Chapter 19

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Malhotras reach their house by 6:30 of evening. On reaching everyone left to their rooms to freshen up. After freshening all men took rest whereas women left for kitchen to help servants in preparing dinner for everyone.

After One Hour

Dinner is prepared now and kept at the dinning meantime every family member got settled there and started eating when Mukti said

Mu : Mom seriously you guys have a very nice choice

MM : Thanku Mukku but i didn't know you have started to eat green veggies

Hearing this everyone started laughing

D : Mom she is telling about Nandini

MM : I know dhruv i was just leg pulling her

Mu : Mom its a serious talk and need our full concentration its not time for leg pulling

MM : I know but i thought for some fun

Mu : ok

A : Mom i really feel that Mukti is right Nandini is seriously a nice girl we liked her very much

Ab : Yes Mom bhabi is right we talked to her and she attended us very nicely

C : Yes Aunty she gelled up with us very soon and yes her freind also is very nice ( said dreamily )

D : Cabir tell us who is more better Nandini or her freind

C : ( still in dreams ) Navya

Everyone : What

This made Cabir out of his dreamland

C : No No definitely Nandini is a best choice for Manik What say uncle

MF : You know kids when me and Neyo first time saw her profile on matrimonial site we kinda found some connection with her

MM : Yes children we loved her in the first instance that's why we arranged meeting soon and now Roka is also done

MF : Right now we would be able to free from our duties now we will get some alone time

D : Dad we are here

MF : So what

Ab : Dad don't tell this suddenly in front of Nandini she will must get shocked

C : Yes uncle let her first adjust here then say all this. Manik why are you not speaking anything when we are talking about you to be wife

M : What should i say i am also happy when you all are happy

Mu : Mom Manik is gone from now onwards

M : Its not that

A : Its ok Manik we can understand and now you guys have to prepare for marriage

M : Bhabi we it should be us

D : No Manik actually we have to go back be tomorrow morning we just came to surprise you all and attend the function

A : Yes Manik we suddenly made this plan otherwise you know na its not easy for us

D : Manik don.t worry we will come 1 month before your marriage functions will start

M : Ok bhai

Saying this all have some other teasing and funny chats. After that everyone dispersed for their room.And slept as it was a tiring day for them.

In Manik's Room

Manik is about to lock his door when Cabir came suddenly. Manik gave him space to enter.

( Manik's Pov )

Now Cabir has come he will not leave this easily. He will not leave this easily he will try his best to know that where i am lost and amazing thing is that he also knows that i am lost somewhere perks of having Cabir as your best freind. But i need to open up with him as only then i would get answers to my uncountable confusions. No not so easily beacause i am angry with Cabir.

( end of pov )

Manik came back and sat on the swing in his balcony where Cabir is already seated. After Manik settled with having good minutes of silence Cabir said

C : Manik don't you think you need to tell me something

M : What should i tell you

C : Manik i have seen you are lost on the dinning table but you should tell me

M : Cabir you know na i am angry with you

C : That'swhy i am here bro

M : Bro its about Nandini

C : Now what she has done

M : She is confusing her behaviour is not normal

C : You mean what

M : Actually she is hiding something from me that too from the very first day of our meeting

C : So go and ask her

M : You think that i am a patient person

C : Means

M : I have tried but she is not ready to open up

C : Then call her and talk

M : Yes but i don't have it

C : Idiot you have remember today

M : Yes i have saved it also it just slipped

C : Ok then i should leave

He stood up when Manik said

M : Cabir now will you please open up yourself

C : Manik i am always an open person and i think you know everything

M : Yes but its till morning when i knew everything but this time not

Cabir understood that Manik will not leave him so he sat and said continue

M : What do you think about Navya

Hearing this Cabir is about to give horrified expression but stopped

C : Who Navya

M : Hey don't act smart Navya Nandini's freind tell me what do you think about her

C : Manik truly saying i am confused for now please leave this topic

M : ok if want so

C : So Manik my i leave you call her

M : Wait na tell me that Nandini's dare is arranged by you

C : Obviously it was interesting na and that coincidence is the best part

Saying this Cabir started laughing but Manik doesn't change his expression

C : What happen aren't you happy with this destined thing

M : No

C : But why

M : Because i know yu have arranged that coincidence thing

C : Manik are you out of your mind

M : No because i know how my freind is so please admit it

Cabir admit his defeat

C : Yes bro but its good na it will make you both get closer. But i don't know why you got angry at that time when you know this

M : That time i thought that she is hurt by this but she favoured you all. When i asked her outside she said she doesn't want to make you all hurt

C : Oh i see

Saying this both started to see the beautiful stars and moonlight on the sky. After a couple of minutes of silence Cabir said

C : Manik i want to know something from you

M : Then ask me i'll surely tell

C : How did you feel when you get the call

M : You know its amazing to get loved by someone this much. It makes oneself feel good i also liked it but she is getting clingy so i tried to scare her

C : But Manik when she asked that if you are Manik then why you answered no. You know she used your name because she doesn't want to stick with any other name because you are her fiance

M : Actually that too i myself got surprised i just answered no because i was getting annoyed with her interogation but after call ended i also thought this but chuced thinking that now i am free. I think its her best part that she wants to loyal with me in games also

C : That's true she is completely an Indian girl. Manik tell me how do you feel when you completed your dare

M : It was making me feel hurt when i thought to do so in front of Nandini but in end i felt good whereas somewhere inside me i thought Nandin will feel hurt but that didn't happen that's a good thing

C : Right

M : Cabir how did you manage to dial my number in her phone

C : Simple with Navya's help

M : Now i understood everything it means she was in

C : Yes any more confusions

M : No

C : Ok then bye i am going to sleep you do what i have told you before

Saying this Cabir stood up along with Manik both reached to the door and wished each other Good night. Then Manik locked his door and took his phone and settled himself where Cabir and he were sitting few minutes ago.

Manik hold his mobile and stared at it and smiled when Cabir's message popped up

C : Don't stare it and call my to be Bhabi

M : am not staring i was about to call when your message came

C : Yah yah i know

After that Manik dialled the number.

Here is the next update

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Your Writer


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