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After school Naruto ran home as fast as he could, followed by his Fox.
After a while he stopped running and jumped in a tree.
He took out a lyrics book and started writing.
Sasuke, who walked in the same park, saw Naruto in the tree and decided to sit next to him.
He also climbed in and grabbed out a sketchbook.
Naruto looked at Sasuke and gestured a question mark.
Sasuke sighed.
"I just like to sit here, looking at the narute, sketching some stuff... " Sasuke said.
Naruto nodded and continued writing in his own book.
Sasuke whistled a tune.
Naruto tapped the notebook in the rhythm.
Sasuke rubbed the tree for a nice sound effect while Narutos fox made short and silent barks.
Sasuke smiled and let out a giggle.
Saruto smiled too, head tilted a little.
Sasuke resisted the urge to hug the blonde.
So... Where do you live? Naruto signed.
"at a creepy pedophilic family members place" Sasuke sighed and frowned.
"how about you" Sasuke asked.
Naruto pointed at the really big house down the street.
I've got spare rooms, if you wand you can stay with us? Naruto signed.
"us?" Sasuke asked.
Naruto pointed at the Fox.
Sasuke nodded.
"alright sure, but I don't know if that snake allows me to." Sasuke said with venom in his voice.
Naruto sighed and looked down.
He then let himself fall backwards, hanging on the tree branch on his legs.
He then rumored off and swiftly landed on his feet.
Sasuke climbed out the regular way.

Upon arriving at Narutos front yard Sasuke was gaping at the size of the house.
It was huge.

When they entered Narutos house the staff greeted him and he greeted them back.
Sasuke then saw Naruto grabbing a bouquet of roses and walked to what seems like the cook lady and gave them.
He then signed happy birthday!
And hugged the elder woman. The elder woman hugged the blonde back and she kissed his cheek out of thanx.
Naruto smiled at the now overjoyed elderly lady who stuffed a cookie in his mouth.
She laughed as he smiled again.
Sasuke laughed a little at this.
Naruto then walked back to Sasuke and Dragged him around the house for a tour.
Half an hour they were done and dinner was ready.
Naruto looked at Sasuke and gave him a phone.
Here, for if you wanna eat here, you can call your caretaker with this.
Sasuke nodded and thanked him, then dialed the number and after a quick phone call Sasuke was allowed to stay with Naruto.

Naruto smiled again at the cook lady as she placed all the food down on the tables and all the staff who had gathered on the table started soft chattering.
Sasuke sat next to Naruto.
Naruto, who grabbed the ramen filled pan, threw his soup plate full with it and started eating it, enjoying it wildly.
Sasuke had tomato soup and spagetti, while Naruto ate all the ramen and the pizza.
Sasuke laughed at this.
Then a longhaired redhead male walked in.
"happy birthday Nona. " he said as he hugged the elder lady as well. Then sat down next to Naruto in the empty seat.
" and how's my little brother doing" the redhead asked.
Naruto gave a quick thumbs up and stuffed his mouth with food again.
The redhead then looked at Sasuke.
"hey, I'm Kurama, Narutos big brother, you're a friend I assume?" he said softly.
Sasuke nodded.
"alright then" Kurama said as also he started to stuff his mouth with the many things on the table.

After dinner Naruto pointed Sasuke the empty room next to Narutos.
Kurama slept at the other side so...

Sasuke enter the room and saw the room was all blue.
I figured you liked blue so....
Sasuke nodded and thanked Naruto, then walked in and sat on the bed.
The mattress was just perfect and the sheets smelled like Marsmallows.
Sasuke thanked the blonde ones more and crowled into the bed, falling asleep almost instantly.
Naruto walked to his own room and went to bed himself.

He didn't go to sleep immediately, he decided to write some more in his lyrics book.

After a while he fell asleep with the book still in his hand.

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