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7 years later

"Aunty Amanda!" Amanda's three year old niece runs into her.

"Vivian stop running off like that", Victoria comes into the room for her daughter. She takes everything from her father, brunette hair and hazel eyes. Victoria is four months pregnant and hoping it's a boy this time.

"I wanted to see aunty Amanda", Vivian says as Amanda picks her up.

"You're getting heavy Vi", Amanda says and she giggles.

"She needs to rest sweetheart, tomorrow is her big day", Victoria says.

"Maybe she can stay for a few minutes while you go talk to your husband", Amanda winks.

Victoria and Nathaniel got marry during Nathaniel's junior year in college and Vivian was born a year later when Victoria was only a junior, but Nathan helped her since he graduated and got a job quickly.

Amanda's big day is getting interview for a job and she is nervous. She's staying at her brother's huge house until she moves into her own little house next month which she brought in Greenwich village , but her brother wants her to stay at his a little while longer.

Daniel and Lily were together for two years until Lily got into college which was the furthest away from the group, so she broke things off with him. She and Daniel met again at Nathaniel and Victoria's wedding a few months later after their break up, they avoided each other. 

Fast forward two years after, they bumped into each other in Seattle when she came back for winter break and they talked to each other and started out as friends; now they're on their honeymoon somewhere in Europe.

Brandon and Lizzy turned out alright, their colleges weren't far from each other and they ended up living together in an apartment in Brooklyn. They have two kids now, the boy is five and the girl is three just like Vivian; Victoria is already shipping Vivian with Lizzy's son.

Sadly Emma and Sebastian didn't make it together to their senior prom, Emma fell in love with another guy at her private school and ended up in the same university as him. Sebastian went through the last six months of his senior year single, but Amanda cheered him up along with his other friends. He got a date for the senior prom and had a great summer before going to Stanford University.

Amanda didn't start to date Benny until junior year after winter break which was the next year after they returned to school after that winter masquerade ball.They didn't last long though, they figured out that they were meant to be just friends, it was just a crush and got over it the summer before senior year.

 No one was hurt during the process and they enjoyed their time after that as friends with no feelings in between, Benny even found his now wife during his college orientation.

Amanda and Sebastian saw each other a lot during their college years, since Berkeley University is in California, they even rent an apartment for two years which were their junior and senior year with two other roommates and attended each other's graduation.

Since they graduated, Amanda took a year off to travel a lot of places before settling down to work in Manhattan. Sebastian moved to New York after college and started to work immediately, he only asked Amanda out on a date last year before she traveled and now they'll be celebrating a year together soon.

She'll be living less than twenty minutes drive from Sebastian, so during lunch hour they can meet up and have lunch once she starts working and her interview is in New York.

Ally's a freshman in George Washington University, she's studying to become a forensic scientist and is still dating her middle school crush Matthias. 


"Good luck", Victoria tells Amanda as she leaves with her purse and car keys.

"Thanks, see you later Vi", she kisses Vivian's forehead.

"Bye aunty", she waves.

Amanda drives to New York, she leaves early to get a quick coffee with Sebastian before she goes for her interview.

She arrives in the busy city and parks on the street about three blocks up where her interview is to take place, she calls Sebastian.

"Hey darling, where are you?" She asks when he answers.

"I know this is last minute, but I can't make it this morning; there's this huge meeting taking place and I have to be in early. I'll make it up to you later, good luck and I'm so sorry", he replies.

"Oh okay", she sighs.

"I'm really sorry Amanda, but my boss called earlier this morning and said I have to be in an hour early", he explains.

"It's okay, I'll just drink a coffee at the diner I'm seeing right now and go to the interview."

"Dinner at my place tonight?"


"Okay, bye and good luck, got to go", he hangs up.

Amanda enters the diner and orders a coffee, she bumps into someone as she turns around.


"Amanda Jones?" The person frowns.

"Nick?" She gasps.

"Small world huh? I haven't see you since high school. I heard your brother and Tori got marry, can't believe those two stayed together after high school", he chuckles.

"Yeah, who you're dating now new bachelor in the city?" She smirks.

"No one, those girls you see in the papers are just for show", he admits,"who are you with?"


"I'm not surprise, after all you two were best friends and ended up in the same state for college", he shrugs.

"We only been dating for a year."

"Yet still you guys known each other for eight, man he took so dang long to ask you out."

"Better late than never, right?"

"Yeah, anyway just came for coffee then heading back to my office."

"You own a club right?" Amanda asks.

"Yes, you should check it out sometime it's not far from here."

"How do I get in?"

"Just tell my bouncer your name, I'll add you and Sebastian to my permanent guest list."

"Really?" Amanda gasps.

"I think it's fair after what I did to Lily and playing kind of a role in her crisis."


"How's Brandon and the rest of the crew?"

"Brandon is living in Brooklyn right now with Lizzy."

"Lizzy as in Tori's friend?"


"Those two actually made it out together, that's nice."

"Yeah, anyway I got to get going", Amanda takes her coffee and leaves.

"Nice seeing you again, check out the club soon!" Nick yells.


"How soon can you start?" Amanda's interviewer asks.


"Great, be here at 7:30 am. You don't start to work till 8, but I want you to get a tour of the building and you can't do that during rush hour", he says.

"Thank you", they both stand up.

"I'll like to see the potential your resume said about you put to work Ms. Jones."

"You wouldn't be disappointed", Amanda assures him.

"I know I wouldn't be, after all you're a star student", he smiles.

Amanda leaves and calls Victoria,"I got the job."

She gasps,"no way, you did?"

"Yes, I start tomorrow so I'm going to do some shopping and buy maybe two or three lab coat."

"Great, see you tonight later."

"Actually, after I'm having dinner at Seb's place."

"Well see you at 9 pm tonight, I'll tell Nathan for you."

"Thanks, I'm going to call Lily and my parents."

After long hours of walking, shopping for work clothes, lunch and then spending the rest of the evening in a spa; Amanda drives to Sebastian's house or penthouse. 

"Thanks for coming", Sebastian greets her when he opens the door,"I know I said dinner at my place tonight and we are suppose to be alone, something came up", he says.

"What is it?" She crosses she arms.

"Sebastian your steak is burning", a woman says from inside.

Amanda pushes pass him and to the kitchen where a red hair lady is by the stove.

"Hey, you must be Amanda, Sebastian told me so much about you", she smiles,"I'm Celia, Sebastian's colleague from work."

"Why didn't you call and say something?" Amanda turns to Sebastian.

"It's my fault actually, I came unannounced it's just that our boss is so demanding and he wants certain things to be done and be on his desk first thing in the morning. I came over here so Sebastian and I can finish it together and the work is done quicker", Celia explains.

"Well, I'll just go", Amanda gets her purse.

"You can stay baby, I told you I'll make it up to you", Sebastian stops her.

"You have work to do, I don't want you to get fired because of me."

"I don't care, I want to spend some time with my girlfriend", he pulls her closer to him and kisses her.

"After dinner, we'll finish the papers Sebastian", Celia interrupts. 

"I think you should go, just leave half the work and when I'm finish I'll email it to you before I go to sleep; my girlfriend needs me right now", Sebastian says.

"What? But-"

"We'll finish it and you wouldn't get fire, just go", Sebastian assures her.

She leaves and picks up half the stack what is on the table.

"All better, now sit and let your boyfriend feed you", Sebastian kisses Amanda nose.

She giggles and shakes her head.

"You're so silly."

"Yet you still love me", he winks and she blushes.


The End.

The book has officially come to an end.

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Quote: Build a friendship before marrying someone. Marry your best friend.

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