Cubhood Finished

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It's done! I kinda messed up on the background but I don't really care. :/

Characters Fang and Echo (Cubs in foreground) belong to makayIaspratt and Kifa (background) is mine.

Anyways, story time!

Fang bounded ahead.
"Hurry up, you two!" He cried over his shoulder.
A small white cub with grey markings was racing behind him.
Fang raced ahead before skidding to a halt beside a cherry tree.
"I won!" He cried, prancing around the tree.
The white and grey cub stopped beside him.
"No fair! You got a head start!" She growled.
"You snooze, you lose, Echo!" Fang teased.
Echo sighed before looking at the cherry tree.
"Wow. You were right, Fang, it's huge!"
The bushes behind them rustled and a small head poked out.
"Guys, we're not supposed to be here," the small cub whined, creeping out of the bush.
"Oh, come on Kifa, you never have any fun," Echo teased.
"Yes I do," Kifa retorted. "And getting go to trouble because we snuck out is NOT my idea of fun!"
"Don't worry, I've done this a THOUSAND times," Fang said, climbing onto the lowest branch of the tree.
"All the more reason we'll get into trouble!"
"Relax, Kifa. Did you really want to sit inside and listen to Saran lecture us about etiquette all day?" Echo said.
Kifa sighed. "Well, n-no, not really."
"Exactly, so why don't you have a little fun?"
Kifa flicked her tail and sighed again. "Fine, we can stay out here and frolic about, but please can we go back before sundown?"
"Of course," Echo said, smiling.
Kifa laughed. "Well in that case," she said, crouching down. She wriggled her hind quarters before leaping forward.
"RAARGH!" She cried, pinning Echo.
Echo laughed and threw her off, before racing away. Fang leapt from the tree branch and joined in the chase.
Echo raced forward onto the ice and skidded across it.
"Haha, you can't catch me, for I am Echo, the fastest fo-"
Echo was cut off by a huge crack. She froze, fear flashing in her eyes. The ice beneath her was cracking.
"K-Kifa, Fang, h-help," she squeaked, her voice shrill with fear.
Fang stopped at the edge of the river, worry and anxiety flooding through him. Kifa gasped as the crack deepened.
"P-please, help, please!" Echo squeaked.
Fang looked at Echo, then the ice. He took a deep breath and stepped onto the lake.
"Fang, no!" Kifa cried.
Fang looked at Echo, who was staring at the swirling black water beneath her.
"Echo," he said calmly.
Echo continued to stare at the ice.
"Echo look at me."
She looked up at Fang.
"Good, good, look at me Echo. Now, carefully, take a step forward."
"I-I can't." Echo squeaked.
"Yes, you can."
Echo closed her eyes and took at small step forward. The ice remained silent.
Fang nodded.
"Good, now take another."
Echo did and the ice didn't change.
She took another.
She took another.
Echo carefully crawled across the ice until she reached the edge. Her eyes were open and she was smiling in relief.
"Good, now just one more."
Echo stepped forward and an ear-splitting crack rang out.
"ECHO, JUMP!" Fang screamed.
Echo leapt and landed on the shore just as the ice cracked, shattering like glass. A huge swirling hole of black water was revealed.
Echo lay on the bank, shivering. Fang curled up beside her.
"It's ok. You're safe." He said softly.
Echo shook harder and began to cry.
"I-I-I c-could've d-d-d-die-died," she stuttered, still crying.
Fang wrapped his tail around her. Kifa curled up next to Echo trying to calm her down. Kifa looked at Fang. Fang looked at her and sighed.
"We should go home now."
"How will we get across the river?"

This is really bad but I don't care.
I wanted to highlight how close and caring Fang was towards his siblings.

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