Chapter 12

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You went to school after that weekend of the dance. You haven't told anyone about that dance...what you and Dipper did. "Alright, you are still ticked. What happened at that dance?" Hardy asked as she lean against her locker.

You were starting to open your locker, "Nothing of your concern."

Then you opened your locker and your eyes widen what was inside it. It was a rose.

How in the heck did that get in there!

You reached in there and pulled out the rose. Hardy's eyes widen, "Ooo! A secret admire! Must be from that mystery man at the dance you danced with." You tighten your jaw. You hope it wasn't him but who else would have done this. You growled as you crushed up the rose and threw it in the trash.

"Whoa! I'm guessing you aren't over Joey." Hardy replied.

"Oh I'm over Joey."

"Then why crush up the rose?"

"Because I know who it."

"ooo! You do!"

"I don't like him. In fact I hate him!"

"You don't like him but...." Then Hardy gasped, "It was-" You covered her mouth, "Don't say it out loud!" Hardy licked your hand and you pulled away disgusted, "Eww! Why?"

"It was Dipper! You danced with him!"

"And kissed him." You grumbled.

"You kissed him!" Hardy shouted.

"Shut up!"

Hardy got all excited, "You like him don't you."

"No I do not! I don't like him! I hate him!"

"You like him. You like him. You like him." Hardy kept repeated.

You shoved her away, "Listen and listen closely. I don't like him and we do not speak of it! Nothing! Nothing happened and nothing will ever happen between me and him!"

"Well he sure likes you."

"Don't say that!"

Then you stormed off. Hardy chuckled as you left. It was a good thing you never share any classes with Dipper and there was only two days left of school before winter vacation and you don't have to see him. Then this silly little crush would be over. Usually you won't mind a guy crushing you but it was Dipper Gleeful...heck no!

But there was lunch and that is when he could see you...but he wasn't there for lunch. That was good. You went through the whole day without seeing Dipper Gleeful. Well...almost.

You were at your locker to get your homework and so you can go home. Then as you reach for your bag your locker was suddenly closed. You jerk up and someone was lead against the lockers, "Miss me, sweetheart?"

You glared at him, "Hardly."

"Awe, you so miss me. Did you cry when you didn't see me at lunch? I was in a meeting during lunch with the principle."

"Of course you were, little spoiled rich boy." Then you face him, "I don't know what game you are playing, Gleeful, but I want no part of it."

He smirked, "You don't like games, sweetheart?"

"Oh I do like games...just not yours. Your games are cruel and heartless."

"Excuse me, you were the one that kissed me."

"What does that have to deal with it!?"

"It just confirms that you do like me."

"What makes you think that I like you?"

"One, you couldn't help but cheek me out. Two, you actually stripped me down. Three, you kissed me. You want all of this." He jester to himself.

You scoffed and rolled your eyes, "Oh please! One, check you out? There is nothing to check out. I mean you really don't look that handsome. Two, stripping you down was to save your life and wasn't a show because you are scrawny. Three, kissing you was nothing."

"It was the best kiss you ever done." Dipper commented with a smirk on his face.

You cheeks redden.

"Don't have anything to counter that, dear?"

"Don't call me dear. Don't call me sweetheart! Just leave me alone!" You tried to leave but he grabbed your arm and pulled you into a hug. "Let me go, Gleeful!" You struggle against him.

"Oh come on, sweetheart. Don't tell me that you don't want this. I know you like me...I may not have my mind reading powers yet until I practice more with my amulet but I could so tell that you had a crush on me for a while. That is why you just want to destroy me so badly because I work into your heart."

"Oh so you think you are my angel or something? Ha! You are not an angel. More of the devil."

Dipper chuckled, "you are so funny."

You struggle more in his grip, "Let me go, Gleeful."

"What makes you reject your feelings for me?"

"Um...not having any feelings."

"Oh yeah? Then why haven't you got out of this hug yet?"

Your cheeks redden. Then anger filled in you. You slam your foot on his foot. "Ow!" Dipper cries out and jerks away. Then you shove him into the lockers as you made your get away.

"You will admit your feelings, (Y/N). Just you wait!"


"I hate him. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him!" You growled.

"I don't see why. He's so dreamy." Hardy sigh, "Besides you two are cute..."

"You are not helping Hardy!"

You were in your room with Pacifica, Hardy, and even Gideon.

"Well you did went under the mistletoe. I did warn you about that." Hardy replied.

"Well did you say anything about dancing?" Gideon pointed out.


"Well there is nothing you can do. When Gleeful wants something...he will get it. No matter what."

"Has anyone taught him no?" You growled as you hugged your pillow.

"It could be just a phrase." Pacifica tried to help.

"Dipper doesn't just have a phrase. He obsesses." Gideon growled.

"I told you to come here to make me feel better, not worse." You snapped.

"Sorry, (Y/N)."

You sigh, "I'm sorry for snapping just I don't know what to do."

"Make sense. I mean it's Gleeful...a spoil rich boy that is dark and twisted having a crush on's hard to get out of."

"Unless you make him hate you." Hardy pointed out.

"How do I do that? It seems that fighting him makes him like me even more."

Pacifica then snaps her fingers, "Then why don't you just stop fighting him."


"I mean think about it. You fighting him makes him like you more...then why not do the opposite to make him hate you."

You thought about it, "Makes sense. What do I have to do?"

Pacifica pauses for a moment, "Are you sure? It's seems something...horrible."

"What would that be? Come on! Anything! I'm that desperate!"

Pacifica sigh, "You start being flirty with him."

"Whoa! What!" Hardy and Gideon gasped out.

"It's the only way...and I mean super flirty. It doesn't have to be anything...sexual. Just flirty fluff."

"I think that is going overboard." Gideon replied.

"No...I think that will work." You replied, "I mean, I'm going to hate it sure...but if I hate it...he's going to hate it. I'm going to be one of those dulls girls. Just be like every other girl. I will ruin his fun."

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