When he reveals the truth

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Chapter five -  When he reveals the truth

I was bewildered hearing him. He just confessed , he loves me. What the actual heck ? Is he mad?

"Muhhmm.. Muhhmm " I tried to speak but my efforts remained unsuccessful  as my arrogant ,rude ,bipolar boss pressed his plam against my mouth. But he seemed to understand my struggle.

"Sorry! " He mumbled and removed his hand off my face. I took a huge breath that has caused due to suffocation.

"WHAT THE HELL SIR? ARE YOU MAD? WHAT AEE YOU DOING? " I shouted on his face, but he didn't bulge an inch. His face was stiff without void of emotions.

"YES, I'M MAD. I'M MAD FOR YOU! " He yelled making me shiver with fear. What is he speaking?

"Sir, what... are you.. saying? Are you in your senses? " I asked trying to get way from him. My whole body is now engulfed with fear. I don't know , but this all feel like a dream. Neil sir could never love me. As per I know he hates me to the core.

"I'm in my senses avni mehta. " he says softly and cupped my cheeks. The stiffness In his face has gone and it's replaced by softness. " I love you. " He stocked my cheeks with his thumb and made me shudder under his touch. Oh my God. What's happening here ? Am I dreaming?

"Is this a dream? " I questioned him. My mind is spinning. I'm unable to understand anything. He's so sweet to me and crying for me but Neil Khanna never cries ,he's arrogant  right?

"This isn't a dream! " He whispers, his thumb traveled down my cheek to the lower lip. He was now rubbing it.

I immediately jerked his hand off. "Are You drunk sir? Why are you touching me? You hate me remember? " I said, anger started to bubble inside of me. This is not a freaking dream. This is reality. He confessing, is true . He touching me , is true.

"I'd never hate you Avni. "
He replies. That made me angered. What did he just say? He Don't hate me ?

"Then what about the four month torture? Huh? First you say words to me and now you say you love me? Is this a joke? "  I yelled on his face and tried to get way before I could he pinned me back again and held my hands above my head, sandwiching me between his muscular body and the wall.

"Sweetie ,listen to me. Please listen to me. " he whispered and held me more tighter . Sweetie?

"Sweetie who sweetie?I'm not sweetie, I'm Avni! Now let me go.... " I wriggled in his arms.

"You're my sweetie! And don't struggle much, I'm not gonna leave you. At least not now. " He said strictly . The creepiness in his eyes and the stern tone by his vocals made me afraid.

"You are misbehaving with me, sir. Let me go. Or else I will shout and call everyone here" I yelled and squirmed.

"No one's gonna hear you. I'm so sorry for doing this,But you have to listen to me." he said.

"Why should I listen to you? " I screamed with tears pouring out of my eyes. I don't know when tears blurred my vision but the entire scenario is making me vulnerable and devastated.

"Please don't cry. I can't see you like this. " He wiped my tears, like he cares for me.

I gritted my teeth.

"You're a physco. Leave me and let me go! " I spat angrily

"I won't leave you. Ever! " He let go of my arms then, he placed his hands on my waist and pulled me to his chest. I held onto his shoulders digging my nails. He hissed but I don't care.

"I'm engaged. I've fiancé. It'd be appropriate if anyone sees us. Now leave me. " I glared at him with red eyes. He seemed taken back.

"What do you mean by engaged? " he questioned dangerously. The softness in his tone was gone completely. I think he's having some serious issues. Why's behaving like this ? I'm going mad.

"Yesterday was my engagement and within three months my marriage and you are invited. Now let me go, I don't have time for your nonsens- " he cuts me off.

"How can you get engaged. " he shouted and banged the wall behind me.

I flinched. My eyes widened with horror.

"You can't marry anyone else rather than me ." he says like a manic , his eyes were red depicting anger and frustration.

"I ...will c...all police. Leave me... you ...physco. you should be in mental asylum.. " I Shuttered, My whole body trembled.

"I'd never leave you. " He says coming closer to me. His eyes were oscillating between my eyes and lips. Frightened, I tried to push him but he didn't bulge.

Suddenly I felt dizzy, my head started spinning. This is all to much for me. Moreover sir's manic behavior is making me go crazy.

"Don't do anything with me.. I will... Call.. Po..po.. " I struggled to speak , but soon every thing blacked out.


I woke up with severe headache. I rubbed my temples and looked at the surroundings only to realise I was on bed in an unknown room. Instantly Fear engulfed me , where I am? did Neil sir kidnap me? I tried to get up from bed but I couldn't. Soon I realised my one hand was cuffed to bed rest.

What the heck! I struggled to get out. Tears blurred my vision, where am I? Why I am hand cuffed ?  

"Thank God,  you're up."  I flinched hearing the sudden voice. I looked up to see Neil sir coming towards me with a tray in his hand.

"Where the heck did you take me Sir ? You kidnapped me? " I shouted with tears.

"Shh! " He pressed his index finger to my lips. "I didn't kidnap you. You fainted in my arms, so I bought you to my home. " he said and sat beside me.

"Drink water, you need it! You look so dehydrated. Are you even taking care of yourself? " he asked.

"I don't want to drink anything. Let me go " I wriggled.

"Drink. Now! " The seriousness in his voice made me gulp. I drank water with my free hand.

"Good! "

"WHY DID YOU HANDCUFF ME? Why did you bought me to your home? Will you rape me?" I asked restless.

He laughed.

He freaking laughed.

"I'm serious. " I yelled.

He didn't reply instead , he took a small key out of his pocket.

"I handcuffed you because I don't want you to run away. I will open cuffs only after you listen to me completely. " he said.

"What should I listen? You ruined my life already! " I sobbed. "You... Just because of you my life is mess.  "

He came closer to me and wiped my tears. "I know, I'm behind your tears. I know your life is messed because of me .! " He said, his voice was barely a whisper.

I stayed silent. He then removed my handcuff and took my hand in his.

"I'm sorry for hurting you. " He mumbled, His eyes shone with unshed tears. "I'm sorry for everything! " he then gently rubbed my bruised wrists that caused due to handcuffs.

I starred at him with shock. The vulnerability that I've witnessed in his eyes pricked my heart.

Is this my boss or clone of him?

"You can leave but before that I want To tell you the truth. " he said, his voice seemed sincere to me.

"What truth? " I asked hesitated.

Neil sir smiled and entwined my palm with his . I tried to take my hand off but he held it tight.

"Don't freak out after listening me okay ?" he laughed softly.

"Why'd I? " I glared at him. What irked me is, his laugh. Here I'm crying, dying inside but he.. Is laughing.

"Avni , do you remember once you attended charity event in NGO? " he questioned.

"Yes, I was a volunteer. " I replied quickly.

"That was the first time I saw you. You were with children, playing and smiling with others. You looked so innocent just like those kids, the instant I saw you I couldn't take my eyes off you. You stole my heart that day itself but I didn't want my feelings to overpower my mind. So left.  " he said.

"What? You were there? " I frowned.

"I didn't, I just came to sign some papers regarding funds. " he answered, I couldn't help but think did he gave funds to NGO?

"And, do you remember your first interview in our company? " he question again.

I nodded, how can I forget. That day was happiest day in my life as I got job in India's best MNC.

"That was the second time I saw you. " he said.

"I was passing through then I saw you sitting in a waiting hall. You were Biting nails like a nervous kid. That was the second time I saw you and I was shocked to see you in my company." he smiled. 

I gasped, My eyes widened with shock.

"Don't ..say you gave me job because you liked me. " I trailed off. No.. This can't be true..

He chuckled. "yeah, your guess was correct. You know, I've never been in a relationship. I don't believe in love but.. From the time I've led my eyes on you, I couldn't help but think about you, your smile, your simpleness. So, I thought the best way to know you would be giving you Job in my company. That's why I intentionally given your desk infront of my cabin so that I can stare you all the day. " he said.

I closed my mouth with my palms. My eyes turned moist. My whole office life is a lie. I didn't get job of my own.

"Then ,why did you scold me on our first meeting? " I managed to ask with tears brimming down my eyes.

"I can't tell you why.. I did all those things.. I can't! " he cried out.

"WHY? " I shouted. "Why did you torture me? If you loved me then you'd never do to me like that! "

Neil sir immediately cupped my cheeks. "I love you more than myself" he said, his hands were shaking.

"Then tell me why did you do that? " I asked softly. "I deserve to know! "

He sighed.

"Avni.. I. I was really not an arrogant person. Circumstances changed me. My mom died when I was five, I used to love her alot. After few months of mom's demise, my dad married another woman. I thought I'd  get motherly affection again but it never happened. The day my stepmother entered ,she started hating me as I was not her blood. Later, after an year my dad died of heart attack leaving me alone with her. From that day ,every thing started. She abused me, tortured me everyday. She home schooled me so that no one can see my dirty bruises. It happened for several years I was silent all time, scared, afraid to speak anything out, she treated me like a slave. But on my 15th birthday.. She. She.. Tired to.. Rape me. That was the limit, before she could do anything more I left that house, city and state. " he said ,his lips were quivering.

If I say, I was shocked would be Underestment. Neil sir, indeed had a bad childhood. Why didn't I see his pain before?

"Then, I promised myself I'd create myself a place in this world. I worked hard day and night , I turned off my emotions completely, I've become a rock by heart because this world is not for innocents. I didn't care about anything , I made so many people cry, I didn't care actually. I turned out to be complete arrogant and I don't feel any shame in it. But when I saw you that day , I felt different from inside like I wanted to know you more. " he continues.

"I... Was confused about my feelings Avni.  I thought I'd make you mine but my past, It didn't let me. I was scared what if you same like that women. I wanted to wipe you off my memory but it was too late you joined in my office. That's why, I scolded you on our first meeting but trust me. I didn't want to so that but I did. " he said.

"I couldn't control my emotions towards you. Every passing day, your antics, your attitude made me feel something different. I learned you are different from others , you have a beautiful heart. But I don't want that, because that could ruin my life again I thought. So, for every small reason, I yelled on you, shouted on you but trust me whenever I did I cried alot than you. It was not easy for me .But that day, I saw you with Karan . You were laughing .Thats it ,I lost my control. I was jealous that you were happy with another man. And I lashed out on you. But I didn't mean anything, I didn't know what I was saying, I spilled all that in anger! "

I stayed silent. I was numb to speak out anything.

"I didn't realised that I hurt you so much with my words . That day, I was in cabin and watched you crying ,wiping tears again and again . My heart pained so much, I wanted to hug you mumbling sorry but again I couldn't. That second, You reminded me of my childhood.  I realised I've been torturing you mentally, the same way my stepmother did to me but physically. When you came to me to submit the file  I wanted to tell you sorry but you left before I.."

"I thought next day, I'd day sorry to you, but you didn't turn up to office . I waited for long time and then I started panicking as I knew you never take leave with out submitting letter, but yesterday you didn't submit anything . I was scared thinking I was responsible for you not coming. I made everyone call you acting I was angry but deep inside I was shit scared. You didn't even lift calls atlast I came to your house  You weren't at home . Dissapointed I left. I texted that message because I thought, after reading . You'd text me something back but you didn't. That night I didn't sleep, I was worried about you that's when I realized I loved you from the deep of my heart. I love you avni. "  he said and wiped the tears.

I was blank by then. The relavtion was too much, he intentionally hurt me. I know he had bad past but he can't do that with me.

"So, you hired me to hurt me?. " I asked with tears welling up.

"Avni, no..I'm sorry.  I didn't realise it. I don't have anyone to tell me what's wrong and what's right. " he cried.

"I understand you had really bad past but what did I do inbetween?" I weeped, he did everything intentionally.

"I'm sorry.. Please don't leave me. I can't live without you. You have become my only world. No one knows about my past, I didn't had courage to tell anyone but see I told you that's the impact you have on me " He exclaimed.

"It's too late sir, now I've a fiancé. " I said emotionless.

"Avni.. Please.. Say you will give me a chance then I will do anything for you. " he pleaded.

"Leave me please. Whatever you did in past is enough, I think I won't able to bear anything in future. You played with me. You made me cry, mentally hurt. What do you think I will give you chance? Never. " I yelled.

"Avni, I repent everything. Please give me a chance! "

"I can't betray my family, my fiance. So, it's better you leave me sir! " I said sternly.

We both sat at silence. No one uttered a word. What ever happened, it's all Neil sir's fault. Just because he had bad past, he played with my emotions. Now, I've fiancé and my family who loves me so much. That's enough, I don't need anything.

"I will drop you at home. " he whispered after sometime.

I nodded but stayed silent. I didn't want to talk with him. Sure, my perspective about him have changed a bit, he's not what he shows outside ,but he's still arrogant.

"I know, I'm not in a position to ask but will you tell me the name of your fiancé. " his question made me wonder.

I glared at him. "Why? "

"Nothing, just want to know who's the lucky guy that is going to marry my first love." he smirked , trust me that smirk looked dangerous.

As its a Long chapter, it took a while to update moreover last night, I slept while writing lol.

What do you think about Neil? Haha, everyone thought it's Avni's dream lol.

And, Next chapter is the last chapter🙈. Do vote, comment and follow.

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