Chapter 20

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"What?!" Dipper demanded.

"(Y/N) is under the age of 18 with legal guardian to take her." Mrs. Carter replied.

"Into the foster system?! Are you out of your mind?! She is going to turn 18 soon, by that time she could stay with a friend." Dipper replied, "I already discuss this..."

"Discuss this?" Mrs. Carter asked.

Dipper folded his arms, "I'm a powerful man, Mrs. Carter, believe it or not. I have already talked about this to your director, Martin Thomas."

"Are director isn't Martin Thomas. We don't have a Martin Thomas in our office. Guess you called the wrong number...all powerful man."

Dipper growled, ready to rip the woman's throat.

You knew this was. Ford did something to sabotage Dipper.

"Oh no..." You started to tremble.

"I'm sorry but we have to do our job. Don't worry, she will be in a safe place."

"But not a better place." Dipper growled.

"Please don't make me do this, Mr. Gleeful." Mrs. Carter replied.

"No, don't make me do this." Dipper growled, his eyes glowing icy blue.

Mrs. Carter looked at the two men by her side. She nod her head and the two men started to come towards you. Dipper's eyes and amulet glowed even more and he forced Mrs. Carter and the two men were slammed into the wall. Will whimper as he stepped to the side as Dipper did what he was going to do.

"Dipper...stop...please." You reached for his hand. He stepped forward, away from your reach, "I warned you. Back! Off! Nobody will take or hurt my princess again and-" Dipper was interrupted by violent coughing.

"M-Master?" Will questioned hesitantly, taking a step forward.

You thought he choked on his spit or something but then you saw the blood. He was coughing out blood. That is not normal.

"Dipper!" You gasped out.

Dipper continued to cough out blood as his magic disappeared. The three CPS workers fell to the ground. Dipper even fell to his knees.

"M-Master!" Will rush to his side.

Dipper continued to cough violently, trying so hard to stop coughing out blood.

The three CPS workers got to their feet. "You get the girl." Mrs. Carter ordered, "I'll cheek the boy."

The two men started to head towards you.

"N-No! W-Will! D-Do something!" Dipper managed to wheezed out before coughing more.

One of them grabbed your arm before he froze completely still. All of the CPS workers were completely still. Then Will raised Dipper's head, holding him by the jaw. Then Will used his other's hand and reached in Dipper's mouth. Dipper cried out in pain, which was muffled by Will's hand in his mouth, as he grabbed Will's arm in a tight grip.

It was disturbing.

Then seconds later, Will pulled out his hand holding a small little metal chip. Dipper gasped out and coughed some more, spitting up blood.

"What is that thing?" You asked, horrified still. There was a metal chip in Dipper! What the heck!?

"I-I don't know..." Will muttered, looking at the chip, "I-It's s-s-something beyond m-my knowledge."

"Wh-What do you mean beyond your knowledge! You are a demon! You are supposed to know all, Cipher!" Dipper growled, he stopped coughing up blood.

"I-I don't know, M-Master..."

"Well find out!" Dipper demanded, "I'll deal with the CSP people."

"Y-Yes M-Master." Will nodded and he just vanished.

Dipper took a moment to get on his feet. Blood covered his hands and mouth. He stumbled a little to get to you. He grabbed your arm, the one that the CSP man had. He forced his hand off of your arm.

"Come here, (Y/N). We are getting out of here until we get this figure out." Dipper replied.

"What? We are running away?" You questioned as Dipper pulled you closer to him.

"Until I figure out what is going on." Dipper picked up you in a bridal style carry. You wrapped your arms around his neck.

Dipper looked at the three CSP workers, "Lemanco Dee Tremendor" His eyes glowed a little. You saw the CSP workers' eyes glowed white then went back to normal. Dipper then headed out of the room, carrying you in his arms.

He headed towards the back of the house. There was a few cars there and Dipper picked was a small black car. He put you in the passenger seat and went to the driver seat. There was a car key in the glove compartment. He started the car.

"Do you even know how to drive?" You asked.

"I know I how to drive."

"At night?"

"It's not night."

"Alright, dusk. It's different than your video games."

Dipper rolled his eyes, "Whatever sweetheart." Then he started to drive off. He drove out in the forest. It's been a few hours and the night sky came to few. You and Dipper haven't spoken that whole time.

You didn't know what to say. All of this was going on...foster system...murder...abuse...Your hand started to shake.

Dipper noticed this. He reached over and held your shaking hand. "It will be fine, princess." He spoke gently, rubbing your knuckles with his thumb.

You gave a slight smile as you blushed a little.

Then Dipper's phone went off. Dipper only glanced at the name and it was Mabel. He just pressed the button to ignore it.

"Aren't you going to answer that? Let her know what you are doing?" You asked.

"No." Dipper replied, flatly, as he grabbed your hand again.

You used your index finger of your other hand and made circles on the top of his hand, "Dipper...look...I...I want to thank you for...everything."

"Of course, princess."

"And you really don't have to do this..."

"The foster system is something you don't want to go in."

You glanced at Dipper, "You were in the foster system, weren't you?"

Dipper's jaw tightens, "No matter what they's horrible. There is no such thing as a good house."

"I'm sorry, Dipper..."

"I just want the best for you, my princess. You already have it tough...Don't need to make it worse."

"It's already is." You muttered.



The phone went off again. Mabel was trying to contact Dipper. Dipper muttered something and ignored it again and this time turned off his phone. Then he just threw it in the back.

"Maybe Mabel was trying to tell you something or..."

"Don't worry about it." Dipper interrupted you.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."


"I'm your angel princess...I'll take care of it." Dipper replied.

You gave a faint smile but it quickly faded away, "You can't take care of everything."

It was a few more hours of the drive and the forest was getting thicker and thicker. Soon Dipper drove on a dirt road that leads to a small wood cabin. Dipper stopped the car and turned it off. He got out and went to the passenger side and picked you up and used his magic to close and lock the car.

The steps of the old house were creaky but it didn't bug you. It seemed peaceful here. Dipper then used his magic to unlock the door. Walking into the small house you could see that it was small.

Some lights flickered on as Dipper came into the room, closing the door with his magic. Apparently he would use his magic for anything but to carry you. He wanted to do that personally.

He came in and set you down on the sofa. The place seemed like nobody have been in there for a while.

"What is this place?" You asked.

"A summer home...ish." Dipper replied.

"A summer homeish?" You asked.

"Well it's only a few hours's warmer than Gravity Falls but still gets some snow here. It's almost as the boards of California. It's just an extra place we have" Dipper lowered his head a bit.


"My father liked to fish before the accident, of course."

"They wouldn't think to cheek here?"

"No. Only my father and I knew about this place. It was just for me and him."

"Oh...that's sweet."

Dipper gave a faint smile, "I guess."

Then Dipper headed to the small kitchen, "You hungry?"

"Ummm...aren't the food here all spoiled?" You asked, "I don't think I want to get sick."

Dipper laughed, "Oh please, sweetheart." Then Dipper opened a cabinet and there was fresh canned food in there.

Your eyes widen.

Dipper laughed at your reaction, "Come on, princess. You know me. All I want is the best."

"Is there chicken noddle? I'm in the mood for that." You replied.

Dipper reached in and pulled out a can, "Of course." Dipper then snapped his fingers and the stove just came to life. Then a pot came and he placed it on the stove and started to cook the chicken noddle.

"While that's cooking, I'll get you some clothes to wear and not PJ's." Dipper announced as he headed to another room.

You looked down, deep in thought. You didn't want this to happen. How could this happened? Your mother was dead...killed by your father. Your father was getting drunk and started to abuse you. Now you were going to be sent to foster care. Now you were being blackmailed. Now Dipper's life was in danger. You knew when Dipper was coughing out blood, it was Ford's doing. That metal chip, Ford put it there. My guess was when Dipper ate breakfast. Ford was planning this out before he talked to you. This was only the beginning. You couldn't let Dipper get hurt. You just needed to give Ford what he wanted. It was the only way but Dipper wasn't going to let you out of his sight. You had to do something.

You went over to the cabinet with all of the food. Dipper didn't close it all the way. Looking through the cabinet you saw some sleeping pills in a pill bottle. There was a label on it. The bottle belonged to Derik Gleeful, Dipper's dad. This could work.

You looked to the side and you could hear Dipper was looking through drawers and it was taking him a bit. You guess because all the clothes were guys and none of them weren't going to fit you well.

This could be your chance.

You took out three pills, the only ones left. That wouldn't kill Dipper. Just knock him out quickly and for a while. That's good. Then you started to crush them with a knife.

The sound of Dipper was ending his search came. You started to panic a little. You quickly pushed the powder into the container. Then you quickly stuff the container in your bra, since you had no pockets, and put the knife away right as Dipper came in with some clothes.

"What are you doing?" Dipper asked.

"Making sure the soup doesn't burn. Can't leave the soup unattended, Dipper." You smiled.

Dipper shrugged, "Okay...just glad that you are able to walk around." Dipper then came up to you and handed you some clothes, "It took a while to find something that might fit...They are boy's clothes though..."

"It's fine. I'm sure I can make it work. Thank you." You smiled.

Then you headed to the bedroom and changed. The pants was old jeans that you needed a belt to keep it around your waste. It wasn't too baggy. Then a plaid shirt that you stuff into the pants to make it less baggy. Then socks and some old boats.

You were still sore from the beatings but you pushed through.

After you got dress you headed in the living/kitchen room again. Dipper had finished cooking the soup and was pouring it into two bowls. He looked up at you with a smirk, "Not really your style."

"You picked the clothes." You folded your arms.

Dipper chuckled, "I know."

Then he turned his back to put the pot in the sink. You looked at the bowls. This is the only chance to pour the powder in there. You quickly pulled out the bottle and poured the powder in a bowl and quickly stuff the container in your bra again. Then you grabbed the bowl without the powder in it.

Dipper turned back to you.

"It smells great, Dipper. Didn't think you could cook since you get servant to do it for you but I guess you can do simple baby things." You smirked.

Dipper growled, "Better watched that mouth, sweetheart."

"Oh come one, I thought you like my stubbornness and fire."

Dipper couldn't hold back his small smile. He didn't reply, only went and grabbed the other bowl. You two sat on the sofa and started to eat the soup.

You finish the bowl and set it down on the coffee table.

Dipper finished his soup also and yawned as he set it down.

You knew the drug was taking effect. You felt bad about this but you just needed to fix all of this. Dipper couldn't be your angel all the time. He couldn't help you this time.

Dipper's shoulders started to slump, " am I so sleepy?"

"Um...Because you've been up most of the night?" You replied, "You've been working hard all day."

"I've...stayed up....longer....before..."

Then Dipper fell on your shoulder, "You...drugged me..."

"Dipper I'm sorry. Just there is something I have to do...alone. It's for your own good. I'm so sorry Dipper."

Then Dipper went completely limp and he would have fallen off of your shoulder if you haven't caught him. You gently lay his head on the sofa as he slept. Then you lifted his legs on the sofa to make him comfortable. You grabbed a blanket and you draped it on his sleeping form.

"I am deeply sorry's for your own's for your life." Then you kissed the top of his head before you grabbed the keys of the car and left.


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