6. I have never seen a volcano

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Episode two; I have never seen a volcano

"It's all I have to bring today -

This, and my heart beside -

This, and my heart,

And all the fields -

And all the meadows wide -" Emily spoke the words of her new poem as she looked at Y/n sleeping peacefully beside her, she would love to wake up to this everyday.

Y/n had ended up getting moved to Emily's bed when her father had woken up. Emily woke up, and got Y/n off the floor and into her bed, she wasn't just going to let her sleep on the floor. Emily just admired her, looking at everything on her face, from her lips, red as a rose, to her nose, to her eyes that were closed so delicately as she rested undisturbed.

"Are you watching me sleep?" Y/n asked opening her eyes to look at Emily "maybe" she mutter, she looked like a kid who had been caught trying to sneaking cookies to their room. "Well don't it's creepy" she told her "well it won't matter when Sue and Austin leave because you won't be in my bed anymore." Y/n lifted her head "are you telling me to go back to the boarding house?" She asked panicked

"No I'm just saying that they are giving you, your own room, they will move Lavinia into Austin's room after they clean it and you are sleeping in her room" Emily told they worried girl, to calm her nerves. Y/n layed back down on the pillow, and turned to lay on her back. Emily also went to lay on her back, "just advice to give your sister, Austin eats cookies in the middle of the night, crumbs everywhere" Y/n laughed as Emily motioned with her hand them going everywhere, exploding like a firework.

"I want to go back to sleep" Y/n said mindlessly "I can't go back to sleep with you next to me" Emily said "because there's this noise and it rumbles and rumbles and rumbles" she sighed Y/n looked at her Dr rom the corner of her eyes "do you mean I snore?" Y/n and Emily turned there heads to look at each other. "I wish I could marry you, songbird" Emily whispered, "you'd be a terrible husband, my love" Y/n confessed, A shocked Emily took offence "how can you say that!" She let out a shocked gasp. "You have no practice skills...and your too small to fend of enemy's" she said in a small voice "okay fine" Emily agreed with that "but I bet I would look good in suit" the two girls smiled.

Emily took Y/n's hands and traced along her palms, Y/n hand one of her hands resting on the poet's neck "okay heres an idea we run away to the edge of the earth and just fall of together, with nothing but each other, I could read you my poems and you could sing your music, we wouldn't need anyone but each other, Angel" Emily said as Y/n looked at her still tired but listening "sounds nice" The two girl started to lean in but quickly pulled away and moved their hands away from each other when a knock disturb their peace. The two fixed the blanket to be in-between the two, Emily had the blanket to cover herself.

Sue and Austin opened the door, Y/n looked at her sister as Austin started talking, "good morning ladies what a great day to dig into some paralegal work and embrace the rest of our lives here" he said and looked out Emily's window.

"Sue how did you sleep?" Y/n asked "well thank you Y/n and yourself"

"Good I slept good" she said and smiled at her sister. Austin looked at the bed the two girl slept in I don't know how the two of you fit onto such a tiny bed" Austin said, "Emily!" Austin kicked the bed "shouldn't you be down stairs helping mother" he asked, Emily threw the cover off her head "nope! It's why we got a maid" Emily said loudly in a happy voice.

"Fire! Fire!" A woman's voice shouted making Emily and Y/n sit up. The two girl rushed down stairs Emily grabbed her kimono on the way out, Y/n had thrown on her black dress. Austin went to read the morning News paper and Sue went out to the market, to collect things that wasn't in the kitchen for breakfast.

"What is going on down here?" Emily asked wrapping herself in a colourful with frills on the end kimono. A woman with red hair fanned the smoke with a white cloth.

"Maggie burnt the bread" Mrs Dickinson complained, she really didn't like the new maid, she hated not cooking or taking care of the house. "Just the first loaf madam..." She walked towards the bread "..it's an old Irish custom" Maggie explained turning towards Emily "well that sounds fun"

"I hope your not accident prone"

"I've only killed four husband's" she joked and winked at Emily. "I sense that you are going to bring chaos in this household" Mrs Dickinson said to herself, Maggie placed the burnt bread on the cutting board, and started scraping the burnt bits off. But Mrs Dickinson took the knife of her and moved the bread towards herself.

"Emily can you help Maggie make new bread"

"No" she said getting looks from everyone in the kitchen "we got a new maid so she could do the chores"

"I can help Mrs Dickinson" Y/n offered "...if Maggie is alright with it" Maggie would have been fine with cooking herself, but Y/n and Maggie silently agreed to have Y/n help at the fact that Mrs Dickinson could have a heart attack at not cooking Y/n walked over to the table to help with cooking, a new loaf of bread "you can just relax We can do it" Emily laughed at Maggie's request "she doesn't know how to relax, she would have a heart attack if a leaf fell in the fire place"

"A leaf fell in the fire place!" She freaked out looking at her daughter who walked to sit on a chair. Mrs Dickinson walked out of the kitchen to see if there was anything that needs to be done.

"Written any new songs Y/n" Maggie asked whilst she placed flour in a bowl, Y/n looked up at Emily was still sitting in the chair, the two smiled "uh yes I have, it's nearly finished"

"Then you have to show me it" Emily said excitedly and jumped up from her chair, Y/n took a note from her pocket in her black dress and handed it to Emily across the table. "I don't want to read it-" Y/n cut off the poet "you don't?!" The girl panicked looking up from the bowl to Emily. "No let me finish I want you to sing it" Y/n let out a little laugh "yeah okay" she said sarcastically. She mixed the ingredients until it turn doughy and she placed the ball in flour, then started to need it "I'm serious you sound amazing" Emily complimented Y/n, looking from the music written on the page to Y/n.

"Just a little bit of a verse please!" The brown eyed poet begged her. "Maggie will you help me out here" Emily turned to the maid, who was making a second loaf. "Miss Y/n I would love to hear a bit of music since Emily does talked about you a lot"

"You talk about me?" Y/n looked from Maggie to Emily, "maybe just a little" she said explaining her point by having her pointer finger and thumb inches apart from each other, with a small smile playing on her lips.

"But I don't have a piano-"

"Y/n! You're stalling" Emily said annoyed at the fact that she just won't sing Y/n sighed "I will sing a little of the middle" "yes!" Emily exclaimed excited.

Y/n took a breath before starting "and if you have a minute, why don't we go....talk about it...somewhere Only we know...this could be the end of everything....." Y/n sang the little verse, Emily looked at her with love and pride

"beautiful" Maggie complemented the girl who went back to making bread, with a blush on her face from embarrassment. Maggie looked from Emily to Y/n and back, the two girl smiled at each other, but if you looked deep into their eyes another emotion looked at each other.

"Your staring Emily" Sue's voice broke through Emily's racing mind as she came in from the back door followed by Lavinia, who had two buckets full of water. Sue eyed the brown haired poet and the songwriter. "Yeah so maybe I am, I am jealous that my best friend can come up with such great songs" she spoke crossing her arms with a huff, she was in fact not jealous but mad, Y/n can write beautiful music, that will never be seen by anyone.

Sue patted her shoulder "nice save" she whispered and walked past to help with the water.

After breakfast was ready, Maggie and Y/n took it into the dinning room as Mrs Dickinson was hovering over them "Mrs Dickinson will you please just let us do this" Y/n and Maggie asked at the same time. "Yeah mum relax Y/n and Maggie have got this"

Mrs Dickinson sat down after a lot of hesitation, The two women sighed thankfully. Emily sat down at the table holding the newspaper "they don't have the big news today"

"And what might that be, Emily" Mr Dickinson asked "the caterpillar in my garden turned into a butterfly" Emily looked at everyone, at the table. "You are so weird" Austin said before turning to talk to his beloved soon to be wife.

Y/n sat next to Emily and looked at the newspaper over her shoulder, Emily readjusted the paper so she could read it. Maggie looked at the two from the door frame, a knowing thought tugged at her brain, she knows what is going on between them, it wouldn't take half a brain cell to figure out, but by the looks of her family, they have no clue.

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