When I Meet him

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Chapter one - When I meet him

Avni's Pov -

Today is the day, I'm going to join khanna industries which is the only one MNC (Multi national company ) that hired me after attending god knows how many interviews.
I admit ,I've always not been good with English and communication but my grades were opt and I think that's the only reason they hired me as a office clerk.

My name is Avni Mehta , Daughter of asish and Neela mehta. I'm from middle class family. Dad is a government employee while mom is a house maker . Even though dad works in government institution his salary is less so, sometimes we have  financial problems but my parents they never forced me to work as they have little  orthodox thinking but, I'm also stubborn enough to tackle their mindset and boom now, I'm here standing in front of the 40 floored glass building that's, Khanna industries.

I looked at the building, it is huge and beautiful,I'm sure inside would be breathing taking. I sighed, looking at my confirmation letter. I'm glad I've got job in such a big and best company .Nevertheless, I'm still in wounder how did they even hired me after observing my communication skills ?  Because cooperate sector works on communication right? Especially Khanna industries .

Shrugging negative thoughts, I walked inside of the office towards the receptionist.

"Excuse me, " I whispered lowly to the receptionist who is apparently busy with some paper work.

"Yes, " She replied still working, she didn't even lift her head to see me. How rude?

"Umm, New joining! "  I said and placed my appointment letter on table straight in front of her.

She glanced the paper tip to toe and then called someone through phone. Few minutes later a girl came to me. She looked so posh, her face was iced with wake up and her appearance Gosh, now I feel like low class kid wearing kurthi.

"Follow me " Makeup girl said pulling me out of my thoughts. I nodded following her to the lift.

After few minutes, we reached into 40th floor. Like seriously? 40th floor? Everyday I've to come to this floor. Damn!

We both walked out of the lift. I looked surroundings only to gasp hard. It was beautiful, everything was arrangeed properly yet neatly and pin drop silence was maintained.

"You're so unlucky to get desk in front of the boss cabin. " Make up girl smirked pointing towards my desk.

I frowned and soon realized I've my desk exact infront of the boss cabin.

Oh God, now my privacy is snatched.  I can't even nap in between. I've such a bad luck.

"Is boss here? " I asked as I couldn't see inside of boss cabin but I'm damn sure he could see us.

"Nope, he's in business meeting and yes, let me warn you he doesn't like late comers, irresponsible behavior, pending work ,liars.So ,be careful and do work if you don't want to be victim of sir's anger. " she says, her voice was like a warning.

"I will be careful. " I gulped. I've never seen my boss or head of Khanna industries. My interview was taken by some other person. On interview day, Everyone talked about him, they even told me he works here as this was the main branch so, we should be careful with work.

"Good, now I will send someone to train you for today. From tomorrow you'd be working. " she said and was about Togo, I stopped her.

"Sissy what's your name? " I asked as I don't want to call her makeup girl for the rest of my life.

"None of your business. " She spat angrily and left.

I was dumbfounded, Gosh! This makeup lady is trash. Doesn't even know how to speak with others ugh! I hate her already.

Later, a girl named Priyanka came to me and told me about the work I've to do . Slowly I didn't realize when the clock stricked five and to my surprise I didn't get to see my boss. He didn't come to his cabin today and I wondered why?


Next day, my second day.  I came to office on time and started doing my work as Priyanka insisted me. It was past 10o'clock suddenly everyone stood up from their seats as I heard shuffling of chairs and after few seconds I heard chants of good morning.

Confused I looked up to see a handsome yet mesmerizing man walking towards my boss cabin.

Hey, don't tell me he's my boss. Shit!

I was starring at him with open mouth. He was breathtakingly handsome in navy blue colored blazer. I couldn't stop myself checking him out. he was so hot. Damn!. I was still in my seat looking at him, I lost my senses. It was the first time I've ever seen such a sexy man. Yesterday, When my colleagues told me about his looks I didn't believe them but now.

OMG! I think , I got crush on him. Maybe be love at first sight. Oh my God, thinking about him being my husband is such a beautiful dream. Awie!

I was day dreaming about him, I know but can't help with it. He's so handsome just like a celebrity.

Suddenly I felt someone poking my shoulder.

"What? " I snapped annoyed looking at Priyanka who's standing beside my desk.

"Boss! " She whispered lowly,pointing to someone.

My eyes widened. Shit! I'm gone.

Okay, I've chosen death by starring at him. Yesterday, my colleagues also told me to be aware of boss as he is the definition of arrogance and coldness. But, still I choose to stare him ,day dream about him.

I gulped slightly before I turned around to see my hot, sexy boss standing in front of my desk. He was looking at me coldy.

"Where are your manners? " Sir asked , his eyes were blazing fire.

"Sir.. I... " I was shuttering to answer anything. The office was pin drop silent and everyone was looking at us.

"I'm sorry sir!. " I whispered looking down. It's all my fault I shouldn't have think like that after all he's my boss. For a minute I didn't get any reply from him.

Confused, I lifted up my face up only to witness sir starring at my chest. I gasped, Why he's looking at my body ? I thought .

"Sir... " Sir interrupts me.

"Avni mehta, on second day itself you were so irresponsible? Don't you think you should at least greet the person who gives you salary? " Sir said sarcastically , I couldn't help but think how does he know it's my second day?

"I'm sorry. " is only I can speak out because, my heart was thumping hard and I could feel it. This is my second day and I really made good impression.

"I don't need your sorry, you deserve punishment for such an act. " he exclaimed. My eyes widened, what? Punishment seriously? I'm not a kid? 

"Sir -- "

"Priyanka, " he called no.. Shouted who trained me and told her to give me extra work as punishment. I was still in shock unable to understand anything.

"THANK YOUR STARS THAT I'M NOT FIRING YOU. " Sir screamed at me. His face was red with anger.

I starred at him with horror. How can he lash out for such a small thing? "


Omg he knows, he caught me staring. My eyes welled up,but I didn't cry.   he was doing all this infront of all the staff. I felt humiliated. He's so heartless. How can he say like that in front of everyone? I know I had a fault but he can scold me in private right?

"Am I clear? " He roared.

I nodded.

"Words! " Sir shouted. I fliched.

"Yes sir, " I chocked out.

That's it, he left like nothing happened. I saw him moving to his cabin, his face had a stern look.

"Don't cry, seriously he gave you small punishment. " Priyanka said pating on my shoulder.

"He's arrogant. How can he say like that in front of everyone ? " I sniffed wiping my tears. I'm so sensitive by heart and he's making it worse.

"Indeed, but now don't cry or else he will fire you. He doesn't like who cry!" She says.

"Did anyone cry before? " I asked with amusement.

"Alot people did, he is so ruthless. He fire then from Job for small reasons moreover it's normal for us to watch someone getting scoldings from him, don't feel humiliated, he scolded alot of people." She says.

I nodded.

"By the way, you were checking him out ? " She smirked.

I coughed, "No.. I wasn't! " I mumbled, my cheeks heated red with embarrassment. Why does he have to tell everyone that I starred at him?

"Don't take sir word's seriously. He's like that cold and strict. Now get back to work. You have alot., " Priyanka exclaims.

I nodded and looked at my boss cabin with angry eyes.

"Neil Khanna, My arrogant boss! "

A simple love story and this whole book would be in Avni's Pov. Drop your views and tell me what do you think.

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