Chapter 65: Good Times

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Pictured above is my drawing of Evie and her friends. I'm not a great artist, but I tried.

Koto's POV

Evie struggles with her keys as she unlocks the door to her dorm room. A girl with curly, black hair hops up from her bed and runs over to her, wrapping my great-great-grandma in a hug, effectively blocking the camera and making lots of scratchy sounds come from the speakers. I watch, enraptured as the two talk.


Evie and her roommate, Andrea show their room, before and after decorating, along with a clip of them both sitting at their desks, feasting on pop tarts and milkshakes as they play video games.


Evie brings the camera around campus and into the studio where she studies as a film student. A tall guy with bleach blonde hair always steals the camera from her, holding it up in the air, mockingly as she jumps to try and get it back. She always manages to, pushing the other guy aside with a tiny smile. 

"To whoever is watching this mystery movie," the guy says, putting Evie in a loose chokehold, "I assure you, we're actually friends.

She rolls her eyes and pokes his side, making him squirm so she can get free. "Yeah right, you tree."

"Tree?" He gasps over exaggeratedly. "How dare you?!? It's Mr. Tree to you!!"

"Yeah yeah, whatever."


In one of her classes, she places the camera on the desk. There's a bit of whispering before she starts zooming in on the professor at the front of the lecture hall. I hear some snickering from behind the camera which turns into sputtering laughter when the professor finally finishes class. 


"So this is Miriam," Evie says, directing the camera at a new girl with light brown hair, a couple eyebrow piercings, and a red beanie. Time seems to have passed a bit because it's now winter, snow falling heavily around them as they walk outside. "She's from Arizona and this is her first blizzard!"

The girl looks around cheerfully even as the wind whips at them and gets snow in her eyes. She slips around on the slushy pathways as they walk back to their dorms, parting ways eventually. Evie adjusts the camera to film over her shoulder and manages to get a shot of her new friend slipping and falling on ice.


"Oh dear God," Evie mutters, filming a pack of people as they run out the front doors of her residence hall and dive into the snow, only wearing bathing suits. 

One of them points to her, it's the same guy from her film class that she calls Tree. "Hey E! Put your swimsuit on! We're going for a run!"

"I don't think so, Brian!" She retorts. One of the guys from the group climbs out of the snow with his arms around himself. He has floppy auburn hair, wet from the snow. 

"Yeah, I don't think I can do this either," he says, running for the warmth of the building. 

"Coward!!" The rest of the group yells at him. 

Evie films them having a snowball fight for another few seconds before going back into the building. The redhead is walking barefoot into the elevator, but upon seeing Evie, he holds the door for her. 

"Floor?" He asks, teeth chattering. 

"Sixth," she says, deciding to film the metal door instead of the half naked guy shivering on the other side of the elevator. He clicks the button along with the seventh floor button and they become silent as the elevator rises. 

The doors open on the sixth floor and she steps out, turning around to call after him, "stay warm!"

"I'll try!" He calls back with a sideways grin as the doors close. 


Evie, Andrea, Brian, and another girl sit on the floor of their dorm room, playing cards and yelling at each other. 

"Why the hell would you play a plus four card on me?" Brian shouts at the new girl.

She just cocks an eyebrow at him and smirks. "Because I loooooove you," she replies.

His ears become red and he mumbles, "I love you too, but you shouldn't do things like that to a person."

Evie and Andrea squeal at him and he swats their hands away as they go to pinch his cheeks. "Stop it! I'll fight you! I'll fight you all!" He screeches. "Maybelle! Help me!"

"Nah, I'm good," his girlfriend responds, joining in on poking his red face and making kissy noises. 


Evie, Andrea, and Miriam sing loudly in the car as they drive through the snow. It's so poorly sung that the song isn't even recognizable. All of a sudden, a plow turns the corner and they all scream as the lights flood the screen, then giggle as it passes by, leaving them unharmed. 

"Don't you ever just worry that a plow will pick you up and dump you in a snowbank somewhere?" Miriam asks. 

"Nah, must be an Arizona thing," Evie retorts. Miriam clicks her tongue at her, but smiles and they continue singing. 


Evie sets her camera up outside as Brian, Andrea, Miriam, and the rest of Brian's group play basketball, 5 on 4. The redhead from the elevator keeps sneaking glances in her direction, once getting hit in the gut with the ball because he isn't paying attention.

"E!" Brian screeches as he dunks the ball. "You gonna play or what?"

"Nah, I think I'll sit this one out," she yells back. The whole group boos her. "If anything, I'd just be a handicap to the team."

"C'mon, show us what you got!" One of his friends chucks her the ball. She catches it and stands, leaving her camera on the sidelines as she plays. 

Most of the times she dribbles, the ball bounces off her foot and flies in a completely random direction. Not to mention, she always misses the basket, but she looks like she's having fun. 


Evie films her friends saying goodbye outside the dorms as they all get in their cars and drive away.


Back in her hometown, she sits with her other friends, Kimmy, Samantha, and Diya around the campfire. They all tell stories of their first year of college and make s'mores. They listen to boy bands and classic pop, singing along occasionally. Turns out Kimmy and Samantha have really melodic singing voices that blend well together.


A second year Evie runs into her dorm room and tackles Miriam, who she's rooming with this semester. 

"Aaah! I'm so excited for this year!" Her brown haired friend exclaims. It looks as though over the summer, she got a nose ring. 

They unpack their room while listening to music and dancing.


"Turn that off," Evie snaps, hiding her face from the camera. 

"No," Brian sets it so it can see both of them. "Because you need to hear this. And you may not listen now, but you have to eventually. You might not believe that you can do this, but you can. You're an amazing filmmaker."

"I suck at it," she cries, sniffling. 

"No you don't!"

"I can't remember anything! I've scored too low in too many of my classes! If I can't get my grades back up, I won't be getting any financial aid and I can't…" a choked sob comes out. 

Brian reaches over and hugs her close. "Don't worry about that now. If you only focus on that, it won't help you."


"No, if you need help studying, I'm here," he cuts her off. "We're in the same classes in case you forgot. And I'll always be here to help as long as you ask. I can't know that something's wrong if you don't tell me! I won't run away! Just tell me if something's wrong. That's why all of us are here. You help me enough times that I feel guilty. Like I'm taking advantage of you. Just let me help! And if this isn't making you happy anymore, you can choose something else. Is there anything else you could think of doing?"

Evie is crying so hard she can't even speak. She takes a few moments before mumbling "teaching.

"I'll help you get there. I know you can do it if that's what makes you happy."

She motions for him to put the camera away. He reaches over and turns it off. 


Evie sits in her desk chair, wearing a fancy blouse and black skirt with tall heels as Miriam does her makeup. 

"Evie's got a daate! Evie's got a daate!" She chants.

"Stop it!" The girl cries. "You're making me nervous!"

"Dude, if you're nervous, Ryan is probably shitting himself!"

She glances up at her friend. "Really?"

"That boy is a total simp for you. He told me himself how nervous he is."

"What? When?"

"He said he just wanted it to go right, so he asked for my help."

Evie sits quietly until Miriam finishes her makeup, looking at it in wonder before giving her friend a hug. 

"It looks great!" She gets a troubled look on her face. "What wouldn't go right?

Miriam sighs, "just chill okay? You're both nervous, you both have no clue what you're doing. I think it's adorable. And if it doesn't go well, don't worry too much about it. Cause you can still be friends, right?

"Yeah, I guess," Evie says, tapping her fingers on the desk. 

A sudden knock comes at the door. Evie turns to Miriam with wide eyes. 

"I'm gonna be sick," she whispers, panicked. 

"You'll be fine," Miriam responds, picking up the camera and following her to the door. "Go get your man!"

"Hey!" Evie chirps as she opens the door. 

"Hey," the redhead from the elevator says. He wears a blue button down shirt with paw prints on it. The sleeves are rolled up to his elbows, his hands shoved in the pockets of his jeans. "You look nice."

"You too," Evie mumbles, her voice cracking. She clears her throat, her face turning bright red.

"Have fun you two!" Miriam shouts as she pushes her roommate out the door. "But not too much fun!"


Evie faces away from the camera, doing dishes in the sink. Her blonde hair is shorter than before and more tamed, only barely brushing her shoulders. She wears a black pencil skirt and a blue dress shirt with a black collar.

"What do you think you're doing?" A male voice says from behind the camera. 

She jumps and turns to look at him, not stopping the dishes, but does a double take. She turns off the water and dries her hands. "Where'd you find that?"

"In a box of your old stuff, but youuuu..." he reaches out and taps her nose, a silver band on his ring finger. She smiles in response. "...haven't answered my question."

"I'm doing the dishes."


"Cause we need clean dishes."

"You've been on your feet all day. Sit down, take a load off."

She shakes her head and goes back to the sink. "The doctor said to stay active."

The man walks behind her and puts his arms around her, pointing the camera at the both of them, showing Ryan, the guy who had bailed on the snow run and had taken her out on a date in the last clip. They both look older, more mature, maybe late twenties, early thirties. He sports a cleanly shaven goatee and distinct laugh lines. "Yes, stay active, not constantly on your feet and moving around. You're making me tired just watching you. Please take a break."

She sighs and looks him in the eyes. They stare at each other for a little bit before she kisses his nose and mumbles, "fine."

He smiles and pulls her tightly against him, kissing her nose in response. "Good, now go read a book or something and relax."

"I just know you're gonna be tired and stressed with this baby around. I don't want you to hate me before it comes."

"I could never," he says quietly, but strongly. "You're the one carrying it. I'll take care of you in any way I can. Please rest."

"Okay," she kisses him softly on the lips. They share a look of pure love when they pull away. 

He glances briefly at the camera before turning it off. 


The person behind the camera sneaks up on Ryan from behind as he watches Star Wars on the TV.

"Honey," Evie says, anticipation in her voice. 

"Yeah?" Her husband turns around. His eyes have dark bags under them and his face is a little more scruffy, but he lights up upon seeing her. "No way," he whispers. 

"Yes!" She exclaims, hopping up and down.

He takes a small white device from her hand, a pregnancy test, looking between it and her with excitement. His expression becomes slightly more somber. "Don't worry, everything will be fine this time around."

She goes around the couch and sits next to him, turning the camera to see both of them. If he looks tired, she looks exhausted, like she hasn't slept in months and life has been beating her down. "Are you telling me or you?" She asks, equally as serious. 

"Both of us," he says with a small smile that quickly fades. "I just wish we could've met the first one."

"I know," Evie whispers in response, putting her chin on his shoulder as he looks down at the pregnancy test in his hands. "Me too."

"What if there's another miscarriage?" He asks, his voice threatening to break. 

A dark cloud falls over her face at the words. "We...keep the child in our hearts and keep on living because they never got to?" She suggests. 

They look into each other's eyes for a long, meaningful moment before she turns off the camera. 


"Welcome to the world, Liam Frederick Agnew!" Ryan whisper shouts, holding the camera out in front of him to show the small family. Evie lies on a hospital bed, cradling a small baby swaddled in a white blanket. She holds him to her chest, unable to look away from her child. 

"After the nine hours of hell you put your mother through, you're finally here!"

Evie looks up at her husband in offense. "Don't swear around the baby!" She exclaims. 

"Okay, okay, can I hold him?"

"Of course." He places the camera down on the bed before they gently transfer the baby to his arms. He softly rocks his son, looking down at him with a loving expression. 


The screen shows only Ryan. He looks a few years older as he sits on a couch, leaning forward, elbows on his knees. He scrubs his scruffy face before putting his face in his hands. 

"Liam," he says, voice cracking. "I know you won't understand right now, but I want you to eventually. Your mother...she…"

He gasps out a sob, breathing heavily. "There was an incident at the school. She...she loved you very much, but...she's not here anymore. I know it's hard to understand, but she gave her life so that others could live. There was...a very sick person who decided to open fire on the school. She faced him when he entered her classroom instead of running and hiding. She tried to disarm him, but it didn't work and he...he killed her."

Ryan cries heaving sobs for a while before he wipes his face and continues with a thick voice. "She distracted him long enough for one of her students to grab him from behind and disarm him. Your mother saved who knows how many people by stepping in and sacrificing herself. I know you might not understand…"

He chokes up and has to take a sip of water. He looks off for a little while, tears streaming down his face. "She loved us so much. She was always so selfless and put others before herself. I want you to understand that she didn't just abandon us...even if it may feel that way right now…"

He wipes his face again. "It would've torn her up inside if she had done nothing. What she did took so much courage. It's an honor to have known her. She was the best woman I've ever met. Growing up, you probably won't remember much of her. But she's...she was so gentle and kind. She had this ability to make anybody spill their deepest secrets, desires, and passions to her; she made everyone feel safe. Everybody loved her. I don't know why she chose somebody like me to spend her life with, but I'm glad she did. I just wish she could've stayed around longer. But I get that that's selfish. You should still be able to know your mother, so this as many times as you need to. Never forget her. And never forget her love for you. Your mother was a true hero. I just hope you can see that."


The camera shows a tall, redheaded man, standing in front of a set of glass double doors with a pair of giant scissors. He walks up to the red ribbon in front of the doors and addresses the crowd before him. 

"My name is Liam Agnew," he says. "You may recognize that name."

"My mother never saw the dawn of quirks, nor those dubbed 'heroes,' but she was a great hero to our community. It was in this very school that she gave her life to save her students. She exemplified the true meaning of the word 'hero.' She was selfless, always providing for and taking care of others with a smile. She exists in our hearts as the epitome of heroics and should stand as the ideal hero for these students to look up to. Throughout my life, my father has always told me this. But I would never be where I am without him. He's the pillar on which I balance and find comfort when life becomes too rocky. He has had an unrelenting confidence in my abilities, always lifting me up to be the best I can be. When everyone told me I could never be an artist, he responded by accompanying me to art shows and selling my work with me."

He laughs a bit to himself. "Every time somebody would compliment my work, he always looked at me with a look that said 'I told you so.' Evie Agnew is this community's hero, but both of my parents are mine. Thank you. With great pleasure, I now present the Evangeline Agnew Heroics Department!"

With that, he takes the large scissors and cuts the ribbon, then pushes open the doors. The crowd floods forward into the area, speaking to Liam and filing down the hallway, examining the new wing of the school. 

A young red haired girl runs up to him and tackles him in a hug. The person carrying the camera also walks forward. 

"Good job, Daddy!" She exclaims, hugging him tight as he lifts her off the ground. 

"Thanks Meg," he says, ruffling her curly hair. "Wanna go see the surprise?"

"Yeah! Yeah!" She exclaims, bouncing up and down in his hold. Suddenly, she disappears in a flash of soft purple light, reappearing on the ground next to him. He chuckles as she grabs his hand and tries to drag him down the hallway. 

"Good job, son," Ryan says from behind the camera. His voice is rough and tired, laced with emotion. "And thanks...she would've been so proud of you. I'm so proud of you."

Liam smiles through tears as his daughter continues trying to drag him away. 

"Let's go see this surprise, yeah?" A brown haired woman walks up behind Liam, holding a little boy with the same dark shade of hair. She gives him a bright smile which she turns to Ryan, her dark eyes gleaming like obsidian. "I think you'll wanna see this."

She extends her hand to him as her daughter finally drags Liam away. He chuckles and takes it. "You're so perfect for him," he says as they walk. "My Evie would've loved you. I wish you could've met her."

"Me too," she whispers. "Here, let me take that.

She places her son on the ground, holding his little fingers with one hand as she takes the camera from Ryan with the other. Up ahead, the little girl exclaims, "wow! It's so pretty! Good job, Daddy!!"

The woman falls behind as Ryan continues forward. His once red hair has become a pale grey, balding on top. As he turns the corner, he stops in his tracks and raises a hand to his mouth. "It's beautiful," he gasps out, crying.

The woman goes around the corner to take in the giant mural on the wall. An image of Evie stands prominently in the hall. Her sparkling blue eyes look off into the distance as her curly blonde hair blows behind her in an imaginary wind. A kind, yet powerful smile sits delicately on her lips as her eyebrows bend ever so slightly upwards, giving her a hopeful expression. She stands with her hands on her hips, a long, baby blue cape flowing down from her shoulders. The sun shines down on her, giving her a radiant glow atop a small hill of flowers. 

"Thank you, Liam," he whispers through his tears as he embraces his son. "Thank you."

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