Chapter 1

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Socks PoV

I soon wake up to the car slowing to a stop near the office. I groaned and grabbed my camra and got out of the car before tiredly walking into the building. I quickly uploaded the photos i had gotten from this trip to the manager before going to the clinic to get medicine for Host spores.

When i walked into the lab i noticed Meme in there, and nobody else. Meme, hearing my footsteps turned around, before noticing it's me "let me guess, almost got killed by a mimic again?" he joked, clearly referencing the time that when taking photo's of a mimic, it noticed me and started chasing me until i got to the car. "No, not this time." i muttered, rubbing my eyes, "i think i got infected with the host's spores-", meme sighed and tossed a bottle of medicine to me, "take 2 and give it back to me, oh, and drink it with water, joocie got infected earlier today and almost choked by taking them dry-" meme tiredly said, going back to making more pain medication and host spore killers.

I walk to the water dispenser that we have right outside the lab, get a cup of water, and plopped the medicine in my mouth before swallowing it down with the water. Once I finish my cup of water, I walk back to the lab and place the medicine on the counter next to meme before walking out.

'God.' I thought, walking back to my cubical 'Could this day get any more chaotic'

Blaza's PoV

I sighed, finally finished adding the photos that Joocie sent from yesterday and today, which was a lot since Joocie has a tendency to take a lot of photo's since there have been many times where when he got back from taking photo's, he would have well over 100, which, in the long run, and for safety of the public and all, is good. But hell, it takes so long adding the code for every photo. It gets reall tiring.

'Maybe i could take a quick nap' i tiredly thought, laying my arms on the desk, placing my head between them and was soon dragged quick into sleep.

I wake up to a ding from my computer, meaning that i have more photographs to add to the vita carnis safety website. I groan as i sit up and stretch as i pull up the code for the website while taking a look at what photo's were submitted, easily reconizing that all of these photo's were of the Host's, i yawn tiredly while adding the new photo's into the "host of influence" category.

As I am adding the photo's in, I notice something about the last photo. This Host looks human, not fully but it looks more human than any of the other hosts i've ever seen, getting me concerned, yet interested. I pull up the info for who sent in the photo's, finding out that my best friend, Socks, took this group of photos. Curiosity gets the better of me and I look further into the photo's once I post them on the website.

As I look closer, I notice, in the most recent photo of the mutated host there is an almost invisible cloud of dust, which are actually host spores, and it seems like socks noticed as the photo is slightly blurry as if during the photo, he noticed the spores and ran away. 'Meaning that he most likely already got the medication from meme' I thought with a twinge of relief.

As I look deeper into the photo, comparing it with a few other host of influence photo's that socks has captured throughout the years of him working here. And this, weird, mutated, Host Of Influence, was always much much much more human than any of the other Host's, yet, still clearly not human.

The main thing that set this odd Host off from the rest of the hosts was its "skin" tone. Most Host's "skin" is a meaty/fleshy red, this other host's skin was pale tan. And the face shape was uncanny. Very uncanny. It made my skin crawl.

With a sigh I closed the tabs of all the different photo's down and logged out of the computer, stood up and cleaned my desk up a bit before going over to socks' cubicle.

"Hey socks" i mumbled, my exhaustion hitting me like a brick, leaning against the cubicle walls, "hey blaza, everything ok?" he asked, looking up at me, "yeah," i mumbled, "just, the photo's you submitted....there's a few of the host photos of one of the host's seem off, like, it looked more human than any host i've seen...and that is saying something since i have access to every photo of all of the vita carnis species, and it looks more human than even the mimics!"

socks thought for a moment before sighing, "maybe it was a mutated one? Like, how humans have random genetic mutations at random when born? Could that be it?", "i hope-" i mumble, not wanting to have to deal with yet another vita carnis species. I sighed, "you wanna meet up at my place once you finish your report?" i ask, starting to stand up straight again, "sure!" socks said, perking up slightly and getting back to work on his daily report, which is just, what photos he took, what species, how many of each, how many total, anything important, yada, yada, yada, "ok, i'll clean my place up a bit while you finish that" and with that, i got up and left to my car.

Socks PoV

After blaza left i got back to my report,

"How many different species did you capture and what kind(s)?; one, the host of influence

How many of each specie(s); 46

How many total; 46

Anything important?; yes, one of the last host's i photographed looked much more human than normal, blaza and I have looked into it, blaza has more than i have, and we both agree that this host probably had some odd mutation when it was separated from the crawl.

Other; if you find out if the off looking host has something wrong with it, please let me know.

danger(s)?; yes, i inhaled spores from the last host. I took the precautions and have already taken medication from meme. I should be fine."

I submitted the form to the supervisor before grabbing my work bag and walking out to the car, feeling a bit more light headed than normal, but i think it's just from the meds.

'Let's hope that the odd host didn't have some weird new disease.' I thought as i got into my car, getting ready to go to blaza's house to talk for a bit.

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