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So, I've taken to drawing heads (shocker ik) and I started with Wally. Considering the chapter is called BatbOis you can conclude the rest of the heads are not Wally.

But Wally is the first, then it goes Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian. Note they get better as time goes on, so the first threeish I think are terrible and lack life, but here goes.

I had to get like three references, and uGh I wanna re-do it cuz it looks so bAd

Tbh he looks sick. He's a vampire. Idk, he's got zero color. But I do like his eyes and hair, for some reason the hair gets lighter from here.

Ok I REALLY like his eyes tho, and yeh it's pre-death Jason so Yeet smol (angry) bean!

Timmyyyyy tbh you're kinda lacking the color like Dick, but you're also the hardcore introvert so yeah, ya pale bean. In all honesty I'm not sure what his face is trying to say, it's like a mix of 'wtflip' and 'I'm being sarcastic' and 'I'm slightly amused but also slightly worried' and 'I might be drunk' so if anyone's got a word for all of that I'm all ears.

Dammmiiiiii, he's the most recent, and the best in my opinion, also cuz I fiNaLy gOt his hAiR riGhT, jeez out of all the batbois Dami's hair is the hardest for me. Also I gave him freckles, sue me he's adorable.

Also there's this thing I drew/sketchied


I did NOT have a reference.


Tbh I impressed myself with those legs, his legs are sO hArD, and the mask, I had to redo the mask like three times. (Which is a lot less than the usual 20ish times)

Anyway, TADAAAAA!!!

Anyone wanna guess???? Gueseessssss who it isssssss

It's Jasssoonnnn

I might have a plethora of batcat sketches.

But in other news, uh, teaser? Coming soon?

I actually did this awhile ago tbh, I could do better now but eh.

It's gunna be colored hehe.

That's all for now folks!

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