Chapter 7

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Manik and Nandini are sitting in the garden along with Jass as all the elders have to talk about roka and other marriage related talks so they have asked them to sit outside. Both Manik and Nandini are giving nervous smile to each other and our Jass is just staring the new couple.

Manik is thinking how to start a conversation with Nandini when suddenly Nandini asked Jass to go to her room and prepare for next day's test and she left from there. After Jass left new to be couple left a sigh of relief as they are not in the state to talk in front of Jass. Then Manik thought to initiate the talk so he said

M : Nandini are you comfortable with me as I want to talk with you till the time elders will call us inside as I know our first convo was not a genuine it was just on the decision to get ready on the proposal so I think we can utilise this time to understand each other in a better way

N : Yes we can talk now I am fine

M : See I have already told you that I am a very straight forward person and I always speak what I think so we will do a casual talk instead of talking in a formal way

N : You know I like such people as I am also one of this kind

M : Finally you have spoken some words that you feel in a genuine way

N : Actually I am very cool about my words but it takes me some time to think that with whom I have to behave in which manner

M : Than why don't we now talk properly as from now we have to live a life in the future than why not we start from today

N : OK But you first ask what you want then I will

M : Actually one thing is roaming in my mind from the time you have said yes inside is that when we talked before you didn't show an attitude that you will say yes than what thing changed your mind

N : Actually its something which strike my mind

M( laughing ) : Don't tell that you got impressed with me to a great extent

N : Its not that and don't think that Nandini Murthy can be impressed this easily

M : Ohh I see then what striked in your mind

N : Its you hit the right chord of my brain which is love and respect towards my parents I don't want to ruin their dreams by saying no so I thought if they like you and your family than why don't give this relation a chance

M : So finally you took a right decision for yourself

N : Manik its not for me its just for my parents

This made Manik hurt to some extent

N : Please don't feel hurt because my perspective about marriage will not change this easily

M : Nandini I want to know about your perspective as only then I would be able to keep you happy with this marriage

N : Manik still I don't feel comfortable to tell you this

M : Nandini please

N : Manik please I need some extra time to go with these changes in my life as I am still not confident about my decision

M : Its ok you should take as much time as you want but please tell me whenever you feel comfortable. Now smile please because you look beautiful when you smile

N ( smiled ) : Thanks for the compliment

They both were smiling when elders came to the garden and got happy seeing both smiling with some content. Then Raj said

MF : Manik so have you talked so that you can understand each other more

Hearing Raj's voice both Manik and Nandini stood up from their seats in order to respect their elders

M : Yes dad we had some general talks

MM : Very good children Now main point we have 2 good news for you both

M : And what is that Mom

MM : First you tell which you want to listen first or second

M : Mom don't give choice please tell us we are waiting

MM : Nandini leave Manik you tell which you want to listen first

N : Aunty its ok whichever you want to share

MM : Nandini one thing don't call me aunty call me mom as you are my daughter from now so please behave like my daughter by calling me mom and feeling free to talk to me

N : Ok Mom (Nandini gave a smile)

MM : Very good now choose which good news you want to hear

N( with little smile ) : First one

MM : OK so first one is Panditji has given the date of next 2 days from today for your roka ceremony

M ( after getting a positive reaction from Nandini ) : That's nice mom now please tell the second one

MM : Second is after 5 months from today you both are going to marry

This news made Nandini shocked and she became sad which came into notice by Manik so he composed himself and asked to his mom

M : Mom isn't it too early and I think you could have asked him for a later date

MF : We know Manik but he said we won't get a good time till next 2 years that'swhy we have finalised it

M : Ok dad

MF : Manik we all are going inside you both come fast as we have to leave in next 15 minutes

M : Yes dad we are coming

After listening all the elders came inside to give new couple some time. When elders left Manik turned to Nandini who is on the urge to cry which Manik couldn't handle. So he goes near her and made her sit on the chair and asked her to have some water then he himself got seated and said

M : Nandini if you are not happy then tell me if you want we can delay our marriage I can talk to them

N : No Manik there is no need I am fine don't worry

M : Don't pretend just tell me

N : I am not pretending I am ok its just it will take me some time to go with the flow

M : Are you sure

N : Yes

By saying this Nandini stood up from her seat along with Manik and they both left to go inside.

When they reached inside they see that Malhotras are all ready to leave and Manik also stood besides them. Then both families reached near the gate and both Manik and Nandini took blessings from each other's families' by touching their feet then Malhotras left

As the Murthy's were full with eating snacks so Shanno asked Nandini to go in her room and get some sleep. Then Nandini left for her room and Shanno asked Jass to come in the kitchen and help her in the chores.

This is all about todays update

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