Chapter 4

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Picture is of Lucian's wolf, Xander.

I ran through the forest as fast as my tiny little legs could carry me. I'm pretty fast for my size and could easily outrun any human but not a wolf, let alone an alpha. I knew I couldn't just run, I had to find a way to hide, but considering Lucian can track my scent better than anyone due to the mate bond, hiding would be nearly impossible. Well then, I guess it's back to the running idea.

As I ran I made sure to stay fully aware of my surroundings so that I wouldn't have another repeat of my previous falling incident. I could still sense Lucian but it was faint. Maybe I actually lost him and he doesn't know where I am? No, not possible. Something has to be wrong.

As if on cue, a large, brown furred wolf jumped in my path causing me to come to an immediate stop. For a wolf it wasn't very large or muscular but it was still massive compared to me. It stood at about four and a half feet and chunks of its fur where missing in different places. By the smell emitting from it, I could tell it belonged to no pack. It was a rouge.

It stood there in an attack stance, barring its sharp, dirty canines at me. It's dark brown eyes seemed to get darker as it growled and huffed signaling that it was ready to attack. I would have ran if I wasn't scared out of my mind. I was frozen in fear. With one last growl it pounced.

Before the rouge could reach me, a familiar growl echoed through the air and a huge, black furred wolf tackled the rouge to the ground. The two wolves snarled and snapped their canines at each other as they hit the ground. The black wolf easily pinned the other wolf down and clamped its jaw around the rouge's neck. I heard a loud snapping sound and a quick whimper of pain before watching the rouge's body limp and become lifeless.

The large black wolf hovered its near eight foot stature over the dead rouge. It lifted its head up towards the moon and let out a victory howl. When it finished it looked over to me and it was at that moment, when our eyes met, I realized exactly who the wolf was.

Mate! He saved us! Amara yipped happily in my head, pointing out the obvious.

Lucian's large wolf slowly stalked its way over to me. I was still frozen in my spot due to fear. Even if I hadn't been scared, there would be no point in trying run away. His wolf was now towering above me and I knew he was ready in case I tried to run again. If I did run, I wouldn't get very far.

I decided it would be best to just give up. I laid flat on my stomach and lowered my head in submission, notifying him of my surrender. He huffed and bent down, lightly using his teeth to grab me by the scruff on the back of my neck. He lifted me into the air and began walking back in the direction of his house. I turned my head around as much as I could to look at him. I noticed that his eyes were slightly fogged over, meaning he was mind linking another member of the pack.

Soon enough we arrived back at the house. As we walked up to the door, it opened, and Dax walked out with mens clothing in one hand. As we approached him, he held out his free hand and Lucian reluctantly set me in it. He gave Dax a warning growl then grabbed the clothes with his snout and ran behind the nearest tree. I could hear the cracking and shifting of bones before he walked back over to Dax and I, now fully clothed and in his human form.

Lucian wasted no time in grabbing me back from Dax and walking into the house. He walked down many hallways with me in the palm of his hand until we entered the kitchen. He gently placed me down on the counter.

"Don't move, kitten. I mean it." He said sternly and turned to the fridge, grabbing a water bottle.

As he chugged down the water, I could feel curiosity begin to bubble up inside of me. Of all times, why did I want to go exploring right now? I fought extremely hard to bury my curiosity, deciding that I should do as I was told and not move. Exploring probably wasn't a good idea at the moment. Besides, who needs to explore anyway? All curiosity ever did was kill the cat.

I was lifted from my internal struggle as I felt warmth engulf my small body. Lucian had picked me back up and pressed me lightly against his strong chest, cradling me in his palms. He walked through more hallways and up a flight of stairs until he reached a bedroom. I assumed this room was his because it smelt strongly of his scent. He walked to his bed and set me on a large white pillow. It wasn't until then had I realized how tired I was. I opened my mouth and yawned but it came out a light meow.

He chuckled a little and sat next to me. He grazed his index finger lightly along my cheek and sighed. I purred, enjoying the feeling as I felt my head lay on the soft, fluffy pillow and my eyelids begun to feel heavier.

"Get some rest kitten. We'll talk in the morning." He whispered before standing up and walking out of the room. It wasn't long before sleep overtook me.

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