Chapter 10

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Harry was now fully convinced that all wizards lived in castles.

Hogwarts stood proud near the edge of a cliff, looking like a medieval castle, towering over the vast forest and lake surrounding it. One of the towers seemed to have an extra flag pole tied to the top of it with a red and gold scarf tied around it, illuminated by the flickering light within as it fluttered in the light, cool, night breeze.

Harry was extremely glad to have Draco with him, he didn't think he'd have the courage to move without the comforting feel of the warm hand holding his. The whispering as people realised who he was didn't help anything. After Hagrid and the Malfoy's explanations, he knew this would happen, but that didn't make it easier. As far as he was concerned; crowds and whispers only meant he was going to be hurt.

"Now, when I come back through these doors, you will each be sorted into your house. Your house is like your family, and any wrong doing will have points removed, while exceptional work will award points. During your time here, you will go to your head of house if you are experiencing any troubles." The stern professor told them, she was glaring at them, although there was a certain warmth in her eyes as she looked at the group of scared first years in front of her.

"You're standing with him, not your friend?" A voice from behind Harry asked, making him jump, the malice evident almost making him think he was back with the Dursleys. It was Ron.

"He is standing with his friend, Weasel." Draco said coldly, fixing the hot head with a firm glare.

"Why don't you let him speak for himself?" An Irish accent asked from somewhere in the crowd of onlookers.

"He's mute, he can't exactly speak for himself, but if any of you know sign language, feel free to ask him." Draco snarled, pulling the trembling Harry close to him in a protective way. It might not be very pure blood, but Malfoys don't let people they care about suffer.

"He's not actually mute, you're just scaring him into telling everyone that." Ron said, arms crossed as he also glared at Draco, the spark of hatred were almost visible between them.

'I'm not being scared into telling anyone anything.' Harry signed, but the only person who could see his hands and knew sign language was Draco, so it didn't help anything.

"Stop manipulating my friend, Malfoy." Ron said, taking a step towards Harry, who tried to hide behind Draco, but he was being held too tightly.

"Stop pretending you know anything about Harry." Draco retorted, turning on his heal so he wasn't even looking at Ron anymore, and neither was Harry.

"Stupify!" Ron yelled, his wand pointed at the back of Draco's neck.

"Protego." Professor McGonagall cast, preventing the stunner from hitting Draco. "Mr Weasley, we do not attack other students, detention tomorrow after dinner and you will be loosing points from whichever house you are sorted into."

"But Professor-" Ron tried to object, but McGonagall was having none of it, casting a non-verbal silencing charm on him, before leading all of them into the Great hall.

The Great Hall was massive, four giant tables taking up most of the space, however there was a fifth table which held all the teachers. The fifth was on a raised platform so the teachers could see all the students at once. You could see the sky through the ceiling which was now a dark blue and covered with the shining stars. Floating candles illuminated the hall, although that didn't seem very practical.

Everything staring at Harry didn't go unnoticed by either him or Draco, who was choosing to ignore the chant of insults coming from Ron who was walking behind them. They all stopped in front of a small stool with an old, tattered hat on it. Harry jumped when the hat started to sing.

Draco was sorted a while before he was, immediately put in Slytherin, but that put harry alone with the tall, aggressive red head who seemed to think he was entitled to be Harry's friend. He kept standing uncomfortably close to him, blatantly ignoring when Harry tried to move away from him.

"Potter, Harry." McGonagall called, causing whispers to erupt around the hall, but Harry was just glad that he had excuse to get away from Ron.

"Ah, Harry Potter, I've been waiting to sort you. You're very interesting, honestly I could put you in any house, although I believe Slytherin would best help you on the way to greatness. Will you let me put you there?" The Sorting Hat's voice asked inside his head. Harry didn't know it could do that, but Slytherin was where Draco was, so it's where he wanted to be.

The hat seemed to understand this as it yelled into the anxiety ridden silence "Slytherin!!"

There was a pause, this couldn't be real. Harry Potter, the boy who defeated He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, simply couldn't be in Slytherin, the house that had bred the most evil wizards.

The silence was broken, though, when Draco started cheering for his friend, who rushed over to be sitting next to Draco, who hugged him. The Slytherins were cheering so loudly they not only drowned out the jeering from the Gryffindors, but McGonagall calling the next name to be sorted. Thankfully, no points were lost due to the over enthusiastic cheering, but the moment Ron was sorted into Gryffindor, above the cheers of the house, McGonagall announced that silenced the cheers, gaining Ron only cold, angry looks of disdain.

"20 points from Gryffindor for trying to hex another student before the sorting." McGonagall announced before calling the next name.

"Oh, come on, Ron, hexing another student? Really? The school year hasn't even started and we're already in last place." One of the other red heads at the table said, he looked more angry than the rest of the table, with the exception of two more red heads, these two identical.

'What would that spell have done?' Harry asked Draco, realising that while they had read through their books and made most of the potions, he didn't know any of the spells, and he didn't recognise the one Ron had used.

"It stuns the victim, knocking them unconscious, but if cast wrong or too many are sent at one target then it can cause serious problems." Draco explained, whispering and leaning close to Harry, making the latter's cheeks heat up slightly.

"That Weasley used stupify?" One of the 5th year Slytherins asked, sounding somewhere between annoyed and surprised. "How come he only lost 20 points?"

"He also got a detention tomorrow. I don't think he cast it properly, it wasn't the red colour I saw when my parents cast it. McGonagall also blocked it." Draco said, turning his attention to the older Slytherin.

"She probably didn't want him to be eaten alive by his house, but that detention is going to be hard." A different Slytherin said, before they turned their attention to Harry. "But why were you using sign language? Are you mute?"

Harry shrank into himself, glad to be next to Draco again, happy that he was able to hold Draco's hand as he was in a completely foreign environment, nobody talked to him in muggle schools. He gave the older girl a slight nod, though, and she gave him a kind smile.

"My name's Melissa, feel free to ask me if you need help, my younger sister is deaf, so I know sign language too. This dork in Ven, they're actually really nice, but they hate the way Slytherin is treated." Melissa said, her voice kind as she kept the sisterly smile on her face. "If anyone bullies you, let us know. Slytherins look out for each other."

Harry nodded, smiling back to her, he was glad he wasn't alone anymore, but even more glad he wasn't separated from Draco.

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