My Among Us personality and stuff

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Orange - Calm and mature, kind of like a team mom.

Purple - A bit chaotic, likes to cause trouble and always trying to get away with doing sneaky things.

Pink - Easy going and friendly, usually doesn't take things too seriously.Can be chaotic.

Lime - Loud and impulsive, always gets distracted and does whatever comes to mind.

Green - Quiet and reserved, but can be friendly if they get to know you.

Brown - Responsible and hard working, tries to make good choices but can get stressed out a lot

Yellow: Friendly and easy to talk to, but can be a bit lazy at times. Doesn't mind helping out people they like, but otherwise they'd rather just relax and chill.

-------UPDATE FOR NEW CHARACTER-----------

White-White is analytical, stoic, and aloof, focused on solving problems with facts rather than emotions. They dislike drawing attention to themselves and prefer efficiency over feelings. White can come across as reserved or standoffish at times, but they're just focused on what needs to be done.

Everyone view of each other:


Purple- Wow, what a troublemaker. They're always looking for chaos wherever they go.

Pink-What a messy person. They really need to learn to clean up after themselves.

Lime-Ugh, they're so clumsy. Can you believe how they trip all the time?

Green-Control issues much? They need to loosen up about things and learn to be more patient.

Brown-Perfect child, huh? Well, at least they're trying their best.

Yellow-He been my favorite child.

White-What can I say?They look like a quiet child in the class.


Orange-Orange is not bad, I guess. They're a little too much of a mom to me, though. I like being free and independent, and I don't need them telling me what to do all the time.

Pink-Ugh, they're too nice and sweet, I feel like I'm around a babysitter whenever I'm with them.

Lime-Hmm, they're... boring. They don't really do much, but that's okay I guess. Can't really complain.

Green-Easily to get angry in every DAMN THINHGS.

Brown-He the only one can stop me from making problems,Lmao.

Yellow-He cool.

White-They look kinda weird.They never care if I make a big problem.


Orange-The Mother figure, of course. They're always making sure that we're safe and that everything is going well. It can get a little annoying at times, but I respect it.

Purple-They seem cool, it's always nice to have fun with my friends. We get along well as partners in crime.

Pink-Aww, my co-worker. They keep me motivated and always make sure that I'm doing well. I love working with them, they're so sweet.

Lime-My lovely husband.

Green-My brother in law.Not so close to him tho.

Brown-He a good friend.

White-They are my friend.But they don't like talk to much.


Orange-Orange is always telling us what to do. Why are they being such a mom all the time? Don't they realize that we're capable of making decisions for ourselves?

Purple-I like to call them the "troublemaker" because they always seem to find a way to mess everything up. I'd be lying if I said I didn't find it a little entertaining at times!

Pink-They're sweet and we get along well in and outside of working together.

Green-My big brother.

Brown-A normal friend.


White-It's kinda rage when they not care what I talk about.But they not to sensitive like Brown.


Orange-They're definitely one of the cooler people in the group, but they can't always help with their temper. 

Purple-Definitely an idiot, that's for sure. But sometimes their recklessness can be entertaining, even though they can make a lot of mistakes. 

Pink-They're sweet and sometimes kind of dumb, but they also have some good ideas every now and then. I like them. 

Lime-They're like a sibling to me - kind of annoying sometimes, but always there for you when you need it.

Yellow-Yellow is chill and doesn't really cause much trouble, although they can seem a little boring at times.

Brown-Brown is kinda like the little brother I wish I had. They're always trying to do their best and I respect that. They can sometimes be a little dumb, but it's okay because they are the sweetest thing ever.

White-They make me angry because never care about anything at all.Both negative and positive.


Orange-Orange is the team mom, they're so nice all the time.

Purple-Purple is fun. We're best buds, they're always up for a good time.

Lime-Lime is pretty chill, they're easy to get along with.

Yellow-Yellow is sweet, we're close for sure.

Brown-Brown works very hard, we're good friends.

Green-I don't know but they seem don't like me at all.

White-They don't talk to much but I like them.Talk to them make me feel like talk to a doll


Orange-Orange is like the mom of the group, they're always organizing things. 

Purple-Purple is a bit too chaotic for me, we don't get along very well. 

Pink-Pink seems cool, although I can't get much of a read on them. They're a bit too normal, I guess. 

Lime-Lime is chill for the most part, but sometimes they can be too easy to mess with.

Yellow- Yellow is sweet, I don't really have a strong opinion on them. They're pretty chill though, I guess.

Green-Green is someone I need to keep an eye on, they're kind of unpredictable. But sometimes their temper can be funny, even if they have a lot of control issues.

White-They and me never talk together.

They place in the clan:

Orange is the leader, they help make sure everything runs smoothly.

Purple is someone who likes to cause trouble, they're kind of the "troublemaker."

Pink is a nice, sweet person who wants to help out the team wherever they can.

Lime seems easygoing and laid back, they're not always the most responsible but they still help out where they can.

Green is quick to anger and a bit unpredictable, but they can be fun to hang around if you keep things calm.

Yellow is a bit of a people pleaser. They try to make sure everyone's happy and they try not to cause any trouble.

Brown has a lot of responsibilities assigned to them, but they're also pretty laid back and will help out when they can, they just need people to watch out for them and make sure they don't mess things up.

White will never do something if not all the Clan told him to.


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