Chapter 2: Don't Fail Me Now

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   "Alright children, I want you to be on your best behavior," said Jacky's mother. "Please don't ask any questions. They will explain everything."

The pods were docking at the massive door. Their pod slowed down, almost to a halt. They heard the thunk of contact and the hiss of the door opening. Tzu looked at every part of the castle, trying to burn the beautiful sight into his mind.

"Hurry along," said a woman wearing a white robe. "The orientation is about to start." They followed the crowd of children and adults through the doors and into the main hall. As Tzu expected, the place was just as golden on the inside as it was on the outside. It was like they made sunlight into metal, then made everything out of it. People wearing white robes led us to an auditorium (of course, made with gold). The room could easily fit 20,000 people. A brilliant golden chandelier hung from the roof.

Tzu and Jacky took a seat on the cool, rough chairs. The lights dimmed and everyone became quiet.

"Welcome!" said a voice from above. Everyone looked up, searching for the person behind the voice. "Over here," the voice said again. A brilliant white light filled the room, coming from someplace, no: someone, on the stage. The light faded, revealing a tall figure, a Higher, the god-like political figures of the United States. They all dressed the same: white robes with golden accents and a large hood hiding their face. Not a sliver of their actual skin was shone, everything was covered.

"Sorry if I startled you. Welcome to the American Highers' Sanctum. I am Higher 7 and will be your host today." Even the Higher's voice sounded unisex. You could not even begin to guess who was behind those robes.

"I am surprised that they don't all wear gold," whispered Jacky. Tzu suppressed a giggle as Jacky's mother put her finger to her mouth.

"Now every child here is here for one reason, to get chosen into a school in Washington's Aptitude Training Academy, the most prestigious and popular middle and highschool in the USA. But first, I need to explain some things," said Higher 7.

"Now for convenience and per the school's request, I need to address some things. This is specifically for our international students. First, you will use the word 'aptitude' to describe your natural abilities, your standard abilities as well as your, well, unusual ones. I know that other nations describe it as an ability or a skill or a variety of other things, but to avoid misunderstandings, you will use the word aptitude. Secondly, and this is to everyone, Washington's Aptitude Training Academy is split into three schools, Combat, Medical, and Intellectual. You little 11 and 12 year olds will be chosen into one of these schools. I will let the Heads of these schools tell you a bit about each school." Higher 7 walked off the stage to be replaced by an old man with glasses.

"Hello students, I am Professor Borum, the Head of Intellectual School. Most of you young folks will join my school. At Intellectual School, we provide the most variety of career opportunities. For everyone who doesn't get into Combat or Medical School, you will join my good ol' school. I will see a lot of you very soon." Dr. Burnham walked off stage. The crowd clapped respectively.

A handsome, younger man wearing a white lab coat walked onto the stage. There was an uproar of clapping, especially from girls Tzu noticed. The man laughed and waved at the crowd. "Thank you all! I am Dr. Corinador, the Head of Medical School. At Medical we accept anyone with a knack for helping people! I heal people, and I am going to teach you how to heal people too! I can't wait to work with some of you. Have a good day." He left the stage with more applause.

Dr. Corinador was replaced with a young Japanese woman. She had sleek black hair and was wearing a camo military outfit. Her chin came to a sharp point and she had a thin frame. She had a hard gaze and a fixed expression of seriousness. "Hello. You know who I am, and I know who you are," she said. Tzu's eyes were locked on her. She, Yumiko Shoji, was the crusher of little boys' dreams. "Listen up. We only accept around 20 students per year. A lot of you will go home today in tears. Why? Because you didn't make it into my school, Combat School. We only take the strongest, the most driven, and the most ambitious. Thank you." And with that, she walked off stage. Everyone was in stunned silence.

"That was intense," whispered Jacky. Then she grinned. "I like her. Can't wait to be her student."

Tzu didn't respond, not because of Ms. Shoji, but because every time Jacky brought up Combat School he withered inside. Jacky was unique. She had been chosen for Combat School before 4th grade, whereas most other kids (including Tzu) had to wait for today. Jacky had the determination, the aptitude, and the will. She would make the perfect soldier, the perfect commander. Tzu had always wanted to go to Combat School, every boy his age does. to use his aptitude for good, to save people, to help his country. But unlike Jacky he could never be a commander of the A.H.A (American Highers' Army). Tzu didn't have a powerful aptitude, didn't have ambition, but most of all he didn't have the ability to trust. Tzu couldn't trust people and put himself in a vulnerable situation. The people Tzu trusted he relied on too much. You can't have a good commander if the commander doesn't trust his soldiers.

Higher 7 floated back onto the stage. "And now, each Head of the schools will announce it's students in this wave. You will then follow your new teacher and they will explain some things regarding transportation and dorm life at their respective schools. Welcome back Professor Borum to tell us the roster of Intellectual School..."


Yumiko Shoji walked off stage and took a set backstage with the other Heads. She fished a piece of paper out of her pocket. Her eyes carefully scanned each letter on the sheet of paper.

Professor Borum chuckled slightly at Yumiko. "I still can't believe that all your student's names can fit on that sheet of paper, whereas I have," he pulled out an overfilled binder, "all of these."

"Yet it took me more time to choose all of my students than you," responded Yumiko, her eyes still scanning the paper."

"Oh yes, we know how meticulous and careful you are choosing your students," said Dr. Corinador.

"Well these students will soon be protecting this country's ass so I think I have the right to be so meticulous," Yumiko shot back.

Dr. Corinador held up his hands in a surrendering gesture. "I wasn't criticizing you, I was just making a comment."

"Welcome back Professor Borum..." they overheard Higher 7 saying. For such an old man, Professor Borum could move. He was out of his chair and on the steps to the stage in no time. Yumiko scanned her paper for what seemed the millionth time. Why does this roster feel incomplete? she thought. She had looked through all the tests of every single incoming W.A.T..A (Washington's Aptitude Training Academy). She had spent days, weeks, even years designing this roster. So why did it feel like it was missing something? You know the reason, she thought to herself. It is that one student, the one who seemed so right for Combat School yet so wrong. The student who on paper had no chance of making it yet you still are considering him. She only had seconds to decide. Professor Borum was already almost on the stage. She had to go with a gut feeling, and that was...

"Professor Borum!" said Yumiko. "I want Tzu San!"

The professor hesitated, but he had worked with Yumiko long enough to know when to trust her. "You sure?" he responded. Yumiko nodded furiously. Professor Borum nodded and went on stage.

"Does anyone here have a pen or pencil," asked Yumiko. A man in white robes handed her a pen. "Thank you," she said. She uncapped the pen and scribbled down the name "Tzu San" onto her sheet of paper.

Welcome to Combat School, kid, Yumiko thought. Don't prove me wrong.

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