Chapter 3

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Elenor's POV

So that was Connor Stone huh? I smirked to myself as I drove off. I was the only one of my kind in the Coven, half human, half vampire. So I was responsible for stalking Connor, for ruining him. My father, my king, would be happy with me. I was hungry...  my stomach knotted and my nose was overwhelmed by the smell of human blood. Sweet blood. I drove my car past the high school, it was 4pm, the sports team was practicing. Young, ripe, human flesh, sweet sweet blood. I stopped the car, put my hair up, and used magic to change my clothes into a white running sneakers, a navy blue shorts with white strips and a white shirt. I ran up to the boy's football team and all eyes were on me, even the coach.

"Hey." I said waving to the coach, "My car just got a flat, can you boys help me change it?"

He blushed. "Sure thing Mam." He turned to the team, "Boys let's go help this young lady change her flat tire."

I smiled, "Thank you."

I lead the way to my car, some of the boys on the team whistled and hooted behind me. I smirked, at least their last view would be a good one. We reached my car.

"I don't see a flat tire." The coach said cautiously.

I snarled. "That's because there is none."

With that I pounced on him, ripping his head off with my teeth. My heart was beating so rapidly and I felt so alive. The boys screamed and began to lounge at me, Silly little things. I pounced on them one by one with incredible accuracy and speed. In second the entire team was reduced to corpses. I laughed and I feasted on their blood. It was delicious, rich and sweet just the way I liked it.

Raysa's POV

Do you smell that? Fenris, my wolf said to me as we patrolled a block away from the high school.

I do. It smells like blood, fresh blood.

I began running in that direction, slitghtly anxious about what I was about to see but nothing prepared me for the actual sight. Twenty dead football players and their coach. All decapitated, all drained of blood, all discarded like they meant nothing. I was enraged. I felt Fenris's anger boiling up.

Set me free, so we could find who didi this and tear them apart!

I fell to the ground. Fenris had never overwhelmed me like that before.

No. We have to wait till Bianca says to strike.

Fenris scoffed.

Screw her, screw Flair, we're stronger anyways better at hunting.

I felt my finger nails begin to extend into claws.

How dare you disrespect our leader like that?

I stood up.

Bianca said to wait, so we wait. I am hearing smell someone coming. Let's go before anyone sees us and think that we did this.


Bianca's POV

I was shaking, I felt sick. I was appalled by the news Raysa just shared to me.

"21 lives gone in one attack. It's barbaric."

I say we strike now! Flair growled.

"Strike? How do we strike when we know nothing?"

"Perhaps, we should talk to Hayley." Raysa suggested.


"But I thought you two were good now."

"We aren't good now, we're cordial. I only talk to her if it's absolutely necessary and thus far none of my wolves have been hurt so I'm not going to contact the woman who nearly killed my mate."

Raysa sighed.

"Okay well we need information one way or another."

"I know... lot me think it over tonight."

She looked at me, skeptically.


I hated when Raysa gave me that look.She was my best friend so I could tell that she was disappointed in me. But Hayley put Connor through so much pain, how could I ever forgive her? What if he was with her right now? In her arms instead of mine....

I say we kill her. Catch that crazy bitch off guard and put an end to her.

I sighed.

Tempting but it'll cause a war.We can't affordnkone right  now. I'll get her back when the time is right and it will be glorious.

Okay, I trust you.

Connor's POV

I couldn't her out of my mind. She was fucking beautiful, a goddess of her own creation. I was smitten, lovesick almost, like a bird caught in the cage of a huntress, she had almost conquered my heart. Despite all the enchantment, the weakness that she made me feel, my heart still belonged to Bianca. I loved her. I already missed her. It was only a few hours but I needed her. My soul craved her. I texted her.


I laid down on my bed, and waited for her. I'm not sure how long she took but I saw her, climb threw my window, looking as beautiful as the moonlight, her eyes as hungry as my own. She pounced on me, holding my hands above my head before kissing me. Deep and slowly for a little bit then picking up the pace. She ripped my clothes off, revealing me bare and vulnerable at the mercy of her love and her desires. She sucked on my neck as I let tiny moans escape. I loved how her wet tongue felt against my skin. She took her hands and traced my chest. Going in slow circular motions around my nipples before going down to my obliques, right above my penis.

"You were a bad boy today. Walking out on me like that. Leaving me alone. Having me worry about you."

My heart fell.

"I'm sorry love... I was just overwhelmed. I needed to breathe."

She breathed against my neck.

"You needed to breathe you say." She pulled away from me.

"Stay put. If you move there will be consequences... Do you understand me?"

I nodded.

She sat directly in front of me and slipped her tight black romper off, revealing navy blue lace lingerie. Fuck she was gorgeous. She unclasped her bra then removed her panties and began fingering herself. She moaned looking at me directly in my eyes. I was hot. I wanted her to devour me. Make me her plaything but I couldn't move. I just had to watch. She moved faster, her perfect breast bouncing up and down as her body began to shiver and her lips quivered. I was fixated by her. Her toes curled and her eyes rolled back in her head. She let out a load, piercing moan and she came. She removed her fingers then came up towards me and stuck her cum soaked fingers in my mouth.

"Do you love me Connor?" she asked

"Yes Eleanor." I replied.

She pulled away in a fit of anger. I was confused, disgusted with myself. Who was Eleanor?

"Babe." I began...

"Save it." She said.

 Third chapter doneeeeee! Hope you guys like it. Pleaseeeeee share with your friends. Also you can follow my insta at infinite_adela and my twitter at fairywxrlds. I'll follow back 😘.

Have a good night and thanks for reading. 

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