Inktober Day 30

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I'm really hyped for the last day of Inktober. Sadly, I wasted a lot of my energy on this one.

Hopefully I can keep my energy and do the last day with excellency. 

The prompt was Catch.

This was actually hard to come up with an idea.

When I did, I inked it all and it all looked cramped together. You couldn't tell what was what.

So I colored it.

The picture shows three individuals getting ready to ambush a dragon. What happens afterward? I don't know.

I though of writing a small story to go with the drawing. I decided not to because I think you (the reader) wouldn't want to read a long story. Plus, I think I don't want to write it.

It was a fun drawing. I did the poses all by myself! I have been trying to do that more in my drawings, if you didn't notice.

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