Some rando stuffs I found and some Portfolio stuffs

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Yeah I'm moving, which is why nearly all my stories have been temporarily stopped, but here's some art that was dug up!

This one is probably more recent, considering it's female, and it's actually me? So self portrait? Yeh

This one took forever, it was school assignment, but I liked how it turned out. I love acrylic paints, but the purple wasn't acting like acrylic so it was super frustrating but I got it to work eventually.

Here's something recent, super recent actually:

It's a drago, obviously, lol,

His name is Drake.

Not unlike a certain bat child.



(These are Breadth pieces) (some won't be here cuz they're physical, but I'll try to get a pic in somewhere)

This was a required piece, called Inside/Outside. I wasn't super gun ho about this prompt, but uh, it takes a bit of interpreting but yeah, inside outside.

I did not name this one, it's just a planet with a satellite, if you can tell it's not our earth cuz it's the wrong continents.

This one is a bit more of just color theory, and I had fun drawing it. Colors are funnnnnn!!!

Frick Yeah I love this one, it's called Two Steps, cuz it's the top part of the Two Steps From Hell logo, my favorite band. If you haven't listened to it yet you haven't lived, I recommend One Million Voices and Flight Of The Silver Bird, El Dorado, and basically the entire Sun album. It's classical music, e p i c classical music. You. Will. Not. Regret. It.

So this up coming section of the chapter will be my concentration, my concentration half is very unfinished and only has 5 of 12 pieces. It didn't help we were given one school year to do two school years worth of work, so I feel justified, but at the same time horribly horrible because everyone else was totally able to get everything done.

Anywho, let's not talk about my crippling self-esteem issues. My concentration's theme was everyday superheroes. Now this might be pretty simple but the art is definitely telling of the super bit of the every day hero. Most people imagine every day superheroes as superheroes themselves without anything aiding them, and I agree, but, if they DID have superpowers, this is what they would have.



I have others but they aren't loading for some reason, maybe I hit the pic limit, but point is that's all for now!!

(The fireman is my favorite one)

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