Chapter 28

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As usual the day started for the family. Jass getting ready for school and Nandini getting ready for her college. But there is a bit change in Nandini's mood. She is just humming an unknown song. A heartful smile is there on her face. She is happy about trip thing and more than that she is waiting for Manik's surprise. Soon she left for her college.


Nandini reached at the college and moved directly to her class. There she saw Navya already seated at their usual seat so she also sat beside her.

N ( happily ) : Hello girl. How are you ?

Na : I am good. You tell why are you so happy today?

N : I am always like this

Na : Nope You are abnormal

N : No I am normal. I regularly behave like this. Chirpy one as always.

Na : If you don't want to tell than let me assume

N : What will you assume

Na : Nothing much Only one

N : What

Na : Your fiancé Mr Malhotra

N : You have become smart

Na: I have always been So tell me fast

N : Yesterday I called him. Then

Na : Wait you called.. What a progress Ms Murthy Keep it up

N : Thank You. Then we talked about my trip. Later he told that he has a surprise for me

Na : What surprise

N : Will get by today

Na : So you are waiting for it

N : Ofcourse

Later the lectures started and In the last one their professor talked about trip

Professor : Students we will be arranging a one day trip on this Sunday to Dalhousie, Himachal Pradesh. Interested one's should give their names by tomorrow positively. Other things like fee etc will be notified in your class WhatsApp group. Hope to get maxi um responses.

After the lecture ended

Na : So Ms Murthy are we going

N ( bit sadly ) : Don't know

Na : Hey don't be a part popper you said you will talk to your dad

N : I talked

Na : So What did he say

N : Maybe Yes

Na : Ohhh Wait maybe yes. Idiot you..... How can you joke on this

N : Just wanted to so

Na : So we will be going

N : I think so

Na : Then let's go home and will talk about it at night

N : Yes But

Na : But what

N : Call early

Na : Why You are my friend I can call you whenever I want

N : Manik

Na : Ohho Manik

N ( she blushed a bit ) : Let's go back

Na : Yeah

After reaching home Nandini told everything about trip to her mother and sister. Soon their father came home. Now its time for Nandini to talk to her dad for permission. Its the family time now as everyone got settled for the dinner. At the table an eye talk was happening between the sisters.

N : Jass help me

J : Why me

N : Please You are my lovely sis

J : That I am

N : Take my Kheer ( a sweet dish made of rice and milk )

J : I will but won't talk

N : Please

J : No

Mr and Mrs Murthy were keenly observing their eye to eye fight. After sensing that no one will speak Mr Murthy said

NF : Nandini What happened do you want to say something

N : Yes dad mmm No dad I mean yes no yes

NF : Nandini how old are you why are you still afraid of talking comfortably.

N : Dad actually I want to talk about trip

NF : Then talk

N : Dad trip is finalised for Dalhousie

NF : Oh Dalhousie its a nice place

N : Yes dad and as you know its for one day so I and Navya want to go there as its our last chance together during college period

NF : That's true So you can go

N : Thank you so much dad

NF : Its ok child after all its last year so no problem Well when are you guys going

N : This Sunday

NF : Good Wait This Sunday

N : Yes dad

NM : What happened Murthy JI Is there any problem

NF : Actually you guys can't go there I forgot to tell you something

NM : What did you forget?

NF : Actually Today Mr Malhotra called


MF : Hello Mr Murthy how are you?

NF : I am good You tell

MF : I am also fine

NF : That's good

MF : How is my daughter-in-law

NF : She is also good

MF : Nice Actually today I called because I want something from you

NF : What do you want tell me

MF : I will but first you need to promise that you will not feel wrong

NF : That's not But Mr Malhotra you tell me first

MF : Actually yesterday Mukti called me and said she wants to organise a one day picnic to Tiger Falls, Uttarakhand for youngsters of both families. So we were thinking if you can allow Nandini and Jass to join us

NF : But Mr Malhotra how can I let both girls to go alone

MF : Mr Murthy how can they be alone we both are families now so it will be like outing with family. Moreover Mukti and Abhimanyu will be there so they will take care of them.

NF : But if we arrange for all

MF : Actually we want younger clan to be able to open up with each other as in this way only they will feel like family So such fun meets are necessary

NF : That I understand but

MF : No worries Mr Murthy we will take care of them after all they are like our daughters

NF : Ok Then I will tell them When will they go

MF : This Sunday

NF : Ok

MF : Thank You Mr Murthy for understanding


After telling them about his conversation with Mr Malhotra he said

NF : Nandini because of this you have to cancel the trip

N : But dad I have promised Navya that we will go there

NF : I know child but I can't deny them so you have to go

J : Dad I have an idea

NF : And what is that

J : See di wants to go on a trip with Navya di not with her entire class so why don't we take her with us

Jass' This idea gave a hope to Nandini and she started to look her dad with shinning eyes.

NF : I think Jass has made a point with this good idea

NM : Yes Murthy Ji this is quite nice one in this way she can be with Malhotra and also can be able to be with Navya

NF : Now we have to ask her parents

NM : Don't worry I will do that Most probably they will not refuse So we can assume she will come

NF : Ok then I will tell Mr Malhotra about this planning

N : Ok dad and thank you

Then the dinner went peacefully. After dinner Nandini washed dishes and went to her room. On reaching she sat on her bed and called Navya and told everything to her. Navya with this plan got excited and thought it will be happy if Cabir will come. After talking for some more minutes they ended the call. Nandini lied down in her bed and started thinking.

( Nandini's Pov )

Today morning I was very happy thinking about the surprise that Manik has planned for me. Later at the college when formal notice about trip came I was on cloud nine. I and Navya being besties since childhood going to the trip before leaving the college and before my marriage is itself a very exciting thing for both of us. So I hurriedly came back and told mom about it.

When we sat for the dinner mine and Jass' eye talks were going on when dad noticed it. So I somehow gathered the courage and told him. But later he dropped the bomb on me by telling Raj Uncle's plan. Luckily I have my sis who came up with the best idea. Somebody has truly said " Sisters are best in both teasing and helping " and that is the one I have.

Now I understood what surprise Manik was talking about. I surely know this must be his and Cabir's idea but they have made Mukti di a scapegoat in it. But still I think its a nice idea this way we all be able to better understanding and we can adjust with each other.

( Pov End )

She has only ended to think when a call came.

So here it ends for today. An update after a long time. Still want you all to love it as always.

Don't forget to give your most awaited views and vote too.

Will try to give another update before my exams.

Your Writer


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