The real thief

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After Alastor's confession, he hasn't come out of his room since. (Al/g) tries and fails to talk to him so he would either wave her away or use one of his minions to scare her.

The days go by and extermination is in exactly 4 hours. My heart breaks for my children's disappearance and all I want is for them to be safe in my arms.

I'm right now away from the hotel at a bar shop. Because of my children, I became depressed and sad. Some days I would just give up.

I now look at my 5th round of shots. "Another." I say as the bar tender gave me a look. "That was your 5th shot lady."

"Another!" I shouted as he rolled his eyes and gave me another one. I was about to drink it when I felt someone sitting on my right. I didn't need to look to know who it was. His lion breath did the work for me. "Dumped ya again?" Daniel said with his cocky attitude. "Or the other way around."

"I'm not in the mood Daniel." I say as I drunk my now 6th shot. Daniel, that asshole, put his money right next to my now empty cup. "Well I'm in the mood. You can always talk to me."

"Pfft, yeah right. After the stunt you pulled since we were alive, I'm not talking to you. Not even for a moment."

"Then don't. We can always kiss~" Daniel must've really wanted me to snap cause before he knew it, a hand mark was in his cheek. "The last time I kissed you, I was a mess. I'm not kissing you even if you were the last man in hell." I protested as I went back to my next 2 drinks.

Daniel rolled his eyes. "Always so stubborned. Just like your twins." I was about to say something when it suddenly hit me like a punch to my face. "How the hell do you was you. IT WAS YOU!" I yelled as I grabbed a hand gun from Husker's bar table one time.

The people in the bar started to run away. "Where are they?" I asked as Daniel gave me his usual smirk. "WHERE ARE MY KIDS!" I demanded feeling hot tears rolling down my face. Daniel chuckled. "Come to my place. Alone." And with that, Daniel tripped me with his slider move and by the time I got up, he was gone.


Hey guys. I just wanna say Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you all have a good break like me. Also, if I get 300k views, I have a very special surprise for you. I'm jot telling you who's coming next until those views hit the mark. Anyway, have a good break. Cya ltr.❤️❤️

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