Chapter. 9

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Edward's POV-


Elazar, Carmen, Esme and Carlisle were in the kitchen, discussing things, Kate and Garret were in there room, having their private time, Alice, Jasper, Rose and Em had gone hunting, it was just me, Bella and Tanya in the living room, Great, I thought.

Me and Bella sat down on the love seat opposite where Tanya was sitting, I draped my arm over Bella's shoulder and she snuggled up against me. Tanya stood up and walked over to us, sitting next to me on the love seat.

"So Edward, we haven't hung out in a while, I was wondering if you would like to go hunting with me?"

"Okay..." I replied, her face lighting up like a kid on Christmas day, "As long as Bella can come." My negotiation was devious. I mentally smirked at her dull face.

"Actually, I was wondering if we could go hunting together, like alone, only me and you,"

She placed her hand on my leg, I knew Bella was about to lose it, Tanya moved her hand to reach for my shirt. In a blur, Bella lunged for Tanya, pinning her against the wall. Growling like a beast in front of Tan's face.

Bella was stronger than Tanya, much much stronger than Tanya, and she was raged, which only helped her power. It took me, Jasper and Emmett to haul Bells away.

Isabella turned to look at me, her eyes were a fiery red, the colour of anger. I was taken aback and so loosened my grip. Bella used this to her advantage, tearing away from us. She picked Tanya up by the throat and threw her against the wall. Causing a large crack to run up the middle of it.

"Ever touch my mate again and you'll be sorry," she said through gritted teeth, even I felt intimidated. I had never seen this side of my Bella.

Bella turned around and walked over to me, her eyes were back to hazel, but they still had a few dots of red in them, only visible if you looked very closely.

Everyone was staring at Bella, apart from Tanya who was on the ground, making strangled choking noises, at least I know Bella is as protective of me as I am of her.

"What the hell is going on here!?" Carlisle shouted, his eyes glancing from the broken wall, Tanya to Bella.

"I'll tell you what happened," Bella growled, I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her closer to me, I kissed her neck then whispered in her ear, in desperate attempt to soothe her "Bella, love, calm down," she looked at me with a 'Seriously' look in her eyes. "Really" I murmured a reply, she seemed to relax a little, but was still growling.

"That scumbag over there! She was hitting on my mate! My mate! I swear, if she comes near him again, I'll tear her head off!" All signs of peace had vanished now, Bella was fuming

No one could calm her down, not even Jasper, so the attention was directed at Tanya. Digs like 'How could you?' 'You're disgusting' 'Find your own mate!' were thrown at her. Bells seemed pretty chuffed.

I sighed and picked Bella up, she needed to calm down. She could run her anger off in the forest.


Bella's POV-


Edward placed me down in the middle of the forest. "What the hell Edward!?" I yelled at him.

"You need to calm down Bells," he replied calmly.

"Calm down? Are you serious!? That lowlife just tried to... Are you seriously asking me to calm down!? I'm gonna rip that idiots head off!"

"Bella," he said sternly, "She's family, you can't kill her,"

"Well, hmm Edward, last time I checked I'm not married to you, so that means I'm not related to them at all!"

He pushed me down to the floor, "Bella, I will never leave you, especially for scum like her," he had me pinned with my back to the floor and my hands above my head, he was laying on top of me so I couldn't move.

"Damn you Edward," he chuckled, but didn't make any attempt to get off me. "Get off me," I started to squirm but for some reason I couldn't throw him off of me.

"Nope, not until you're properly calm, Jasper will tell me when you are," I hissed but he lent forward and kissed me, I could only kiss him back.

I growled lowly and bit down on his lip, his initial shock gave me just enough time to escape.

Edward stood up and called after me, he was about to run after me but Carlisle told him to give me space. I knew he had followed me though, I could smell him, that musky, old scent of his. Edward was somewhere around here, watching me, I began to knock trees down, trying to lower my temper.

As I knocked a particularly sturdy tree a particularly sturdy male dropped onto the ground beside me, so that's where he was.

"Need some help?" I asked, stifling a laugh, he looked up at me his golden brown eyes drowning me.

"You'll pay for that," he muttered before standing up brushing himself off. I placed my hands on my hips, speaking with my eyes. "Er... Yeah, sorry." he sat down on the knocked down tree and patted the space beside him.

I took the invitation, "I guess I forgive you,"

"You okay now?" he asked hesitantly.

The image of me biting him flooded into my mind, "Yeah," I said, "Sorry about your lip," I looked at his bottom lip where I had bitten him, there was a little cut, but you could only see it if you had the eyesight of a vampire. Like I did.

"No Bells, It's fine, you were in a bad mood, I don't blame you,"

I let out a sigh of relief and kissed him gently on the lips, "You destroyed most of the woodlands," he said playfully, elbowing me gently, looking around.

Edward engulfed me in his arms, if I was a normal human, his sheer strength would have crushed me by now. "C-Can't B-Br-Breath," he quickly let go. "Sorry," he began messing with my hair, twirling it around his fingers.

"I love you Edward," I sighed in content.

"I love you too, baby girl,".

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