Tagged again again

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I was tagged by SomedayOfMyLife sooo here it goes

1. Favourite song
Hmmmmmmmm probably any love live songs. If I have to choose, Snow Halation, Spicaterrible and maybe throw in Arifureta kanashimi no hate

2. Favourite sport
I'm not a sporty person at all...

But then if I were to choose.... Probably soccer?

3. Favorite band
A lot of people introduced me to Twenty Øne Pilots and now I'm a fan of them (not a die hard fan though)

4. Favourite Show
Lately I have not been watching television shows... But I really enjoy My Ghost Story caught on camera/Asia/Celebrity Ghost stories or Beyond Sacred Straight.

5. Favorite Movie
The Hunger Games :3

6. Favourite colour
This three will go in a sequence from the most favorite.

Grey, Green and Purple (honourable mention to red)

7. Favorite food
The family of my enemie- Cookies and cream ice cream

8. Favourite drink
The blood of my enemie- Cookies and cream shakes :)

9. Favourite video games
Does sif counts? If it doesn't then osu :3

10. Tag 15 people

Aaaaaaand that's the end of it. Bai.

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