Last Chapter!

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I don't think I am going to stick any art in this chapter.

This is mainly like a thank you/ good bye/ look out for next art book kind of thing.

Alright first!

If you have been here since the beginning or have read my beginning chapter, I want to thank you for sticking around so long to see my art progress and seeing myself expand in the world of art.

When I was first posting this up, I was really nervous. I mean REALLY nervous. I had so many fears putting my art out here and having people see it.

But after all the lovely supporting comments, I have gained a small confidence about my art on the internet.

I was really scared of getting on here and getting hate comment or having someone steal my art. BUT! Thanks to you guys, you have helped me realize that maybe the art world isn't as mean as I thought.

The goodbye!

I'm not leaving Wattpad. I'm just saying goodbye to all you wonderful readers of this Art Book. I hope to see you guys in the next one! I hope that I can get even better in my next art book!

So with all that being said! Thanks for reading! See you next time!

- Dragonclaws2

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