Chapter. 15

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Bella's POV-


As we pulled into the driveway a disgusting, and familiar stench hit my nose, ugh, Werewolves.

Stepping out of my car Edward pulled me to him and growled.

"Cullens," The eldest one stepped forward; from his thoughts I learned that his name was Sam and that he is the Alpha. Edward growled at a boy who I think is called Jacob, I hissed at his thoughts,

"Jacob," Sam said sternly, "She's taken and part vampire, our natural enemy,"

"What brings you here?" Carlisle asked.

"We've come for two reasons, one of which is there has been a nomad vampire around our lands, the other is to make sure the girl is not a danger to society,"

"I wouldn't get her mad if I was you," Edward warned, "She's much stronger than all of you put together," I put my psychical and mental shield up, they couldn't come a distance of two metres of us and none of their gifts - even though they had none, would harm us.

The shield was see-through, with a slight mossy green tint to it.

Sam reached and touched the shield, only to be electrocuted and thrown a few metres back.

The rest phased. "Bella is not a danger, to you, us or anyone," Esme explained.

"So I suggest you get out of here before we kill you," Rosalie snapped, the wolves growled.

"You can't touch us because of the Treaty," Sam thought.

"We won't have to, I'll kill you mentally." I said casually.

The wolves growled again. "You just gonna stand there? Fine then, you might as well go and start digging your grave." I mocked.

Sam growled and turned around, the pack followed as there leader walked away.

"Bella is taking after her Uncle Emmett," Emmett boomed, rubbing his hands together mischievously.

I took a deep breath in attempt to control my anger, I allowed Jasper to help me, even though I was still bubbling with hate and rage.

"Bella!" Alice shouted, jumping up and down, "We need to plan the wedding!"

"Not today Alice, I moaned, she looked disappointed, how about you go draw a design for the dress?" I suggested, she squealed and turned on her heels, skipping inside to start.

Edward picked me up and carried me bridal style to his room, earning a wolf whistle from Emmett, I rolled my eyes.

I sighed as I lied down on the white chaise, this was where I first slept, ah the memories.

"Bella?" Edward asked, sitting on the end of the chaise.


"Are you ok? You're pretty hot,"

"Oh, uh," I closed my eyes, concentrating on turning back to my usual cold temperature, "Better?" I asked.

"Why were you so warm?" He sounded concerned.

"Because I can now phase,"

I sat up and rested my head on Edward's shoulder. "Are you feeling calmer now?" I nodded; he put his finger under my chin forcing me to look at him.

Then he kissed me, we hadn't kissed in a while, by a while a mean a day. "Jacob's thoughts were disgusting," Edward whispered, not breaking the kiss.

"I know, but I'm yours, not his, I'll always be yours, never his, plus they stink." I whispered back. Edward pulled back,

"Can I see your wolf form?" He asked.

"Sure, but close the door so when I shift back they don't see me bear," I said, standing up, he closed the door.

I didn't want to ruin my clothes so I had to strip, luckily Edward, being the gentleman he is looked away, I don't mind him seeing me but we're not married yet.

When I phased I was bigger than the rest of the wolves, much bigger. My fur was a cream colour, I had four grey socks and a grey tail tip, and my eyes were a muddy puddle colour too. "You don't smell like a Wolf Bells," Edward chuckled.

I licked his face, he laughed. "Let's show the others,"

I nodded in agreement. Walking downstairs everyone gasped, then looked shocked and confused as Edward ran his fingers through my coat.

"What's a wolf doing in here Edward? And why doesn't it smell like a wolf?" Carlisle questioned, furrowing his brows.

"It's Bella, she now has the power to shift, you know because she is a magnet," Edward explained. Everyone looked relieved.

"She's enormous!" Emmett shouted. I growled disapprovingly. I looked up at Edward and lowered my shield, he nodded and I put it back in place.

"Bella wants to shift back," Edward said.

I turned around and walked up the stairs to the top floor, where my room is, after phasing back to a human I showered and washed my hair, I dressed in a dark blue baggy shirt and black shorts. Casual.

I walked downstairs and joined Edward on the loveseat, today is movie night, we're watching the hunger games, I snuggled up to Edward and watched the film, technically I'm around five months old, the hunger games is a twelve, oh well.

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