Garett From Thief

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So I actually stumbled on this game completely. I was at GameStop and they had this game for I think $10. (At this time I had recently gotten a new PS4 so this was one of the first games I got for it.) So I said heck and grabbed it.

Well, I was very surprised by the game itself and I ended up loving it. I beat it in two days and replayed it another time. I found it very fun in my opinion. Then I was like well I want to draw the protagonist's face.

It was a bitter defeat for me to try so three years have gone by and the other day I was like hey I want to draw it! So I did.

This first picture isn't good because I didn't have the reference photo in front of me. Ya know not allowed to have phone in class rule. But this was what I thought was really good without looking at the photo. The shading is really light. (Again no reference photo).

So I took it home and worked more on it where I can have a phone and looked at the photo.

It took me an hour to fix all of his facial features that were wrong. *cough* lips and eyes. Then I darkened the areas where I already had lightly shaded. Ugh work.

Another three days later I worked on it more. Most at home and some school when I could look at the photo which saved to my school device. So guess who drew more in math rather than pay attention? ME! Yet I feel no shame.

In this picture. I have shaded the majority of his hood. You are probably wonder why there is a bunch of blank white areas. Well, those are his highlights from the light in the photo. I sketched out the highlights so I can later go back through and shade them. Now I have to do that stupid scarf thing around his neck which is going to take more time.

So it is all drawn out and the different shades are in the correct place. Now I have to get my paper stump and blend. This took maybe and hour to figure out the scarf and the lines on it. The scarf was a little harder because the shading for it was light on the right side.

So after another thirty minutes or so I blended it all together. You can't see it very well in the photos because my phone camera has low definition to pictures. It looks better in person. I did the different angles because there was a bit of a glare. Plus I wanted you to see maybe even a tiny bit of the smoothen lead. Now I did use a reference photo.

Now of course mine isn't going to look as good because I didn't add color and the drawing is close to the picture but if you put them side by side you can see the difference. As well I didn't add color to mine and its not done digitally. But this is one of the longest pieces of art I have every done. I say around a total of 5-7 days. Usually I spend 1 hour-3 days on a drawing. So I am quite impressed and I think I put in the effort. (A lot)....

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