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Mid-February 2012 until mid-December 2013: If you do not have an important existing relationship in your life now, this influence may very will bring one. But you must observe certain cautions about any relationship that begins at this time. First, there are strong subconscious forces at work within you that make you "fall in love" with someone at this time. For this reason, the nature of the relationship will probably be determined much more by negative behavior patterns within your psyche than by reason or sense. You may be obsessively, irresistibly attracted to someone, even if you know consciously that she is bad for you. If this happens, do not expect very much enjoyment from the relationship, for you are using it unconsciously to get at some aspect of yourself. The relationship itself may not be your real purpose in this case. However, don't assume that any relationship at this time will be negative; it is just that the forces behind its formation are so powerful that any negative forces will be especially troublesome. Any relationship that begins now, whether it is good or bad, will have a very powerful effect on your life, so you should try to make sure that it is good.

In an existing sexual relationship, the effects can also be very powerful. At its best, the intensity of feeling may simply deepen so that you and your partner have a more fulfilling relationship. But this influence can create problems of a certain type. One of you, consciously or unconsciously dissatisfied with the other, begins to use love as a device for manipulating the other. The techniques vary, but generally one of you is unwilling to let the other be, perhaps by becoming very possessive and jealous, or by withholding favors, or by using guilt in some way. The tactics are usually subversive rather than those of open confrontation.

In some cases a relationship may end under this influence, because it is not able to withstand the subconscious stresses that are set in motion. All existing relationships will undergo some kind of fundamental transformation, but this is as likely to be positive as negative, if the two of you are willing to be honest with each other.

Uranus conjunction Descendant: More arguments

Mid-April 2013 until mid-March 2014: This influence brings about disturbing close encounters with others. Relationships in general will be a significant challenge, and you won't even be able to take the old reliable ones for granted. Other people seem to be trying to disrupt your life and make you uneasy.

Marriage is the most intimate one-to-one encounter, and any hidden tensions, any problems that either of you has been holding back will come out now. Consequently your marriage may go through some rather startling changes. If it has not been working out but you have been holding it together anyway, this influence may very well signify its breakup. Even in a good relationship you may have more arguments and disagreements than usual. This applies as well to two people living together. A business partnership may also be affected in a similar way. Clearly this is a time when you have to do a lot of straightening out.

Other types of confrontations may also be quite disturbing at this time. For example, you may become involved in very disruptive legal disputes. Settle these as quickly as possible, because you will not be able to count on the outcome of any legal confrontation at this time, no matter how good it looks. Be careful of acting in a way that stirs people up against you, for they could become extremely disruptive, if you give them any excuse.

This influence indicates a general reworking of your relationships with others, and you may not always be happy about the outcome. In general, others are resisting your efforts to control the relationship, which you may be doing in spite of your best intentions. But your partner will not ask that the relationship be totally destroyed unless you are so rigid and unwilling to change that there seems no other way out. All your partner wants is to redefine the relationship so that she has a greater say and more room to move. It is possible that these effects may work the other way, that you are the one who is struggling to gain control in a relationship. In either case, the relationship has to express each of you more appropriately than in the past.

Jupiter conjunction Venus: Elegance and taste

Beginning of August 2013 until mid-March 2014: This influence helps to smooth over all difficulties in your relationships, as well as to promote friendship and give you a strong desire for happy and peaceful times. You enjoy being with and talking with friends and will probably attend or hold several social gatherings during this time. You may also be the center of attention for some reason, and you will enjoy basking in the limelight.

This influence occasionally will bring a new love interest into your life. If it does, and other factors are equal, the relationship should prove to be an unusually successful one in which you both grow a great deal and in which there is an excellent balance between love and freedom. Such a relationship will be devoid of jealousy or pettiness to an unusual extent.

The same energy affects existing relationships, so that you are able to relate to loved ones with great ease. Because you are concerned with the larger issues in your relationship, you are not about to cause trouble over any problem that is not extremely important. And such a problem is not likely to surface during this time.

At this time also your taste is likely to become more elegant, and you may be tempted to buy something that is very expensive or fancy. At the worst it might even be gaudy or tasteless. In fact one of the few real dangers to watch out for under this influence is the tendency to waste or squander money or other resources. Depending upon your own state of mind, however, this influence can also bring in money and increase your resources. Whichever way it goes, it should be well under your control.

You have a strong desire to surround yourself with beauty. Sordid or ugly surroundings are much harder than usual for you to bear, so make an effort to avoid them. You are concerned with the beautiful side of life at this time, and you should do everything to expose yourself to it.

Jupiter conjunction MC: A highlight

Beginning of August 2013 until end of March 2014: This is a period of culmination in which you make a greater effort to get where you want to be, either in your profession or in some other area. And your efforts appear to produce results more easily than at just about any other time. Therefore you feel better about yourself and your life than at other times, and you feel confident that you can handle anything that comes your way.

If you are in business for yourself, you should be careful not to expand too rapidly or overextend yourself. You might leave yourself vulnerable to the more difficult times that will eventually come. Make sure that all expansion is carefully planned and that you have safeguards against future times of difficulty.

Another negative side of this influence will come up if you do not get the recognition that you feel you deserve. If others do not acknowledge you openly, you may feel cheated and go on to assume the station and privilege that you think you deserve. Even if you are recognized, you may act arrogant and smug. Be careful of this, because it creates a negative energy that could lead to your total downfall when this influence is no longer in effect.

In general the sphere of your activities will broaden at this time, and you will probably meet new people from unfamiliar parts of the country and even from other parts of the world. They may come into your expanding sphere of action, or you may travel to their worlds. All of this is most likely to happen through your work rather than your personal life.

Jupiter square Ascendant: On the lookout

Beginning of August 2013 until end of March 2014: This is usually an excellent time for most kinds of relationships, but there are some pitfalls. Basically this influence signifies a desire to grow and advance through contacts with others. Probably you are willing to give as much as you get, although in some people this influence triggers a desire for advantages through others without giving anything in return. In fact as they get ahead, such people act arrogantly toward everyone, even those who helped them. This causes others to reject them, and when they hit hard times there is no one to help them out.

But this result is totally unnecessary, and all you have to do to avoid it is to keep a sense of humility and recognize what others have done for you. With this influence you have the potential to become a truly better person, but only if you keep these warnings in mind.

Quite frequently this influence brings a seemingly "lucky" chance through a friend or associate. But it is not luck so much as the fact that you are very sharply on the lookout for opportunities that can benefit you. Your sense of timing is very acute, and your sensitivity to others and their needs is greater than usual. That is one reason why it is so bad to ignore others' needs, because you don't even have the excuse of ignorance.

Benefits can come to you in either your personal and domestic life or in your work. There may be an opportunity to make money or to make improvements in your home that will make it much more pleasant. Or you may meet people who will help you learn more about the world and expand your view of it in various ways. You have to be willing to let this happen, however, which means you must be receptive. This is another area in which being arrogant brings the risk that you will get nothing of lasting value out of this period.

Jupiter conjunction Sun: Exuberant optimism

Mid-October 2013 until beginning of June 2014: Traditionally this is considered one of the most marvelous influences, and indeed it is quite good. At the very least, you will feel good at this time. Your health is good, and you feel very optimistic. For a while it may seem that everything is working out perfectly, and if you make an effort, it will. But if you simply sit back and enjoy this time, its beneficent influence will pass away with little to show for it afterward.

This is the beginning of a new twelve-year cycle of growth in your life. It is a time to initiate new projects and expand your activities so that you can experience life from a broader perspective. You may find that you can escape from some narrowing and inhibiting circumstance that has prevented you from realizing your full potential as a human being. Sometimes people travel under this configuration, but usually the traveling is more in the mind.

This is a good time to study a subject that raises your consciousness or expands your view of the world, and it is an excellent time for going back to school. You may also meet new people who expose you to aspects of life that you have never known before. Your freedom will certainly increase.

Even with this influence there are some pitfalls. First of all, your exuberant optimism can cause you to overdo or overreach yourself, so that when this time is over, you find yourself out on the proverbial limb. Exercise a certain amount of restraint and build upon what you have rather than trying to increase your holdings beyond your ability to handle them. Be careful of extravagance, and if you invest money, remember that today's luck is not permanent.

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