Chapter 5

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"You did what!?" Dumbledore's furious voice boomed through the long forgotten room in the dungeons that was once used for detention.

"Only what ye told me." Hagrid said, although he looked terrified of the man in front of him. "I took him to Gringotts and sent him to get his robes. He's mute, I didn't think 'e would be friends with the Malfoy."

"You were supposed to tell him how great I am, so that he would choose Gryffindor." Dumbledore spat at Hagrid, who flinched away.

"I did that, yesterday I talked with 'im and told 'im about the 'istory you told me to." Hagrid said, trying to avoid getting the usual punishment Dumbledore gave him when he messed up. "I tried to look for 'im after I felt better, but I couldn't find 'im."

"Great, but you didn't talk about the pure blood mind that I told you to. If you had, he would never have become friends with Malfoy." Dumbledore said, the usual twinkle in his eyes looking far more sinister in the slightly greenish light from the lake. "You have failed to do as you were told, hand over your umbrella."

Hagrid was shaking as he handed it over. He had been tricked by Dumbledore back when he was framed for the attacks when he was in third year. They had made the unbreakable vow in order to save Hagrid from Azkaban. He would do as Dumbledore told him, and in return he would be allowed to stay at Hogwarts. Dumbledore used this to do anything he wanted to him for any reason as if Hagrid ever stopped doing as he was told, he would die. The first thing he had been told, was to never betray Dumbledore or do anything to get him arrested, and little, naive Hagrid had agreed.

"Crucio." Dumbledore said, his mouth forming a sneer as Hagrid crumpled, crying out in pain as the curse hit him.


The Malfoys just got onto their manor, Harry standing slightly behind them. Harry's eyes were wide with wonder and surprise as he saw how large Malfoy manor really was. He had never seen a manor before, and the only house he had ever seen was the Dursleys' and 100 of them could easily fit in the Malfoy manor.

"Come on Harry, I'll show you around." Draco said, grabbing Harry's hand and running into the manor, Narcissa and Lucius behind them, although they weren't about to explore the manor with the boys.

"I'm going to check him this evening after dinner. I don't want him to feel as though it's the only reason we're letting him stay, but we need to know how badly those muggles hurt him." Narcissa said once the boys were upstairs.

"Maybe another the day after tomorrow we should ask him about what happened too. There are things that can be done to hurt people that don't get listed by the spell." Lucius agreed, knowing that it was possible for them to do the spell without Harry knowing, but it would be impossible to find out everything without Harry having to tell them.

"What are you going to call the snake?" Draco asked, noticing that it was now wrapped around Harry's left arm, the other arm Draco was holding.

They slowed down, Harry taking both arms back, before starting to sign. 'P-R-E-D-A-W-N' Harry signed out. Draco held his hand up as a sign for Harry to wait, ducking into a room and coming back with a sheet of parchment for Harry to write on.

"Now we can actually communicate." Draco said, smiling. "I'm going to try to learn sign language this summer so I can understand you more easily."

'ㄒ卄卂几Ҝ   ㄚㄖㄩ. 丨'爪    匚卂ㄥㄥ丨几Ꮆ    ㄒ卄乇爪   卩尺乇ᗪ卂山几.' Harry wrote, smiling brightly at the idea of Draco learning sign language, he would finally be able to really communicate with a person.

"You're welcome, and that sounds like a cool name." Draco said, turning and walking up another flight of stairs. "Do you want to stay in a guest room or my room?"

'丨  Ꮆ乇ㄒ  卂   尺ㄖㄖ爪?' Harry wrote, his eyes wide at the idea of staying in an actual room, not just in Dudley's destroyed second bedroom.

"Well of course you can, where did you think you'd sleep? The dungeons?" Draco asked, looking confused at Harry's excitement. "You can have the spare room by mine, feel free to come into my room if you want."

'ㄚㄖㄩ   卄卂ᐯ乇   卂   ᗪㄩ几Ꮆ乇ㄖ几?' Harry wrote, incredulous, and not entirely convinced Draco didn't live in an old castle.

"Yeah, it hasn't been used in years and is basically a maze though. I only went down there once when I was 5 and was lost for the whole day until father found me. I was a mess, I thought I was never going to get out." Draco said with a slight laugh as they approached a pale door with ornate green patterns bordering it. "This is my room, yours is the one to the left with brown wood and gold detailing."

Harry nodded and they entered the room, all of Draco's things bought that day were already in his room, waiting for him to unpack them. It was a large room, larger than the Dursleys' living room, although it look comfortable and lived in. The desk wasn't clean, sheets of parchment falling off. Neither was the floor with a potion kit open and spread across half the room, the cauldron itself on it's side, some white residue clinging to the side.

"Sorry it's so messy, I've told the house elves to not touch my potions stuff as it could be dangerous, but I didn't get around to cleaning it up before we went to Diagon Alley because I wasn't supposed to be making potions." Draco said, going over to the ingredients and putting them away.

'卄ㄖㄩ丂乇   乇ㄥ千?  山卄卂ㄒ'丂   ㄒ卄卂ㄒ?' Harry asked, never having heard of these before. Then again, he didn't know much about the wizarding world, like that they lived in castles.

"Oh, right, house elves are magical creatures that usually serve pure blood families. They have a dependant magical core, so can't survive without a non-dependant master, but as long as they have one their magic is well above human levels." Draco explained, finally getting to the cauldron, which he tapped with his new wand, cleaning it instantly.

"Wanna play wizard chess?" Draco asked, raising a chess board. "I can teach you." Harry nodded, never having played a game that didn't hurt him before.

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