Chapter 9

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So you got home and you only have two weeks before Christmas break would come. Before that...will have to be your dinner with Dipper Gleeful...and it came way quicker than you though.

"So ready for you date?" Mom just came in.

"It's not a date. I'm just....hanging out with my friends..." You lied. You don't want anyone, not even your parents, to know that you were having a dinner with Dipper Gleeful.

"Is this a thank you for saving that boy's life?" Mom asked.

You sigh, "Mom, I'm just hanging out with my friends, okay?"

Dad then came in, "You've better be hanging out with your friends. It better not be that boy. I mean what you have to do for him."

"Dad, I wasn't going to let him freeze to death."

"Still not happy."

Mom hit your father's stomach, "Would you just let it go! She saved a boy's life! This could actually be a perfect fairy tale! You saved the boy's life and you two fell in love!"

Dad rolled his eyes in disgust, "She doesn't need love. She has school to focus on."

"Why do you have to ruin everything?" Mom snapped as she just went off.

Dad rolled his eyes. You sigh. They've been fighting a bit lately. Not about you and your personal life but mostly everything. They start bickering about how the house looked, the bills, and what they do as a personal life and what not.

It was an awkward silence, "Well...I got to go see my friends." You grabbed your purse and headed out.

You arrive at the diner. You sigh, "the worse night of my can do this (Y/N). Just have dinner with him and the black mail will be gone. You got this. Everything will go away. It's just a dinner."

You head in the store and nobody was in there, only him. Dipper had the table set up. It wasn't super fancy like there was no table cloth or candles so it wasn't a date. Good.

"I told you it wasn't a date but you have to jump to that conclusion." Dipper replied. He didn't even look up from the newspaper he was reading.

"I didn't say anything." You replied.

"You thought something though." Dipper then folded up the newspaper and threw it on the table behind him.

"So you are a mind reader?"

"Didn't you go to my show? Of course I'm a mind reader." He smirked. Then he gestor to the seat in front of him, "Your seat."

You went up and sat down, "I've never seen this place empty before."

"Because I rent it for the night. I knew you wouldn't want anyone from school to see us together. They will have the same thoughts as you. This is a date."

"Of course it's not. Just a dinner."

"That's why I didn't do candles, a table cloth, helped you to your seat, or any music."

"Sounds like you've been on plenty of dates."

"Eh" He shrugged, "I just know how to charm a girl."

You rolled your eyes. Pathetic.

"I am not pathetic." He growled.

You glared at him. Dipper just wave his hand, "Anyways...let's just eat dinner shall we?" Then plates came flying through the air and was set right in front of you and Dipper. The food was steaming and smelt good. It was lasagna with salad on the side. You actual swallowed your droll in your mouth, "It looks good."


"You cook it?"

"Of course not. My cook made it. She's the best one in the world."

"Of course she is." You sarcastically replied.

Dipper gave a smirk as he started to eat. You started to eat. One bite of that lasagna and you just about died. It was so warm, the good kind of cheesy as it just melts in your mouth. The sauce brought your tongue back to life with its flavors. There was nothing like it.

"So? How do you like it?" Dipper asked.


Dipper chuckled, "Alright? I know that is a lie. You just don't want to admit it. Since you are a stubborn little princess."

"I'm not a princess."

"Oh yes you are. Everything has to be your way."

"No everything has to be your way. That is why I'm on this stupid dinner."

"I didn't force you, (Y/N). you chose to come here."

You started to get angry with him and his games, "I had to come here to get that blackmail off of me!"

"If. There is an if there. It is a possibility to get rid of this blackmail."

You tighten your fists, "I'm done playing your games, Gleeful! I'm done! You hear! I just want the blackmail off! Just take it away and we'll never see each other again!"

Dipper didn't respond, he only continue to eat.

"Are you serious?! Not going to say anything!?" You snapped.

"Well we are having a dinner..."

"Enough with the dinner. We don't have to do this, Gleeful. Just take the blackmail away and we will never have to deal with each other again. Isn't that something that you want?"

Dipper didn't respond, only chuckled to himself.

"It's a game to you! That is all it is. Well I'm done playing!"

"You said that. You are done playing the game but the game isn't over, now eat the food and we'll talk about the blackmail."

You folded your arms, "No."

Dipper shrugged as he eats, "Alright, fine with me. The longer I can hold the blackmail."

I scowled at him, "Arrogant jerk."

Dipper just continues to eat. You looked at the plate of food. Come on (Y/N)! He isn't budging! You just got to do his will and this will be all over! But I don't want him to win! There is no chance of winning! Just eat the dinner and be done! The faster you eat...the faster you can get to the deal...and all will be over. You got this (Y/N)!

You sigh as you reached for your fork and started to eat the heaven. It was really good and you really just want to savor every second but you just got to eat fast. So you end up meeting half way and you end up finishing just a bit before Dipper. During that time, neither of you talked. Which wasn't a bad thing.

"Now the deal." You replied.


"I had dinner with you, so pay up."

"Tsk, tsk, skipping desert-"

"I don't care."

Dipper rolled his eyes, "Fine, fine. So I was thinking about removing the blackmail but..."

"There can't be a but there, Gleeful."

Dipper just looked at me, "I want to be free, don't we all?"

" you can be free from me. I won't bug you or anything. Of course school doesn't help but we don't have to say hi or anything."

Dipper sigh, "You do know how to play the game, Miss (L/N)." (Last Name) "I've never played this game with such was actually fun."

"Fun? Are you kidding me?! Is that what you are holding back on?! Because it's fun to make me miserable?! You are a cruel and heartless jerk! What? Not striking your servants isn't fun for you? Bullying people isn't fun also? Abusing magic isn't fun either?"

"You are just funner."

"Funner isn't a word."

"See stubborn. You fight and you're a stubborn little princess. It is fun."

"Stop playing with me, Gleeful. Take the blackmail away and we are done for the rest of our lives. You can find someone else to be your toy. I'm done being your toy."

Dipper sigh, "The game has to end so soon?"

"Yes. Now...Take. Away. The. Blackmail." You replied sternly.

Dipper looked at you for a moment, "Fine...for saving my life and doing this dinner with me...I no longer will hold what happened that night against you."

You smirked, "Was that so hard, spoiled boy?"

Dipper gave you a slight glare, "Better watch your tongue or outside. Something will happen...since there is nothing against you."

"What does that supposed to mean?"

"I know what you are planning. It's what you've been planning the moment I went missing in the mountains. You still can't play that card."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. I still have many cards that I'm holding to protect Mabel's and mine reputation. You can't just blurt out everything until all the cards are gone or in your hands."

"This is still a game to you isn't it."

"Life is a game, (Y/N). Learn to play it...and you'll be on top."

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