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"I'll call you guys tonight. Which will be tomorrow morning for you, I guess," I giggle at my screen, leaning back against the warm metal of the bench. "I should really go. Give little one tons of snuggles for Auntie Koto."

"Will do," Kati replies, giving a tired smile.

"Don't forget you're babysitting when you get back," Jupiter adds, barely even able to keep his eyes open.

I scoff. "As if! You two totally need a date night. No way am I shirking my duties."

The man snickers, only for Kati to jab him with her elbow. "What? She said 'duty,' I'm not allowed to laugh?"

She only rolls her eyes. "You are four."

"Well, I hate to break it to you, dear, but that makes this a whole lot more illegal. Might have to arrest you."

"Gah!" I cry, miming shielding my face as their smiles turn dangerous. "At least wait until I've hung up!"

They both laugh on the other side of the screen, Kati's face growing pink. "Fine," Jupiter concedes, "but you should get in there. Don't want them sending out a search party."

"Alright, I'll talk to y'all later."


I hang up and tilt my face back to the sky, a smile still touching my lips. I'm incredibly happy for my friends, no doubt, I just can't help but feel a bit heartbroken at times. Freshly out of such a serious relationship always leaves me feeling raw after conversations like these.

I don't know if I'm jealous or what. I mean, I've never liked Jupiter in that way. And I'm not sure how quickly I want to jump into a marriage, much less have a kid. It would be difficult with hero work and, in the end, I'm not entirely sure I'd want one.

So no, I wouldn't say I'm jealous. But why does it still leave me feeling so rotten? It's been months, and it's not like I'll ever see my ex again; I should be over this by now. I sigh, my mood having gradually deflated. I know it'll take more time to really get over something like this. And I don't know if there'll ever be a time when I don't think of him or don't love him.

I wish I could see into the future to assure myself that things would be fine. But could I handle the knowledge if it turns out it's not?

I shake my head. Today's a happy day, I mentally assure myself. Bright smile on, I stand and push open the door to the restaurant.

Joyful chatter hits me. I brush a curl from my face and walk towards the loudest, rowdiest table. I catch Shoji's eye first and have to keep my lips from parting in surprise. His mask is off, his face sporting a dangerous, yet charming smile on his mutated features. He inclines his head and waves me over.

However, I'm bombarded with hugs almost immediately. Ochaco, Mina, Ojiro, too many faces to count. They surge towards me, some still eating food.

"You're not telling me you started without me, are you?" I quip.

"No," Mina lies through a mouthful of dumpling. I snicker and push past her to examine the spread they have.

I spot a lanky teen pilfering the desserts already. "Eri," I exclaim, and the girl turns, red eyes wide. She tries and fails to hide a piece of mochi that she stuffed fully in her mouth. Oh, what a bad influence we've all been on her.

Although, when Shigaraki was captured after that initial battle, and Eri reversed the quirk transfer to him, her ego certainly inflamed. How many children get to go around saying they destroyed the most powerful quirk to ever exist? Not to mention defeating one of the most dangerous villains ever and turning the tide of a war. Maybe she deserves the confidence boost.

I pull her into a hug and quietly tell her to save me something sweet. She snickers and promises that she will.

Large arms wrap around my waist and a voice says from behind, "Can I grab you something from the bar?"

"Hi Ei," I greet, my cheeks now aching from smiling. "Surprise me."

As the warmth from him leaves me, my eyes snag on a blond head of hair down at the end of the table. Bakugo glances my way and inclines his head. He jerks his chin to the empty chair next to him: a silent invitation.

I make my way around the table to take the offered seat. I tuck a long curl behind my ear as he looks me over. I haven't seen him since we graduated, only hearing about him on the news. We were never good at staying in touch, so it has to have been at least four years since we've talked. I find my lips tugging up at the corners.



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