A Good Ghostie Boi

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So hi yeah life is happening bla bla bla HERES A GHSOT BOI


His hands are literally so hard I almost died, and his eyes, BUT EHWHAJEIGHEKRNXIW KEJSHDICNRUSWJOFBS IT LOOKS SO GOOD! (Obviously I don't hate this yet) I wanted accurate colors so I totally took screenshots from google and color dropped them but also??? I didn't have a human figure for refrence??? For some reason I need references for the human body for literally eVeryone eXcePt Danny, Danny I can just whip up a position and it's good, but anyone else I need to trace something. Smh. BUT YEAH THERES NO TRACING HERE, FOR ONCE ITS AAAALLLLL ME!

I was actually trying to make a cute lil Danny but then I doodled this position and I was like 'WeLp hEcK it I'm doing this large and detailed now' like I do with most things lol. I should actually try to make something non detailed one of these days, try to simply or whatever.

Anyway! That's all I've got, tho I've got a few kitties (SofieButterfly) and an angry Flashdemon in the works! Expect those sometime in the next 5 years. XD

Okay prolly not that long

BUT HEY I WATCHED I AM LEGEND FOR THE FIRST TIME AND FRICK NUGGETS I HAVE AN AU. I didn't draw it but I figured you guys might be interested anyway, it's not exactly original of course. So in I Am Legend there's a virus that breaks out that was supposed to cure cancer, instead it makes zombies WOOT WOOT. Now these zombies are supposedly disfunctional humans who are wAy too hot (internal temperature) and eat flesh and cant go out in the sun (they bUrn) and spread by biting yada yada yada.

SO the AU is basically Talons are the zombies and all the bois are Talons. Bruce takes the role of the main character from the movie (Robert... whatever his last name is— played by Will Smith) (also I am nOt going to be talking about the dog) he's trying to find a cure and stuff. Except this is also a no capes AU, Bruce took after his dad doing pharmaceutical stuffs and he be a big brain boi. Everyone is there however, Dami, Tim, Jason, and Dick. They're all Talons, Dick was the first to go, having been a police officer that went down with the first wave. Jason was next and Bruce was actually on the phone with him so he literally heard Jason go Talon (not unlike Bruce being seconds late to the warehouse) (lol just cuz it's an AU don't mean I'm throwing out Batfam plot devices). Tim and Dami however are the wild cards cuz Bruce doesn't know them. They're also the first KID Talons Bruce has seen, all other kids have been eaten or just plain dead (or if they survive they're with their parents and or other humans who take care of them) point being Bruce has only ever seen adult Talons but now there's these tWo kIddos and Bruce is like '??????' So he sets up a trap.

Dami gets caught in the trap but the other bro's are like 'okay yeah nOt having aNy of thAt' so they try to free Dami but Bruce is intrigued by the behavior so he sleepy-gas bombs all of them to take them home (forgetting he only has oNe cell in the cave he turned into a lab under his house).

Also a note about these AU Talon/Zombies. Like the original they're pretty mindless and eat flesh and want to spread to every human and stuff. However instead of being burned by the sun they are actually burned by the cold, so Bruce can only go out at night when the Talons are not active and he observes them during the day when they are. They of course have Talon attributes, enhanced pretty much everything and the yellow eyes and dead skin stuff. Ima keep their hair tho, the original zombies didn't have hair.

So anyway Bruce brings them in and he takes samples of their blood cuz he likes to know who these ppl are and of course cure experimenting. Dami is a Wayne, just not Bruce's son, he's like a far relative. Tim is just his neighbors kid but he pretty much looses it when he realizes the other two are Jason and Dick. So now he reAlly wants a cure and he thinks the bond his sons have with the Talon kiddos is somehow a part of that cuz he's literally never seen it before and maybe his kids are still in there and all he has to do is bring them out again. Cue long arse recovery fic which I have no details for except it ends happily.

The End

YUP so that may or may not (prolly not) become an actual fic, maybe for fun that I'll update when I don't have to care about plot and can just do whatever.


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