Chapter 40

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Harry and Draco were curled up in the large 4 poster bed in the Slytherin dorms. It was Harry's first Christmas away from the Dursleys and they decided to stay for Christmas, Remus and Sirius needing renovations in their house, and Lucius was the only one who was against the idea of staying at Hogwarts, so he was outvoted.

Harry wasn't really sure about Christmas traditions, although he remembered every winter he had to wrap several gifts in awkward shapes and wait until midnight of the 25th of December to put the under the large, needle dropping tree that, while pretty, seemed to lack any substance due to lack of anything but lights and baubles in order to put the large gifts for Dudley under it, then fill the decorated sock by the fire place. He also had a lot of cooking to do on the day.

Draco woke up first, excited about both Christmas and seeing Harry's reaction to his gifts, he would probably be confused at the idea of getting gifts, while he was getting more used to the idea of getting presents, but that doesn't mean he was actually used to it. He looked down at Harry with a soft fondness in his eyes, the red and gold pattern from his back to cheek glowing dimly in the cool, dark morning.

Draco was glad Harry was sleeping better, since the incident when he came into his inheritance he had been having bad nightmares and waking up early. Clearly he was sleeping better, sharing a bed not only made Draco very warm, but also helped to get Harry off sleeping potions while still having a decent night.

There was still a faint glimmer of Harry's magic around them as they slept, it was much weaker and closer to them than it was when Harry had first changed. Clearly Harry was feeling much safer than he used to feel, but it was only natural that someone who had grown up in an abusive household to be on edge when vulnerable. Clearly it was more of a magical strain than a mental one now, but hopefully Harry would get to the point where he didn't feel that way, the most Draco could do to help that is supporting Harry and trying to make him feel safe.

Checking the time, Draco decided it was too early to wake the small boy up, even though he was itching to open his bulging, lumpy, stuffed stocking at the foot of his bed that the house elves had filled. From the cool morning light spilling from the windows, Draco could make out the silhouettes of their stockings, Harry's significantly larger, but that was only right, seeing as this was his first Christmas in his memory.

Draco looked down a the slight movement in his arms, Harry was adorable whenever he was waking up, the green of his eyes visible before they were really open, gold visible for a moment before fading away to show the emeralds that seemed to hold a great sadness and comfort. He was still curled up small, huddled close to Draco, his arms lazily around the taller boy before he fully awoke. The last fizzling wisps of magic ebbing away as he woke up.

"Morning Harry," Draco greeted with a smile, "Merry Christmas."

Harry's eyes widened, Christmas? Today was that day? Thought he would never say it, for fear of sounding ruse and ungrateful, he had always wanted to have the kind of Christmas Dudley did, does this mean he was really going to?

"Come on, lets open our stockings." Draco said, crawling to the end of the bed to pull the stockings closer to the small boy so they could open them together.

'This is for me?' Harry asked, looking between Draco and the stocking.

"Of course, it has your name on and everything." Draco said, pulling out the orange from the top of the stocking, wrapped gifts all underneath.

Harry pulled out the not so small presents out carefully, looking up at Draco every time he started unwrapping them. Draco smiled at him, or was focusing on his own gifts. Harry got lots of sweets, an orange, a calendar, a toothbrush, a book of puzzles, some quills, a book of advanced and non-verbal spells, and a little bottle of a good smelling potion that helps with meditation.

Most of Draco's stocking contents were focused on potions. Harry felt guilty, he thought that as they both already had so many presents already, this must be the number of gifts they were getting. While harry had gotten a small gift for Draco, the main gift he was planning was already making him feel anxious about it, some gold flickering along the red and gold lines, to show his magic becoming somewhat agitated, ready to protect him when needed.

"Come on, let's go down. I'm sure everyone will be interested to see what you've got, and besides, Christmas breakfast is so good." Draco said, pulling Harry's hand as they both headed downstairs. There was no mistletoe in the Slytherin common room, Slytherins all agreeing that if they wanted to kiss someone they would ask, rather than trapping some unsuspecting people under the plant, especially not when they had Harry, and other students like Harry, who didn't want to kiss people, or were uncomfortable being trapped. It wasn't uncommon for students in Slytherin to have those qualities thanks to abuse, needing them to stay alive.

There was some red put up though, like holly, the red berry with spikey leaves. Lucius and Narcissa were already sitting on two arm chairs by the fire. It seemed like Remus and Sirius were still in the Gryffindor common room, they had been given the password already. 

"Good morning boys, merry Christmas!" Narcissa called out to them as they came into the common room, Harry was struggling to carry all of the gifts he had received in his stocking. "We'll do gifts once everyone is here."

Harry was shocked, they hadn't already done gifts? He already had so many.


Harry pulled at Draco's shoulder, drawing his attention away from the invisibility cloak Harry had received, in reality it was being returned to him after Dumbledore had stolen them, but they had initially been returned to the McGonagall couple, where they decided to give it to Harry as a gift. 

'Can you follow me?' Harry asked, biting his lip.

"Sure, what's up?" Draco asked, but he didn't get any response, having to follow Harry back to their dorms to get an answer. "Do you need something?"

Harry shook his head, gold flickering along the lines from his inheritance faster and faster as he tried to calm himself down enough to finally give Draco his second gift.

"U-um.. Thank you... For being... My friend... Draco..." Harry said, picking at his trousers repeatedly as he couldn't bring himself to look at Draco who was silent. His voice was getting quieter and quieter with each word, getting more and more nervous.

"You just spoke?" Draco asked in a whisper, almost afraid to ask in case his mind was playing tricks on him.

Harry was starting to get scared, not saying anything else, just nodding, he couldn't keep his hands still, and the repeated pulling on his trousers was helping him relieve his stress.

"Harry, that's amazing!" Draco said, pulling Harry into a hug. He was doing his best to be quiet, but how could anyone expect him to be quiet when Harry had just spoken to him. "That's amazing! You're amazing Harry!"

Harry was doing his best not to, but he couldn't stop himself from crying with relief that Draco still cared about him, and was happy about everything he had managed to do.

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