The Brother I Always Wished For

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Divya left overseas for her higher studies and Anand was left back. After divi went there she became too busy with mingling with people and making friends and working on her studies. She totally forgot to talk to Nandu.

Whereas our Anand whenever he calls Divi,she says she is busy and sometimes she doesn't lift the call. Anand started feeling lonely. He wasn't able to concentrate on his studies nor in his relationship life. Anand's girlfriend started feeling bad for him.

It is said that sometimes we will know someone's value when they are away from us. She secretly contacted Divya and asked her to come India during her vacation. She said her not to inform to Anand, she wants to surprise him.

The next day

Anand called Divya

Anand : Hello divi

Divya : Nandu,be quick I am quite busy!

Anand : Ms. Divya, till you call me back I am not going to call you back. You are always busy and never have time to talk to me or amma and appa. You don't understand how upset amma and appa are. They are so sad. I never expected this from you! Bye! Do your damn work huh!

He cut the call,even before she replied. She giggled quietly and looked at the family picture. She just touched the picture and smiled while tears brimmed in her eyes.

The next few days,  Divya completed her work very quickly and booked the flight ticket for her travel to India. The before week she went to shopping to buy presents for her whole family. She brought the presents with her money which she earned while working in a small flower shop.

She bought a nice perfume for her mom, and also few accessories for her mom, herself and Navya ( Anand's gf). She also bought a nice t shirts and also a watch for her appa. And for her loving brother she brought a chocolate packet and a watch with some jackets for him.

Finally when she completed the shopping,she went to her room and slept after packing her luggage which was filled with presents.

The next week came in a blink and she was boarding the flight. It took her 8 & 1/2 hours to travel from there to India. When she finally reached and was taking her luggage. She called Navya  to pick her up. Navya was already there in the airport. They both reached Navya's home and they were so happy to meet after a long time.

Her phone was buzzing she looked to see that Anand, was calling her.  She quickly answered the call.

Anand : Divi di, please come to India,I am missing you soo much. Will you come in this vacation or do you want me to come there?

Divya : But Nandu,you know na I work and all the university work,it's quite difficult. We will do face time soon okay?

Anand : Hell with this face time, I am not going to attend it. You are not coming are you? Goo! I thought you are my sister you will miss me but you became so workaholic that you forget your own family. Tell me when did you last call to amma and appa

Navya was listening to the conversation and she was about to speak,but then Divya gestured her to wait.

Anand : No you don't have any answer, because you have never called them yourself. I am not scolding you di. I know you are busy but we still need some time from your schedule di. Try to understand us. Okay! I will call you later! Bye take care.

Divya was smiling with tears in her eyes.

Navya ; Divya di, why are you smiling when that idiot is scolding you,you should have let me speak I would have talked to him about you.

Divya : No Navya, I know he is very upset with me. Let him atleast talk out his emotions,that will make him feel better atleast.

Navya just smiled at her. In her mind she thought, both brother and sister are same they understand each other perfectly.

The next day was the day where Divya was surprising her family 😁. She was so excited she packed her gifts and reached her home with Navya.

She asked Navya to go in first and she quitely tip toed to the main door, Navya went in and when her mom went to bring her something,she quickly ran to the kitchen and back hugged her mom.

Her mom was too surprised,she hugged back Divya and kissed her on her forehead and cheeks. She had tears in her eyes. Both mother and daughter hugged for a while and later she asked her mom to play along with her in surprising her brother and father.

Her mother was taking cup of coffee for her father who is at home, so she asked her mom to give her the saree she was wearing and she will take the coffee to her father. She quickly got ready like her mom and went to her dad and mimicked like her mom.

Divya : Here take your coffee, Mr. Venkateshan.

Her father took it quitely and he didn't look at her face he continued reading the magazine.

Divya : Don't you miss Divya? It's been long call her once and ask her to come na.

Her father : I miss her too! But she must be busy in her work. Nandu complained too na that whenever she answers the call she is busy and he asked us not to call her and disturb when she is free she will call us.

Divya : You think like this only ,both of you never change. Wait what's it on your shirt?

Her father : Where?

He looked at Divya and he quickly hugged her. She smiled and laughed.

Her father : you must get into acting you will get an Oscar for sure princess. Haha

They both laughed and then the real plan had to start, it's time to surprise her brother.
She quickly whispered the plan to her parents and Navya too.

According to the plan Navya went to Anand's room and she started to talk with him.

Navya : Nandu..! I miss our days with divi di,. It was so fun na?

Anand : why did you remember her suddenly? And what are you doing here this early morning?

Navya : You don't want me to come to my home. I will go bye.

He quickly pulled her and all of them stepped back not to see their romance hehe

Navya pushed Nandu back.

Navya : Mr. Anand Venkateshan I asked you about divi di?

Anand : Why? Why do you all ask about her when she doesn't give a damn about you all and all she does is work work and work. Just leave her. You can call her if you wish but I am not going to call her.

Navya controlled her smile.

Navya : She must be busy or else when did divi di ignore you?

Mother : Exactly we must co operate with her instead you are angry on her Nandu?

Anand : Amma what are you doing here?

Mother : Later about that, you say me now are you really angry with your di, for not calling you?

Anand : I miss her so much amma, it's been freaking two years and next year when I go there I won't leave her for a second also. I will go with her

Father : Just like her body guard? We have brought her a nice match to be her husband,there is no need for you to become her body guard Nandu.

Anand : Appa you too here?

Father : You can't restrict me from entering your room Mister.

Anand : How good it would be if Divya di was also here.!

Divya hopped out from the corner and she shouted.

Divya : Nanduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anand was still in shock,he wasn't able to understand that his sister was really here. He smiled but later hid it and left from the room.

They all were calling him,but then Divya

Divya : Don't worry! I know how to handle him.

She went behind him wherever he went. Anand was fed up.

Anand : Why are you following me di?

Divya : What? I am not following you, you are going wherever I come. You won't let me live in peace will you?

Anand : I must ask that question.!

They fought like all sibling and finally both of them hugged each other and everything was normal.

Divya gave her presents to all her family members and every one were so happy.  But then came the topic of Divya's wedding. She was hell bent on not marrying. She wanted to complete her studies and then do her job and then think about her wedding.

She went to her room and laid down on the bed, Nandu came to her.

Anand : Di, I know that you have dreams to fulfill but believe me di, I met the person I am sure he is perfect for you. You just talk to him once you would never regret in your future about this promise.

Divya : But Nandu..

Anand : Divi di, I said you what I can say rest is all upto you! Bye take rest and sleep you must be facing jet lag. We can talk later about this.

He left the room and Divya thought about the proposal and agreed to the talk to the person.

They met in a cafe and then she realised that her brother and parents selected the best for her.

She said a yes to the wedding and everything happened so quick, it was Divya's appaginthalu ( vidai). She cried badly.

She hugged her parents and cried for a long time and took their blessings. Then she went to her friends and Navya. All the time she did was crying and hugging all of them. Anand stood at the last and he seemed to be normal till Divya came to him.

Divya : You can be so happy now Nandu, nobody will irritate you ,no body will fight with you, no body will tease you nor there will be anyone to complaint against you to amma.

She broke into tears and Nandu hugged her tightly and cried his heart out

Anand : Take care di, I am sure jiju will love you so much and will make you happy all the time. Incase if he troubles you then one call I will make his handsome face into bruised one. I love you di! I don't know what would I have done without you in my life. Do call me everyday. If not everyday but atleast once in a fortnight or else I will disturb you and irritate you

They both laughed and tears from her eyes were falling down. He made her look towards him and wiped of the tears and asked her to smile.

Divya whispered him to read the letter she left for him to read which is in her room's right shelf corner.

Everyone left and Anand went to read the letter which her sister said him to. He found it. He found a book along with it, which contained all his pictures with his sister.

Dear Nandu,
To my lovely cute brother, I know you hate it when I call you cute but I love to irritate you hehe. From the day you came to our home till date, I never had a regret of having you as my brother. I always felt happy that I have someone with me to understand me,to make me happy and to take a stand for me. The first time I touched you, and you smiled that is one of the best moments in my whole life and the day you called me didi that was enough for my whole life. I hate to see you sad, and all the things you have done for me to surprise me, they make me feel so special. I know I made you sad sometimes, but I promise I won't do it anymore. How can I forget our midnight tours when we were in our high school. We were so crazy back then. I still remember the day you fought with someone for me as he proposed me. You were that protective and possessive brother all the time and I love my possessive brother. I hope you have a long  and happy life and irritate me after we grow old also.  I want to see you and Navya together soon. Well, one last wish before my marriage if there is a chance to choose your sister in your next birth than you must choose me only, I am your angel and princess na! I know you will do that but just reminding you hehe.!
It's time for me to leave! Bye Nandu.! Divi will miss you!

Ms. Divya

Nandu kept the letter to his heart and smiled at his sister's photo.


Hey everyone!
This is the second shot of the story. Hope you all enjoyed reading it. Please do drop your views and suggestions and votes it will make me more happier.

Thanks for reading.
Have a great day.

This book is dedicated to my virtual  brother -yash_xx-
Thank you for being my brother all the time. This is for you.

Share a moment not necessarily with your brother, with your siblings where they made you emotional just like divi made her brother emotional with her letter.

- Sakshi Devi

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