

Riki: *whispers* Yeah the gym was a complete mess so we cleaned it up.

Twilight: What are you two talking about?

You and Riki: You'll see.

Later at the gym which was completely fine. Sunset was shocked to see the gym was completely fine.

Sunset: Wah-but-but that's impossible! The gym was a mess when I got here.

Luna: Everything here looks fine to me.

Sunset: But I have proof that Twilight did this and covered her tracks.

Just as she was about to pull out the photos Flash comes by.

Flash:Vice Principal Luna you have to see this.

We then see you Riki and Flash in vice principal Luna's office as flash gave her photos he found in the trash.

Flash: We thought you should see them. Someone obviously combined these photos to make it look like Twilight was the one who trashed the gym.

Luna: I appreciate you three bringing me these to my attention. In light of this new evidence, you may of course continue your bid to be crowned the Princess of the Fall Formal.

Twilight gasps and hug you and with all of your might.

Twilight: Oh (Y/N), I knew you'd get me out of this.

(Y/N): Like in the wild we watch out for each other, and besides, I don't want my date to be Sunset Shimmer.

Riki: And like I said you have my approval.

Flash: So you are dating another girl!

(Y/N): Not really, I made a late promise that I would be the date of the crowned princess of the Fall Formal.

Flash: Eeeeh, close enough.

Luna: *in her head* That's it, it's over, my love is gone forever!

Luna: "I am afraid enough damage has been done to the gym that we will have to postpone the dance until tomorrow night. If you will excuse me, I need to let my sister know about this latest development.

She then goes to Celestia's office

Then you and Riki realized something.

(Y/N) and Riki: Does the portal closes tomorrow?

Her eyes go wide.

Twilight: Tomorrow night!? No, no-no-no-no-no, no no no no no! Nonononono! I can't! The portal! That'll be too late!

she ran out of the room while grabbing her stuff.

Flash: What's with her?

(Y/N): I'll explain later.

 Chapter 5: The Bomb Of Truth

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