Chapter 9

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So obviously I changed the man playing Lucian. I think he^ is better. Just my opinion.

After yesterday's discussion over my mark on Ava, she blushed a wonderful shade of red and scurried away from my presence as fast as she could before I cloud stop her. I found her reaction to my words incredibly adorable but also slightly angering. I wasn't quite done with her.

I also didn't like how she had spent all of last night and today with Cassandra. I guess it's a good thing that my mate and sister get along but it sucks how Cassie gets more attention from my mate than I do.

So far, today has been a drag. Nothing but hiding away in my office, dealing with piles stacked upon piles of paperwork. All I could think about was my kitten. What could she be doing? Is she with anyone else other than Cassie? I have absolutely no clue. The only thing that keeps me from completely losing my sanity is the fact that I can still sense Ava's presence. She may not be within eyesight, but our bond allows us to feel when the other is somewhat close. The closer we are to one another, the stronger the feeling gets.

I can tell Ava is a bit broken, but I don't care. It may sound wrong to say this, but I refuse to fix her. I thinks she's perfect just the way she is. She has nothing to 'fix'.

I can also tell that something about me really bothers her. She may be good at hiding her fears, but I can see right through her facade. She's scared. It's as if something from her past is making her fear the things in her present; and i'm gonna be sure I find out exactly what she's afraid of so I can help her get rid of that fear. I want her to feel safe, not afraid.

A knock on my door sounded throughout my office and I grumbled a small 'Come in'. My beta and best friend, Jackson, strode into the room and sat in the chair opposite of me, kicking his feet onto my desk.

"I just though you should be aware that Cassie's on her way to the pack's annual pool party as of now. I made Dax to go as protection." He said.

"Why is that important? She always goes."

"Because Ava's going with her." He responded.

That statement set something off inside of me, probably Xander. He didn't like that idea at all and neither did I. I stood from my seat and stormed out of my office, setting off to find my mate.

"Yep. That's hands down the one." Cassie said.

"Are you sure? I feel so... exposed." I questioned.

"Don't be ridiculous, it barely shows anything. Plus you look HOT."

"If you say so..."

So after yesterday's encounter with Lucian I may have ran off. I've been with Cassie ever since, avoiding him as best I could. No matter how badly I want to be around him, he's just too overwhelming. It's not that I fear him, because I don't. I know he wouldn't intentionally hurt me. I fear his title. Alpha; one simple word brings back so many awful memories.

Cassie doesn't know exactly what my problem is, she only knows that something is bothering me. That is the exact reason why she is making me go swimming. She says swimming helps her relax a bit and it will for me too. Hopefully she's right because lately I've been feeling a bit on edge. Thanks for that Lucian.

I've been trying different swim suits, that Cassie lent to me, for half an hour already. She finally gave the okay to simple, white bathing suit. The top had thin straps, one to tie behind my neck and one to tie behind my back. My breasts were practically on display. The bottoms slipped on and only covered half of my butt cheeks. Cassie wore the same one, except hers was black.

"You ready?" She asked.

"I guess."

We wrapped a towel around each of our bodies and walked out of the bedroom. Before we could get out the door someone called Cassie's name. We looked behind us to see Jackson and Dax.

"Where do you two think you're going?" Dax questioned.

"Obviously for a swim numb-nuts." Cassie sassily replied while rolling her eyes. I stood next to her, looking at the floor.

"Watch your tone, Cassandra." Jackson said, "Is your brother okay with this?"

"I always go and he never cares."

"Yes, you always go Cassie, but you have his mate with you. He'd flip his shit if he found out you just up and took her without telling anyone You know that just as well as I do." Jackson scolded her.

"I also know you're not going to stop us. We're going, point blank." She retorted.

"You're right, I wont stop you. It's your fault if Lucian freaks out. Have fun." He smirked before speaking again, "But Dax is going with you. No arguments."

Both Dax and Cassie groaned.

"Awe come on man. I hate pack pool parties." Dax complained.

"That sucks. You're going."Jackson said as Dax groaned again.

Pack pool Party? Excuse me?

"Um Cassie?" I asked quietly while tugging on her arm.

I still wasn't warmed up to Dax or Jackson. Especially not Jackson considering how he treated me down in the basement when they captured me.

"Yes?" Cassie looked at me.

"I don't want to go anymore." I said.

"Why's that?" She asked me, concerned at my sudden change of mind.

"The pack. They'll know I'm different."

I may not smell like a rouge anymore considering the time I've spent in this pack's area, but I still don't smell like a wolf.

"You'll be fine as long as you're with Dax and I." She reassured me.

"Promise you wont leave me." I said.

"I swear." She smiled and grabbed my hand, walking us both out of the house with Dax following.

Hopefully all that stuff Jackson mentioned about Lucian freaking out wasn't true. I'd hate to deal with Xander again. Who knows what he would do, or who he'd hurt this time.

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