Chapter 25

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Your POV

The world was on fire. You stood up on a cliff, watching the town burn. Smoke covered the sky, covering the sun and anything so bright. You looked up in the smoke and could see the smoke moving to create a shape. You saw the shape of smoke had bright blue eyes as the smoke created wings that rose up in the air. Expanding across the sky and the wings came around you.

You felt safe as the wings pulled you close to a solid form's chest. Welcoming hands wrapped around you. You felt so safe and joy filled your soul even though the area was dark and horrible. Nothing could ruin this.

Spoke too soon.

A bright light came through the wall of smoke. The bright light blinded you and everything went pure white.





You slowly opened your eyes to the sound of the beeping. It was quiet annoying. When you opened your eyes, you could see that you were in a clean white room. A soft bed with blankets and pillows wrapped around you. You groaned as you tried to move. Your body felt so sore and in pain.

"Careful..." A voice spoke softly.

You turn your head and you could see Dipper. He was sitting in a chair next to yours. He was in a nicer hospital clothing with a IV stand next to him as an IV was attach to his hand. He looked horrible. There was a bandage on his right cheek and his arms were wrapped up. His skin was pale also.

"Dipper?" You asked.

He gave a faint smile, "Hey there, princess."

"W-What happened?"

"The manor was set on fire by Gideon's counter spell and my spell. Gideon and Pacifica got out, I was force out while you and Ford fought in the burning manor. Don't know what happened in there, just that Ford was killed and I was set free and I got back in the house and carried you out." Dipper explained.

"I-I killed Ford!" you started to panic.

"No, no, no...the fire did."

"But I pushed him and he caught on fire and..."

"My's fine. It was the fire that killed him. Did you set him on fire or did he set himself on fire?"

"Well I..."

"you said you pushed him away from you. So he stumbled into the fire himself. That was his fault. Plus it was his fault for sticking around. (Y/N) didn't kill him. It was his own fault...besides he was a wacked up old man anyways. If he wasn't gone now...I wouldn't be here."

"Speaking of that...aren't you supposed to be in your own hospital room?"

"I wanted to see you. Plus they can't keep me down. I'm Dipper Gleeful for crying out loud! I can go where ever I may be pleased!"

You chuckled. Dipper smiled at your laugh. He look softly at you, "I'm glad you are okay, princess."

"Me too...and...thank you." You replied.

"Anything for my princess. Plus...thank you for helping me out."

"Oh so finally you admit that you can't do everything yourself." You teased.

Dipper glared at you, "uh huh. Says the person you drugged me so they could do it themselves also."

You gave a sheepish laugh, "Hehe...yeah..."

Then Dipper smirked, "I would have done the same thing."

"Mr. Gleeful!" A female's voice gasped out. You and Dipper looked up and could see a nurse in the doorway.

"Crap!" Dipper muttered.

"You are supposed to be in your room! You can visit her when you are better! You need to rest!" The nurse ordered.

Dipper rolled his eyes, "I'm fine! I brought the IV, I'm alive. Isn't that all you care about?"

"Mr. Gleeful please. I don't want to call security again."

Dipper groaned, "Argh! Fine if it makes you feel good about yourself." Then Dipper looked at you, "I'll be back."

"No you won't!" The nurse snapped as came to Dipper, grabbing his IV stand, "I'll make sure that you'll stay in your room until you are better!"

"I feel fine. Just nothing but a scratch." (Who gets it?)

"Hmph! Some scratches you got there, Mr. Gleeful. Now come along or I'll drag your IV stand." She threatens.

"Okay! Okay! I'm going!" Dipper stood up, grabbing his own IV stand, "People these days..." Then he looked back at you with a smile, "See you later, sweetheart. Get better soon, okay?"

You nod your head, "Okay, only if you get better."

Dipper nods his head. Then he left with the nurse.

You stay at the hospital for a few days. Your friends Gideon, Pacifica, and Hardy came to visit you. They explained how Ford was to blame for the fire. Gideon and Pacifica were off the hook. The manor was going to be fixed up, luckily the Gleefuls were loaded. So the place should be fixed in a few days. How? Money.

Dipper was release from the hospital before you. He came to visit you every day. He told you how he fixed everything for the CSP people. Then he replied how he got your homework and gotten taken care of. That is how each day started but then it ended up you two laughing over TV shows that was on TV, looking out of the window of the view and watching the people, and they walking around the hospital without trying to caught by some nurses.

Spending time in the hospital was the best time you had in a while.

Then finally you were release. You were taken by Dipper and went into the manor which was mostly rebuilt. Dipper led you to a room, "Here you go. Sorry that it's small..."

"Are you kidding me?! This is bigger than my old room!" You replied.

Dipper chuckled, "Fair enough, even though it's an old room...That is why Mabel is not living here until her room is 'perfect'." Dipper overly dramatic the word perfect.

You giggled.

"It's true though. She is so drive me nuts." Dipper continued as he shook his head. Then Dipper claps his together, "Well I'll let you settled in then."

Dipper started to leave but you stopped him by grabbing his hand, "I want to thank you."

Dipper smiled, "Of course my princess. Anything for you." Then Dipper kissed your cheek. You smiled and blushed a little. You looked into Dipper's bright blue eyes.

You two have been through a lot and what you least expected was to like this boy. Dipper Gleeful...a strange boy that deals with magic and dark and twisted...but not really insane. He was sure an angel, especially how handsome he was, but he was sure an angel of darkness. His wings will be black and halo but he would be strong and protective. No all angels have to be dress in white.

You placed a hand at the side of Dipper's face as you lean in and kissed him on the lips. Dipper seemed surprise for the moment but kissed back. He was still soft and tender when he kissed you. Just the way you wanted.

Dipper then wrapped his hands around your waist as you wrapped yours around his neck.

The kiss was short. You both pulled back and looked at each other with soft eyes. You wanted him and he wanted you. Everything that happened in the past was to be with him. At the beginning you thought you hated him...but it ended up you liking him. He respected you and treated you like a queen. He treated you like he was your angel...which he was.

(Warning! Mature! This is number 4 for ya, if you know what I'm talking about. It was mostly voted so number 4 won. I'm sorry if you didn't want it. But it still my time skip thing. Skip to the next chapter if you don't want to read it.)

Dipper leaned in and kissed you again, this time it was harder and passionate as he pulled you closer to him. You kissed him back. Then he licked your lips, asking for access, and you opened your mouth as he slides his tongue into your mouth. He started to play with your mouth with his tongue as the kiss became more intense.

Dipper pushed you up against the wall, pressing you and him more together. He pulled back his tongue and released your lips and headed for your neck. He started to kiss it and slightly bite it. You couldn't hold your moan in.

You felt a hand grabbing your thigh. You moaned some more. Dipper continues to make out with your neck for a bit. Then you felt Dipper's hands moving up to the hem of your shirt. He started to lifted up your shirt.

As an instinct, you grabbed his arms to stop him as your body remembered Joey and what he did to you.

Dipper instantly released your shirt and took a step back. He had so much respect for you and he will always honor his word. Both people would want it for it to be real love. He knew if you didn't want it, he wasn't going to try to convince you or force you....but you did want it.

You knew that Dipper wouldn't hurt you like Joey. Dipper wasn't Joey.

You grabbed Dipper by his neck tie and pulled him to you. This time you moved into his mouth. Dipper made a muffled gasped of surprise that you just yank him towards you, he accepted it in seconds and wrapped his arms around you.

You moved around his mouth, playing with every little thing in his mouth. He even tried to fight you for dominance of the kiss. You then loosen the neck tie around his neck and took it off. You set it gently on the dress that you were next to. You didn't want to break that.

Your hands then moved back to his shirt and you started to unbutton his shirt and vest. You worked the buttons quickly and revealed his bare torso. Your hands ran up and down his torso, feeling his skin and muscles. Dipper moaned as you did that and he started to lift up your shirt.

You finished taking off Dipper's shirt from his shoulders and Dipper finish taking off your shirt also. You then wrapped your legs around his torso as he started to kiss your neck again. You moaned some more as you felt him biting your neck and his hands on your bare skin.

Then Dipper carried you to the bed. Since you had your legs wrapped around his torso it wasn't hard. Dipper then laid you on the bed, on your back, and he was on top of you. You both were panting as you looked at each other.

"I see you've been working out...not too scrawny." You pointed out.

"I have...thanks for was for you anyways." Dipper replied.

"I like it."

Dipper then lifted you up, so you and he were sitting up but he was still sitting on your lap, and started to take off your bra. Your hands moved down to his pants and you started to take them off, along with his boxer, and that was only just the beginning. 

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