27. I completed My 12th book Today! :D 📖

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*That is on December 2nd 2017 

- in less than 10 months since I joined Wattpad!  ^_^ 👍

( So seems that my 'Completing books speed' is More than 1 book per Month - not bad! 😁👌 )

🔷 I currently have 12 completed books out of My 60 started books Total

- so 1/5 of My Wattpad Work is DONE! :D

YAY!  😤

💠 One of My Readers once Estimated 

that I would probably complete 12 books in my First Year on Wattpad

- but I already completed That Many - so I can complete More Than This! 😉👍

*Nobody knows How Many Exactly 

- because I write them with Various Speed :D

But I think I'll manage to complete 15 or 16 books during that time

*( If More than This - Good For Me! 😏📖👌 )

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