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"Get up, you'll be late for school!" Ally yells knocking on my door loudly, I open my eyes and groan.

It's Monday and first day at Roosevelt High School. I turn on my phone and it's 8:00 am. 

First period is 8:45 am and Ally's school starts at 8:55 am, I am so happy I am not back at home in California or all now I would of been in school.

"I'm making breakfast guys", aunty Vanessa announces.

I enter the bathroom and do my normal morning routine, I look through the closet to find an outfit so I can make a first impression at my new school.

I pack my bag and go downstairs where Ally and aunty Vanessa are having breakfast,"where's uncle?" I ask as I sit down by the counter where a plate is already make for me.

"Business call, he'll be back by Wednesday", aunty Vanessa replies,"also I wouldn't be able to pick up Ally from school later", she hands me a key.

"You're giving me a car?"

"That's only because I got to work until 7 tonight, so after school today you'll drive down to Hamilton to pick up Ally", she explains. 

"When I come home, pick up the car and go down there?" I ask.

"Yes, also there is food in this huge kitchen so you can make dinner. I know Ashley thought you a few things", she adds.

"He can't cook to save his life, he'll burn down the house", Ally laughs.

"Hey I make a good noodles and meatball", I glare at her.

"That's all you can make", she smirks.

I ignore her and continue to eat, I glance at my phone and it's already 8:30 am.

"I got to go", I get up.

"Remember to pick up Ally later, don't get too distracted after school", aunty Vanessa reminds me.

"I wouldn't, bye knucklehead", I ruff Ally's blonde hair.

"Whatever butt head", she fixes her hair.

I laugh and leave the house.


10 mins later

I step into the school where everyone is going about their business, greeting their friends and catching up what they did over the summer.

I see the jocks wearing their Letterman jackets and checking out girls that pass them, two of them are identical twins with brunette hair and hazel eyes. 

"Hey welcome to Roosevelt High School, are you new here?" A girl with strawberry blonde hair and  baby blue eyes greets me.

"Yes, how did you know?"

"You look so lost like those freshmen", she points to the group of freshmen girls who huddle together in a corner.

We both laugh.

"I'm Amanda and the student body vice president also part of the welcoming committee  for freshmen and all new students", she introduces herself.

"I'm Sebastian Grey and new to this school and Seattle", I chuckle, we shake hands.

"Well follow me, we got a spare of ten minutes instead of five to get to the administration office, find your locker and first class."

"Hey you better not be flirting with our sister", the twin jocks step in front of me. Since I am almost as tall as them, I look at both of them.

Amanda groans,"guys it's the first day back and he's new."

"So, we just giving him a warning", one of them retort.

"Ignore those two, they are like that with every guy", she rolls her eyes and tugs me away from them.

"Are they really always like that?" I question.

"Every single day, I got three more where that came from", she adds and I almost choke.


"Yes, but at least they went back to university back in New York and Boston", she answers.

"But those two here and still overprotective?"

"Just one twin the other one is my favorite brother out of the five of them, but I never said that out loud to them. Don't want any of them competing to be my favorite", she whispers.

We arrive at the administration office, I give the clerk my name and she gives me my locket combination and timetable while Amanda collects her timetable.

"We got homeroom, french and Calculus together", Amanda states,"your locker is in the same hallway as mine and homeroom is not far from there."

She goes to her locker and find my own, my neighbor locker-mate is a girl with dark brown hair who wears glasses.

"Hey", I say and she jumps.

"H-hi", she stutters, shuts her locker and walks away hurriedly. 

Someone laughs behind me and I turn around,"if you are trying to score with her, you will have better luck with Amanda than her", a guy who I see  with the rest of the jocks earlier says.

"The name's Nick, vice captain of the Lacrosse team."

"Sebastian and were you talking about Amanda as in the student body-"

"Vice president? Yes, but you can't date her because her brothers are so damn protective. The only guy who actually gets to sit down at her table and talk to her is my buddy and the twins' friend Brandon who in some cliche twisted way happens to be that girl you tried to talk to just now best friend", he explains.

"Are they da-"

"Heavens no, Brandon only sees Lily as his best friend since they are neighbors since kindergarten or some stuff like that", he shrugs.

I nod.

"Let's go, bell is about to ring and I can't be late", Amanda interrupts. 

"Hello miss clean record", Nick smirks.

"At least I'll get into a good university while you either drop out in the first year or stuck working at Mc Donald's or something", she snaps.

"You have a clean record?" I gap.

"She's the only person in the entire school along with her best friend Lily to have one", Nick informs me.

I smile,"well looks  like your competition has arrive."

"Dude, you are one of them? I'm so out of here nerds", Nick leaves.

Amanda grins,"clean record as well as good grades."

"Well I don't mean to brag, but I have a  4.0  GPA since 3rd grade", I shine my nails.

"That's great, I definitely need someone like you in the science club", she smiles.

"Sorry, but I play football as well so got no time for clubs."

"So a jock and a nerd in one? Where have you been hiding!" She shrieks.

We enter the class just as the bell rings and take our seat behind the counters, I see the girl from earlier enter and Amanda waves her. She smiles back and takes the seat next to Amanda and they both start talking immediately.

"Welcome back and welcome to Roosevelt for those of you who are new. Today we will just get to know each other and make pancakes since you will be having breakfast break before second period. I know half of you didn't had breakfast before coming here", the teacher says.

"Everyone get into groups of three, you got thirty minutes to make pancakes and clean your utensils before you leave", she orders.

Amanda waves me over as Lily looks at her like she just told her she wants smoke pot.

"Hey, Lily this is Sebastian the guy you supposedly ran from earlier, Sebastian my shy and smart best friend Lily", Amanda introduces us.

"Hello again", I say.

"Sorry about earlier, it's not you I was running from it was Nick", she blushes.

"Oh", I nod.

"Can you make pancake?" Amanda asks.


"Thought so, you'll mix the batter just follow the instructions on the box while Lily and I will make the pancake and dish it out", Amanda passes me the box, bowl and measuring cups.

How hard  can this be?


What do you think will happen next?

Is Lily telling the truth?

Next update will be before Monday

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