more tags because apparently im becoming famous-

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1. Give 2 facts about yourself

Ummmm when I listen to songs, I don't actually sing the melody, like, ever, I harmonize. It's very fun, and I don't exactly know how, I just sing and it fits

I have a ridiculously high IQ. I don't know why I'm saying this, but it's a fact that a lot of IRL people don't know about me, so there yah go. Sometimes it's great, sometimes it sucks. Phsyc2Go actually did a really good video on things that highly intelligent people struggle with, so that was nice. :) Don't worry, I promise I'm not boring. I'm far too chaotic for that.

2. Do you like someone?

... Nah. I would love to be in a relationship, but I'm not old enough yet, I don't know anyone I would be happy to date here in my country and to be honest, I've never been in love so I don't really know what I'm doing. I just imagine it when I write, and I'm more focused on my life now rather than what I wish it were. I'm going to get married, I know I am, but that's still a while away.

3. Do they like you back?


4. Do you play an instrument?

Si, piano, tuned and untuned percussion, I sing and I'm learning ukulele and kind of violin, though violin is really tricky. I can also kind of play flute, but my mum's a flute teacher, so that's why. We have many flutes at home.

5. What's your nickname?

I have many. On here it's Evie, Frosty and Baby Frost, in real life it's- lol yeah no name reveals, but my dad does call me Monkey Boy. He never had sons and I love bananas and I climbed on literally everything, so... actually he doesn't remember why he started calling me that. My sisters also call me Schmoob, and I've had someone call me Toad.

6. What do you hate about a person?

People who have no regards for other people's feelings. Everything is on them and their benefit that they can't even see what other people are feeling, or why they act the way they do because they have zero empathy and just judge them because they don't understand. Of course, if there's are literal mental disorder that's stopping them from being empathetic, that's different, but the people who are plain narcissistic and can't think about others feelings really bug me, probably because we're polar opposites.

7. What's your lock screen? 

8. What's your home screen?

(I chose that song for a reason)

9. Favourite part about yourself?

My eyes, which are a really pretty greeny-hazel that I love, though they are absolute trash and you will often say that I hate my eyes because Usher Syndrom II sucks, and my mind. I think I love it because it's so different and complex and amazing, because its literally a lump of slimy flesh with electricity in it, and yet I can do so many amazing things. I'm not trying to be self-absorbed, I just think that it's incredible how my mind processes music and creates paracosms and it's really amazing to me. I love it because I guess it also helps shape my personality and who I am. It's a part of me that I will always cherish, and it's always been there to keep me company. I don't know how to explain it, but it's a magical place.

10. Show your face

lol its legit my pfp-

(Also anyone wanting to know what Evelyn Parker looks like, this is it.)

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