When the father finds out

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During your time at the hotel, you and the others decided to party about the new arrival of the new baby. You were just as excited as they were. You didn't know if it was a boy or girl. Either way, it was gonna be a good day for when they come.

Vaggie was now on her third bottle. "Thissssss isssss sooooo goood." She said as she twirled around and hiccup. "Um Husk?"

"I'm on it." Husk said as he walked over to the drunk girl and walked her to her room. You looked over at Nifty who was also drunk. "Hiiiiiiii friiieeend." She said as you rolled your eyes. "Nifty, are you drunk too?"


"Okay, we have got to limit our time with the alcohol." You said to yourself as you felt 4 strange arms around you. "Hello there baby." Angel whispered in your ear as you blushed madly and smacked his shoulder. "Angel, you know I hate it when you do that." You replied as he only laughed. "Whatever, you know you love it when I do that." You only stuck your tongue out at him. "Sup Anggie."

You looked to your left to find your friend Cherri Bomb. "Hey there CB. How's it hanging?"

"Pretty well. Can't wait to meet the little munchkin." Cherri said as you widen your eyes and shot her a glare. "Wait, what?" Angel asked as Nifty started to say something. "You know, you're new baby." Nifty said who was still obviously drunk.

Angel eyed you in both questioning and also curiosity. But you can tell he was also hiding his anger. "What're they talking about?" When Angel asked that question, Cherri realized her mistake. "...oops. I think I should-"

"Oh no, it's fine. (Y/N), why the blazing hell is Cherri tell me about me being a father?" Angel asked as everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at him. You couldn't hide it anymore. The truth was out. You inhaled a breath and said, "Angel...I'm pregnant."

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