Im lmao

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Okay so you guys know the bully? Well idk if I told y'all but she/he/they stole art and naturally I commented on their book page where they said to go and report my friend because 'she stole art and was a bully' ((even tho she did nothing)) because they were:

1. Being a bully to my good friend
2. Steeling art

So I commented saying, "Honey I think that's you. You're the one steeling art but I really admire how you like people's art enough to steel it. Maybe you could be kind enough to not bully or Steele people's art! Thanks!

They responded by calling me a bitch and stuff which I took nicely considering I am one. I took no offense to it what so ever. They called me a whore or a skank ((idk which one)) and stuff like that. ((Don't ever call someone a skank that's rude af, no matter who it is. Is probably one of the worst things you could call someone))

They were rude to everyone who stuck up for her. I will admit that people did take it too far. He said he was 28, the son of Xi Jinping ((President of China)), had three jobs, (cop, working for Obama, and co owning Wattpad)) and I kindly ((well idk if you could say kindly but I was not really rude about it)) pointed out his lies.

Here is some of the comments I left. You'll see that they don't have any considering they deleted them. Which is probs for the best cuz they were rude af.

I'm kissa_ble

Where I apologized ((and someone who took it too far- don't harass them))

Where I pointed out his lies

Where I stood up for Drawn

They called Drawn a bad artist and stuff like that so I responded with the following^^

I have 4 of the zodiacs done.

I'm working on Pisces

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